Sure enough, it’s not that simple!
“It’s just that the video of the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi changing from a high school student to a primary school student is about to spread all over the world.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
When You Xizi heard this, his face immediately turned pale.
Of course she knew the importance of that video!
Once announced, there will be countless troubles coming to your door.
It is precisely because of knowing this that they didn’t even tell Police Officer Megure about the video of Xinyi shrinking.
At present, only she, her husband, and Dr. A Li know about it.
“Mr. Kidnapper, you said that after taking the money, you released Shinichi’s…” You Xizi bit her lip unwillingly.
Yukiko is really good at it.
As long as Guan Zu has a bit of dog-licking attributes, he will soften his heart at this moment.
Fortunately, he is a straight man with terminal cancer.
“Yes. You can take Kudo Shinichi away at any time. But I never said, I will delete the video~.” Guan Zu said jokingly.
The video he sent to Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko never said that he would delete the video.
“Mr. Kidnapper, I’ll give you another 10 million mijin, can you delete Shinichi’s video? Help us keep this a secret?” Youxizi begged.
Guan Zu took a small sip of the red wine in his glass.
“Nearly seven billion… It’s enough for my whole life~!” Guan Zu completely ignored You Xizi’s pitiful eyes.
“Then what… are you willing to delete the video and help us keep the secret?” You Xizi’s heart fell to the bottom.
She had a vague premonition.
“Miss Yukiko, I’m actually your fan. It’s not impossible to delete your son’s video and keep a secret for you.”
“It’s just that it depends on what price you are willing to pay for it.””What do you say~?”
Guan Zu tilted the goblet slowly, and poured the remaining red wine on himself.
15. You Xizi with a complicated heart (5 for collection!)
Cozy, very comfortable.
Emperor Wu of Wei still had vision.
Compared with little girls, married women are a bit older.
But there is an advantage, that is, it can do anything.
You don’t need to teach, know when to do what, the other party will even take the initiative to guide you.
Of course, the premise is to be beautiful.
Simply being old doesn’t have any advantages.
After a few hours.
Guan Zu put away his phone and put on his clothes.
The two had a very memorable time, which was recorded by him on his mobile phone.
It can be collected as a souvenir in the future.
“Miss Yukiko, you did a good job, I am very satisfied.”
“Don’t worry, I will not disclose the video of Kudo Shinichi changing from a high school student to an elementary school student.”
“I’m a gangster with professional ethics. You can trust me in this.” Guan Zu put on the body armor and put on a coat outside.
“Mr. Kidnapper, I hope you can really keep your promise!” You Xizi sat up with a tired face.
“Of course, you can always trust my promise~!” Guanzu looked down at Yukiko in front of him.
“Hurry up and save your son, he is about to wake up.”
“By the way, tell your husband not to try to track me down. Otherwise, I don’t mind kidnapping that high school detective again.” Guan Zu threatened again.
“I will pass on your words to him.” You Xizi looked at Guan Zu with complicated eyes.
It stands to reason that she should hate the kidnapper in front of her to death.
Not only kidnapped his own son, but also extorted a huge sum of 50 million rice gold.
Now he is threatening himself with Xinyi’s secret.
This is a complete asshole.
But in the past few hours, her mind has been blank.
No energy to hate at all.
There is a good saying, the closest channel to a woman’s heart is the woman’s… ahem.
The key is that the kidnapper is also very handsome.
Although the kidnapper had been wearing a mask, she couldn’t fully see his appearance.
But just the lower half of his face not covered by the mask, it can be seen that this is a handsome guy!
If the upper half of his face is not disfigured, then this kidnapper can definitely enter the entertainment circle and become an idol if he shows up!
Yukiko’s heart is very complicated.
Hate, there must be some.
Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will hate it.
But apart from hatred, there was still an indescribable feeling in her heart.
It’s weird.
“Then Miss Yukiko, see you by fate~!”
After finishing speaking, Guan Zu possessed himself, lowered his head and gently tapped Yuxizi on the cheek.
Then he turned and left.
He will not come to this apartment in the future.
It didn’t cost much anyway.
After Guan Zu left.
Yukiko hurriedly took a shower, then put on her clothes, took the room card, and ran to the nearby police booth for help.
Her mobile phone, wallet, and even all the jewelry on her body were thrown away by the kidnappers.
The only way is to contact Yusaku Kudo through the police patrol and ask him to pick him up.
As for Shinichi.
Shinichi’s body has turned into a child, and Officer Megure and others must not see it.
I can only pick it up later by myself.
It was already late at night, and Yusaku Kudo had already returned home.
But he didn’t sleep, but sat alone in the study, recalling everything about today.
He had to save his wife and children.
Bet on the name of Yusaku Kudo! !
Jingling bell~!
The phone rings.
Yusaku Kudo thought it was a kidnapper when he saw it was an unfamiliar call, so he answered it without hesitation.
“Honey, it’s me. There’s no one around you right now?” You Xizi asked.
She was worried that Officer Megure was still with Yusaku, and when she went to pick up Shinichi, she would definitely be discovered by Officer Megure.
“No one, I’m back. Where are you now? Are you okay?” Kudo Yusaku asked with concern.
When the Coast Guard salvaged the sunken car, they found that there was no one in the car, and the aluminum alloy box containing the money was also missing.
He knew that You Xizi must still be alive.
Kudo Yusaku just doesn’t know whether the purpose of the kidnappers taking Yukiko away is for money or for…
But no matter what, Yukiko can call him now, which is good news.
“I’m fine. If you’re at home, I’ll take a taxi home. We’ll talk about other things when we get back.” Youxizi said.
“Okay, be careful on the road, I’ll wait for you at home.”
Originally, Yukiko planned to ask Yusaku Kudo to pick her up.
But since Yusaku Kudo is at home, she might as well take a taxi home.
When you get home, just go back and get the money to the taxi driver.
I didn’t take a taxi directly to go home before because I had nothing on me, including the keys to the house.
Yukiko hails a taxi.
Soon, the driver took her home.
Yusaku Kudo has been standing by the window waiting.
Seeing Yukiko coming back, she immediately came out to greet her.
Just seeing the clothes on Yukiko, Yusaku Kudo’s eyelids twitched.

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