Xiao Ai is still counting on Guan Zu for protection.
Without Guan Zu’s protection, Xiao Ai would be discovered by the organization soon.
Even if Xiao Ai has learned to disguise herself now, she will be safer with the protection of her ancestors.
A female detective came in front of Akemi Miyano and was about to pull her cheek.
“No need, arrest me.” Miyano Akemi directly raised her hands to let the criminal police in front of her arrest her.
The three detectives looked at each other, and they all saw surprises in each other’s eyes!
They were just holding the mentality of giving it a try, but they didn’t expect to catch a robber! !
The three immediately reported the situation.
The Miyamoto police department is also very excited, there are really robbers hiding in the hostages! !
He quickly ordered that every hostage must be carefully checked!
Never miss anyone!
the other side.
When the inspection team walked into the room where Makoto Asai was concerned, and began to identify the hostages by pulling their cheeks.
The two of them realized that they were going to suffer!
Akemi Miyano is going to be exposed! .
163. Xiao Ai: Please bring my sister back (please subscribe!)
Miyano Akemi was taken away by the police.
As for Guan Zu and Asai Makoto, they were all released by the police along with the others.
“Zu, Machiko was taken away by the police, what should we do now?” Asai honestly looked at Guan Zu.
She has lived with everyone for such a long time, and she has long had feelings for her.
She has treated everyone as family.
Now that Miyano Akemi is being taken away by the police, she is naturally very nervous.
They can’t enjoy themselves outside and let Akemi Miyano spend in prison alone, right?
That is too cruel!
Now I can only rely on Guan Zu to make up my mind.
“Let’s go home first.” Guan Zu’s expression was not very good.
He also did not expect that Miyano Akemi would be arrested by the police.
However, this was a negligence in his plan. He did not expect that the police would pull faces to confirm the identities of hundreds of hostages.
It is undeniable that this was indeed his negligence.
He will definitely rescue Miyano Akemi.
The two took a car and went back together.
Makoto Asai went back to her honesty clinic first, then headed next door through the underpass.
Guan Zu went straight home.
As soon as he opened the door, he saw Hui Yuanai sitting alone in the living room.
“elder sister!”
Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hui Yuanai hurriedly got up to greet her.
But only Guan Zu entered the house alone, and closed the door.
“Where’s my sister…? Oh, she went shopping, right?” Hui Yuanai asked Guan Zu with an unnatural expression.
Obviously, she didn’t want to believe that her sister hadn’t come back.
“Machiko was arrested by the police. But don’t worry, I will get her out.” Guan Zu went straight to the basement with a gloomy face.
Hui Yuanai stayed where she was.
Sister was arrested? ?
How could this be?
Hui Yuanai’s feet went limp, and she fell down on the sofa.
Now all she can think of is what Guan Zu said just now.
‘Machiko was arrested by the police…arrested by the police…arrested…’
Doesn’t that mean that my sister has to be in prison for at least ten years? ?
After all, what Guan Zu and the others did, in the crime of robbery, is definitely a serious case.
To say the least, it started in ten years.
If the sentence is harsh, there may be no term.
Thinking of this, Hui Yuanai couldn’t sit still.
This must not be allowed to happen.
She quickly got up from the sofa and ran towards the basement.
Kanzu and Makoto Asai met in the underground armory.
Seeing Guan Zu, Asai Makoto froze for a moment, she was going to go to Guan Zu’s house.
Unexpectedly, Guan Zu came directly to the underground arsenal.
“Zu, what are we going to do next?” Asai honestly looked at Guan Zu and asked.
Seeing Guan Zu’s expression, she knew that Guan Zu would definitely not leave Akemi Miyano alone.
Actually, she doesn’t either.
After all, she already regarded Miyano Akemi and everyone as her family.
“It’s just that he was arrested by the police. Let the police release him.” Guan Zu walked to the weapon wall and began to choose weapons.
automatic rifle.
Or dynamite!
What does it matter if the Metropolitan Police Department arrested Akemi Miyano?
As long as you haven’t caught them all, then it’s not considered to have caught them completely.
As a kind and lawful camp, at least on the surface, the Metropolitan Police Department is destined to have countless obstacles.
First of all, the first is the safety of a large number of people.
As long as the hostages are taken, the Metropolitan Police Department must release those who have been arrested according to their requirements.
stepping stepping~~
Hui Yuanai ran in.
As soon as she saw the large amount of explosives that Guan Zu moved to the table, Hui Yuanai knew that Guan Zu had not given up on her sister.
“You will save your sister, right?” Hui Yuanai walked towards the girl step by step.Guan Zu walked slowly.
Guan Zu didn’t look at Hui Yuanai, but lowered his head and made pieces of plastic explosives into complex remote-controlled time bombs.
“My people, I don’t agree, no one can take them away.” Guan Zu bowed his head and made the bomb wholeheartedly.
This time Miyano Akemi was arrested, he actually had a lot of responsibility.
After all, his plan was not perfect enough.
He thought the people in the Metropolitan Police Department were too stupid.
Miyano Akemi was arrested by the police because of his negligence, so he naturally wanted to bring her back safely.
Otherwise, how can I be worthy of everyone’s trust?
“I beg you… please bring my sister back safely…” Hui Yuanai hugged Guan Zu from behind, and pressed his forehead against his back.
“…” Guan Zu stopped what he was doing.
He also did not expect that Miyano Akemi’s arrest by the police would have such a great impact on Hui Yuanai.
No wonder she chose to commit suicide after learning that Miyano Akemi was dead.
The elder sister can sacrifice her own life in order to save the younger sister from the organization.
The younger sister was also willing to give up her own life because of her older sister’s death.
The relationship between the two sisters is too deep.
“Don’t worry.” Guan Zu raised his hand, grabbed Hui Yuanai and hugged his hand.
“I will definitely bring Machiko back safely!” Guan Zu promised.
Just finished speaking, and then added another sentence.
“‘ 〃However, Xiao Ai, this still needs your help.”
“What do you need me to do!?” Hui Yuanai quickly let go of Guan Zu, and came to front from behind him.
My sister was arrested by the police. She was not afraid of asking for help, but she was afraid that she could do nothing.
Compared with sitting at home and being unable to do anything, she hopes to do something for her sister.
It’s just that as a scientific researcher, she doesn’t know what to do, so she can help.
“I will make a request to the police to release Machiko.”
“However, I have to contain the police, and Machiko needs your help to get rid of the police’s pursuit.” Guan Zu looked at Hui Yuanai and said.

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