From the corner of the eye, I suddenly saw the end of the corridor, where a black shadow seemed to flash by.
But when I turned my head to look again, I found that the corridor was empty and there was nothing there.
Guan Zu held the pickaxe in one hand and pinched his chin with the other.
Could it be… those guys escaped?
Guan Zu knew very well how strong Kaitou Kidd’s lockpicking ability was.
At least on par with him.
That’s why he took off all the clothes on Kaitou Kidd’s body, worrying that there was a lockpicking tool hidden on his body.
As for whether other people will pick the lock, Guan Zu didn’t think so much before, after all, all his thoughts were on gold.
Not to mention guarding against others.
With so many detectives, maybe someone really has the lockpicking skill.
023 【Wait…】
Guan Zu suddenly thought that he had indeed been stripped of all his clothes and props by Kaitou Kidd.
But he didn’t search the people who were locked up with Kaitou Kidd!
Kaitou Kidd doesn’t have a lockpicking tool on him, but it doesn’t mean that other people don’t have it.
Give him a wire and he will be able to open most locks.
Among them are the locks of the handcuffs.
Kaito Kidd’s ability to pick locks should be on par with him, so he only needs a wire or something to open the handcuffs!
Really careless!
【Blinded by gold…】 Guan Zu couldn’t help sighing.
He can now confirm that Kaito Kidd and the others should have escaped.
And hiding around the corner at the end of the corridor.
Depending on the situation, he didn’t even intend to escape, but prepared to fight back against him.
This made Guan Zu laugh.
Fight back wow!
If they fight back, they won’t be able to leave.
If these people break free from the shackles, they don’t want to fight back, but run away directly.
Then he is in trouble.
When the police arrived, he had no choice but to leave.
We can’t really kill all the police who rushed over and take back those who stabbed the hornet’s nest.
If he did that, he wouldn’t have more time to dig for gold.
On the contrary, it will lead to more police forces rushing here, and they are all heavily armed SATs.
At that time, I can only find a way to escape from the heavy siege of the police.
There is no need to do this kind of thing if you don’t get any benefits and make a mess.
Now that these people don’t escape, this kind of thing can be completely avoided.
But just in case.
Guan Zu still decided to blow up the wooden bridge going down the mountain.
Without that wooden bridge, other people who wanted to leave here would most likely have to detour through the forest on foot.
Whether they can find a way out is still a question.
Even if it can be found, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time.
Just do it.
Guan Zu took out a drone from the storage space, and took out a remote-controlled plastic bomb.
This is the bomb used to intimidate the Metropolitan Police Department and let them release Miyano Akemi.
He installed a large number of bombs in many places, but in the end only two were used, and all the other bombs were naturally recovered by him.
Guanzu straps a plastic bomb to the drone, then takes off the drone, opens a window, and lets the drone fly out.
He was going to turn the drone into a suicide bomber and blow up the wooden bridge down the mountain.
After the drone took off, it quickly lifted into the air, and Guan Zu took his mobile phone to the room where Xiaolan was held.
As for those detectives who had already escaped, Guan Zu didn’t bother to take the initiative to find them.
That’s a complete waste of time.
Anyway, those people will take the initiative to come to find themselves.
Guan Zu controlled the drone with his mobile phone with one hand, and opened the door with the other hand. Xiaolan was lying on the big bed in the room.
Both hands and feet were handcuffed,But much more comfortable than others.
Because Xiaolan’s hands were handcuffed together, and her feet were handcuffed together.
Guan Zu controlled the drone and walked towards Xiao Lan who was still unconscious.

In the corridors on both sides of the villa.
The two groups of people hiding behind the handover reappeared after hearing the door opening and footsteps entering the room.
Then they saw each other at the other end of the corridor.
“That’s… the former prosecutor Gun Tian Yumei.” Bai Ma detected the other party.
In the same way, Guntian Yumi also recognized Detective Baima.
After all, they are people in the same system, and they are all celebrities, so naturally they don’t know each other.
“Not bad, it looks like the female side has also escaped.” Motegi Haruki said with a smile.
There are also capable people on the women’s side.
People on both sides, all in tacit understanding, carefully walked out from behind the corner.
Conan’s expression became heavy when he saw Gunita Ikumi coming out of the corner alone.
Xiaolan wasn’t with this Miss Guntian!
And Mori Kogoro is not there!
In other words, Xiaolan and Mori Kogoro were held incommunicado, why would the criminals do this?
What is the purpose of the gangsters?
Seeing Guntian Ikumi coming out alone and another person was not in a good mood.
That is the great blessing.
Unlike others, he knows exactly who is in this villa.
Since the criminals kidnapped them, they must also kidnap the remaining women.
But now, only Guntian Ikumi came out alone, Chigen Yudai and the maid were not there.
Are you hiding? Or did he escape like that Kaitou Kidd?
Those people must not be allowed to escape!
The gold in this villa belongs to him alone!
Osami Zhushan glanced at the time, he was estimating where the Kaitou Kidd might have gone.
From here to the wooden bridge, it takes about 20 minutes to walk, but now ten minutes have passed, that is to say, Kaitou Kidd has walked about half of the distance.
He originally wanted to detonate the bomb when the kidnappers were dealt with.
It seems to be ahead of schedule now.
Because he didn’t know when Qianjian Jiangdai and the maid left.
What if the departure time is earlier?
Thinking of this, Dashang Zhushan, who was walking at the end, reached into his pocket and pressed the bomb detonation button.
In Xiaolan’s room, Guan Zu came to Xiaolan’s bedside.
“Aren’t you awake yet?”
After glancing at Xiaolan, Guan Zu looked at the phone screen again.
Through the lens of the drone, the wooden bridge in the distance can already be seen.
And on the way, he also saw the Kaitou Kidd and the maid walking on the mountain road.
He was even more thankful that he took off the drone himself.
Otherwise, if these two people are let go, the police will rush over at dawn at the latest.
At that time, more than half of the gold will not be taken away.
Guan Zu controlled the drone and flew towards the wooden bridge at the fastest speed.
But the drone had just flown over the wooden bridge, before he landed.
boom! ! ! !
Suddenly an explosion sent his drone flying.
Guan Zu: “???”
Why did it explode before he pressed the detonation button? ? .
205. The sneak attack fails, and we can only face it head-on (please subscribe!)

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