But after all, Conan was also there, and he easily deduced the answer to the puzzle.
Although the process was different from what Moriya Teiji thought, the result was what he wanted.
He successfully obtained the password of Dongdu Gunpowder Depot.
As a reward, Moriya Teiji invited Conan and Xiaolan to visit his exhibition room.
In the exhibition room.
“Miss Ran and Mr. Kudo are familiar, right?” Teiji Moritani asked curiously.
“Yeah, we both grew up together and went to the same high school when we grew up. However, we haven’t seen each other for a while now.”
“However, this Sunday is Shinichi’s birthday, so I made an appointment with him to watch a midnight movie together~!” Xiaolan said happily.
After finishing speaking, he cast a vague glance at Conan beside him.
She knows that Shinichi who has become Conan will definitely not come, but she just wants to remind “Shinichi” all the time to make him nervous!
Who let him evenShe didn’t tell her about such an important thing as her body getting smaller!
“Oh? That’s really exciting~!” Moriya Teiji smiled thoughtfully.
“Then you must have already bought the gift?” Moriya Teiji asked with a smile.
“This one, not yet. I want to buy it on Saturday, because Shinichi and I both like red~, and our lucky colors in May are both red~!”
“So, I plan to buy a red casual shirt for him~.” Xiaolan said with a smile.
It can only be said that Xiaolan is still too naive.
Casually disclose some itinerary information to the person who meets for the first time.
Although this person is a high-class figure, if he meets someone with ulterior motives, he can use this information to commit fraud.
In fact, Moriya Teiji is a person with ulterior motives.
It’s just that what he wants to do is not to cheat, but to make Kudo Shinichi feel pain!
This is what he thought of after Mao Lilan, Mao Li Kogoro and others came.
Since Kudo Shinichi asked Mao Lilan to replace him, it means that their relationship is unusual.
If Kudo Shinichi knew that his childhood sweetheart died because of his relationship, it would be very painful, right?
Ha ha ha ha! ! !
Moriya Teiji laughed wildly in his heart.
finally! finally! !
Kudo Shinichi can finally understand the pain he feels! !

two days later.
“Eh? Invite me to watch a movie? And it’s a midnight show?” Guan Zu looked at Xiao Ai in surprise.
Xiao Ai suddenly invited him, which surprised him.
“I didn’t invite, Yuanzi asked me to invite you! I don’t know what kind of ecstasy you gave that woman, but she actually fell in love with you!” Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu speechlessly.
“That Suzuki Sonoko? She will be infatuated with me, naturally because of my handsome face~~” Guan Zu took out his mobile phone, using the screen as a mirror, and took a picture narcissistically.
“Ugly is called narcissism, I call it self-confidence~!” Guan Zu didn’t care about Xiao Ai’s poisonous tongue.
“Then are you going? The helicopter you bought seems to be arriving soon, so you probably don’t have time, right!” Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu and said.
Although she said it with a question, the meaning was already obvious. She didn’t want Guan Zu to go to a midnight movie with them.
That’s the legend of the red thread!
Although she is not superstitious, what if?
And the end of science is theology, in case, in case Guan Zu’s marriage line is really tied to Yuanzi.
Xiao Ai couldn’t imagine how the head of the Suzuki Consortium would react if they knew that their son-in-law was actually a gangster.
Also, if Guanzu’s marriage line is tied to Xiaolan, wouldn’t that high school student detective Kudo Shinichi cry to death?
In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, it is better for Guan Zu not to go.
She is doing it for the sake of Yuanzi and Xiaolan!
That’s right, she is for Yuanzi and Xiaolan!
“Then do you want me to go, or don’t you want me to go?” Guan Zu tilted his head, looking at Xiao Ai with a smile on his face.
“You… What does it matter to me whether you go to 983 or not?” Xiao Ai turned her head and didn’t look at Guan Zu at all.
“Emmm… I really don’t have time that day, so I won’t go, you guys have fun~.” Guan Zu thought for a while, and finally decided to say.
