#听听听听头木祖神社吹打了, must arrest the gangsters! ! @ Police Department
#Hey… I thought I was at the Sakura Tianmen Subway Station, and the hands of the people around me were almost cut off by the flying iron pieces. It’s scary!
#Upstairs, let’s go to the temple to worship tomorrow, thank the gods for blessings.
#Dare to go to the temple? All the shrines in the outer coffin were blown into ruins, and a large number of people died.
#都监局The bunch of guys with corpses and vegetarian meals are a bunch of waste, and detectives have to rely on detectives to handle the case! I’m sure we won’t be able to catch the criminals this time!
Seeing this, Conan frowned.
He admitted that the gang of policemen in the Metropolitan Police Department were really trash, and every time they solved a case, they had to rely on him, a high school student detective.
Otherwise, it will be all kinds of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.
But he also felt very difficult about the two bombings this time.
Because he, like some netizens, believed that the two bombings that happened this evening were not a coincidence, but a series of bombings!
This is the work of the same murderer!
Even Conan seriously suspected that the explosion this evening was probably related to yesterday’s bank robbery!
Although the police have not announced to the public that they have caught the accomplices of yesterday’s bank robbery, he knows about it.
Because this morning, after the police used the method of ‘pinching faces’ to screen everyone, they took away a woman from among the rescued hostages!
This is what he saw with his own eyes.
In the morning, the police took away the gangster 9527’s accomplices.
The continuous bombings occurred in the evening, this is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence!
After all, Bandit 9527 is already good at using bombs!
If the serial bombings this time were really the work of gangster 9527, the police may not be able to catch them.
Because Bandit 9527 is good at disguise and using bombs, and even if he faces ordinary people, he won’t show mercy.
This guy is even more difficult to deal with than Kaitou Kidd.
The strange thief Kidd at least does not hurt ordinary people, nor will he shoot and kill criminal police.
Bandit 9527 has no such worries at all.
Unless all members of Bandit 9527 can be wiped out at once, all actions will be in vain.
But, is this possible…?
evening News.
Various TV stations are broadcasting the two explosions that occurred in the evening.
One of them exploded, blowing up the shrine in the outer coffin, which is the spiritual belief of countless Sakura people.
It just exploded.
Another explosion occurred directly in front of the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.
This is definitely a challenge to the prestige of the Metropolitan Police Department.
Such a major event, it is impossible for any news channel not to report it.
“Damn it!! These criminals are so daring!! How dare they attack the Metropolitan Police Department!!!”
Mori Kogoro jumped up angrily when he saw the news on the TV.
As a former criminal policeman, Mori Kogoro still has a certain affection for the Metropolitan Police Department.
I saw that the gangsters actually placed the bomb in the subway station in front of the Metropolitan Police Department, and successfully detonated it.
This made him unacceptable.
At the same time, there are some complaints about the incompetence of the Metropolitan Police Department.
There are so many detectives in the Metropolitan Police Department, but they didn’t find a suspicious person planting a bomb in the subway station in front of the door!
What a disgrace!

Guan Zu came home just in time for the evening news.
Pour yourself a glass of wine, sit in front of the TV, and admire the art you made.
The ruins of the shrine with a raging fire are really beautiful.
A certain yellow hair is right, explosion is art.
On the Tokyo Tower, the scene of the explosion can also be seen with a telescope, but it is completely different from the close-up appreciation.
Not long after, Guan Zu received a text message from Makoto Asai, saying that she had arrived home safely.
Guan Zu just replied that he knew, and asked her to rest early.
From yesterday to today, they are indeed quite tired.
As for the money, wait until Akemi Miyano returns safely.
Speaking of pennies…
Guan Zu’s consciousness sank into the system.
【Ding! Complete a bank robbery, reward [Airplane Pilot・Getting Started]]
This is the system when admiring the “art” of the Shrine on the Tokyo Tower in the evening.
When I went to appreciate art, I didn’t pay much attention to the rewards of the system.
He robbed a bank once and rewarded an aircraft piloting skill, so it’s okay.
However, entry-level aircraft driving skills can only drive some small aircraft, such as agricultural aircraft.
Large planes can also be driven, but they may not be able to take off, land and fly safely.
Guan Zu spent one billion days “remotely” upgrading the entry-level aircraft piloting skills to the proficient level.
A lot of knowledge flooded into the brain in an instant.
He is already proficient in piloting large commercial aircraft.
Guan Zu stopped after his aircraft piloting skills were upgraded to proficient level.
This level is enough.
Anyway, he usually doesn’t have the opportunity to fly a plane.
Let alone a large airliner, even a helicopter, he hasn’t bought it yet.
And most importantly, he has no money now.
The remaining 8 billion days before “remove” spent 1 billion to upgrade the aircraft piloting skills from entry to proficiency, and the remaining money is no longer enough to continue to upgrade.
Guan Zu set his sights on the harvest in the storage space.
More than 30 boxes should increase the available funds by more than 3 billion, right?
“System, recover the stolen goods in the storage space!”
【Ding! A large amount of cash and jewelry was found, should all be recovered? 】
“Hey? Only cash back!!” Guan Zu quickly changed the order.
The jewels are some of the rarer jewels left over from before, and he plans to keep them for collection, so they can’t be recycled to the system store.
After the system store recycles, it can only be exchanged for cash instead ofCan repurchase.
[Will all the cash be recovered? 】
【Ding! Successfully recovered cash of 2.65 billion
Guan Zu was taken aback for a moment, only 2.65 billion? ?
There are obviously more than 30 boxes, except for one box that is not full, the other boxes are all full.
Why only 2.6 billion? ?
Guan Zu suddenly thought that not all the banknotes in the bank were ten thousand yuan bills, there were also five thousand, two thousand and one thousand bills.
Plus there are tons of coins.
2.6 billion is 2.6 billion, not a lot.
Including the remaining before, there are more than 9.6 billion.
The skills will not be upgraded, so go back and buy a helicopter.
It has been a long time since he acquired helicopter driving skills, and he has not yet piloted a helicopter.
Moreover, Makoto Asai has been learning how to fly a helicopter for a while. He bought a helicopter and came back, and it will be easy to practice when he has learned enough.
At ten o’clock in the evening, Xiao Ai came back.
“Zu! Elder sister, is she safe?” Hui Yuanai asked hastily as soon as she entered the door.
“Don’t worry, Machiko is safe at the hotel. After two thousand tomorrow, I will go around the hotel to make sure there are no policemen, and then she can come back.” Guan Zu said.
“Great…” Hui Yuanai was finally relieved.
“I said, I have rescued Machiko, how can you thank me~?” Guan Zu got up and came to Xiao Ai’s side, and put his arms around her shoulders.
“I…I will cook for you tomorrow!” Xiao Ai said in a panic.
“So you want to send me away~? It happens that your sister is not here today, why don’t we go back to the room and talk about life together~~” Guan Zu leaned into Xiao Ai’s ear and teased.
“!??” Hui Yuanai turned his head and looked at Guan Zu in shock.
She knew that Guan Zu had been thinking about her all the time, but could this kind of thing be traded?
“Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Isn’t this something normal between men and women~?”

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