“Understood~ I will tell Yuanzi~.” The corners of Xiao Ai’s mouth rose slightly.
Guan Zu was thoughtful.
Because Kudo Shinichi’s birthday is coming, Xiaolan invites Sonoko and Xiaoai to go shopping and watch a midnight movie.
This is very wrong.
It’s Kudo Shinichi’s birthday, Xiaolan should invite Kudo Shinichi to watch a movie.
Because I know that Kudo Shinichi has become Conan, so I just invite Sonoko and Ai, right?
I don’t know if Xiaolan invited Kudo Shinichi before inviting Sonoko and Xiaoai?
If there is an invitation, will Xiaolan be surprised if he disguises himself as Kudo Shinichi and goes to the appointment~?
Can you achieve some achievements?
After Shikishima last time, he actually missed Xiaolan quite a bit.
So it was decided that tomorrow night, I will disguise myself as Kudo Shinichi and go to Mihua Film City to attend the appointment.
Maybe some special achievements can be unlocked~.
As for the face against Kudo Shinichi? What does that matter, Xiaolan was originally Kudo Shinichi’s childhood sweetheart.
Besides, if you wear a mask to eat, you will eat into someone else’s stomach?
It’s OK if you’re full.
178. Pigeon King: Conan (please subscribe!)
dinner time.
#According to reliable news, yesterday in Dongdu Gunpowder Depot, a large amount of explosives containing ammonium nitrate was stolen by unknown persons.
#At present, the police have dispatched hundreds of police forces to carry out related searches. But still haven’t found any clues left by the gangsters…
Guan Zu looked at the news on the TV.
The explosives were stolen at this point in time. Could it be related to Kudo Shinichi’s birthday?
After all, as the protagonists of the crime-solving world, Kudo Shinichi or Conan are the easiest to encounter cases.
Usually, wherever you go, there will be cases.
It’s my birthday soon. On such a big day, it’s normal for some cases to happen, right?
Think about it carefully, birthdays, watching movies, explosions…
Guan Zu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
He seemed to remember that there was an episode of the theatrical version, which seemed to have such a background!
Someone stole the explosives from the powder magazine, and then caused a large number of explosions.
In the end, the shopping mall where Xiaolan watched movies was blown up, trapping Xiaolan and a large number of customers inside.
It seems that in the end, it was Conan who instructed Xiaolan to defuse the bomb, right?
Could it be that the theatrical version of the story happened tomorrow? ?
“Hey, you stole the bomb in the powder magazine, didn’t you?” Xiao Ai on the sideSeeing Guan Zu staring at the TV all the time, he suddenly spoke.
“Huh? If I want explosives, do I need to steal them?” Guan Zu asked back.
“Then you have been staring at the TV, not even eating.” Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu strangely.
This state, a look of wandering in the sky, is obviously abnormal.
“I’m thinking about where to go shopping tomorrow, can’t I~?” Guan Zu gave Xiao Ai a blank look.
“Okay, just don’t forget what you said before.” Xiao Ai rolled her eyes and threw it back.
Just don’t go shopping with them tomorrow.
“I’m too lazy to go shopping with you little girls~ It’s not interesting at all.” Guan Zu snapped back.
With my real identity, what else can I do besides carrying things when I go shopping with the three little girls?
Can’t do anything.
Even if Yuanzi covets his beauty, but there are two light bulbs around him, it is impossible for anything to happen.
It’s better to stay at home and sleep than to go shopping with them.
But if you go to the appointment as Kudo Shinichi, it will be different.
Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan are childhood sweethearts, Sonoko must be embarrassed to disturb them
As for Xiao Ai, Yuanzi has left, so she still has the nerve to stay as a light bulb?
Emmm… The premise is that Xiao Ai can’t see that Kudo Shinichi is pretending to be himself.
It shouldn’t be visible.
Although Xiao Ai has learned the disguise technique, being able to disguise and seeing through other people’s disguises are completely different things.
And Xiao Ai’s disguise technique is not bad, it’s still far from his level.

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