Today, the National High School Karate Kanto Competition is held here.
Since Conan was going to be kidnapped, he naturally had to stare at Kudo Shinichi.
See when they go to Tropicana.
As for Masami Hirota, he was still waiting for Masami Hirota to call him.
He didn’t know the exact time of action.
But one thing is certain, Hirota Masami’s action time must be after Kudo Shinichi became Conan.
Before that, he had plenty of time.
A lot of spectators came today.
The auditorium for the entire game was almost completely filled with spectators who came to watch the game.
However, as the game progressed, one player was eliminated, and the audience in the auditorium became more and moreless.
So, most of the audience are relatives and friends of the contestants? ?
The competition was divided into several arenas, and multiple groups of players played at the same time.
As the protagonist of Conan World, Mao Lilan is really strong.
Almost every time, he kills the opponent in seconds with three or two moves.
Normal karate competitions are actually not very enjoyable to watch. People who don’t understand will feel like fighting indiscriminately.
But this world doesn’t.
It’s quite entertaining to fight, just like making a movie.
However, how should I put it, although Xiaolan is strong, she is still within the understanding range of ordinary people.
Guan Zu felt that if he went up to fight Mao Lilan, he would not lose too quickly.
There may even be a tie with Mao Lilan.
He has only mastered entry-level martial arts, but his physical fitness has been strengthened.
The speed, strength, responsiveness, etc. have all been doubled.
The strength is about the same as that of Mao Lilan.
As the game progressed, there were fewer and fewer spectators in the auditorium.
When entering the final, the audience in the auditorium is less than one-tenth of the original audience.
After the number of people in the audience was greatly reduced, Guan Zu found Xiaolan’s relatives and friends in the opposite auditorium.
Maori Kogoro! Sonoko Suzuki! And Fei Yingli!
Of course, there is also Kudo Shinichi.
Although Fei Yingli is already thirty-seven or eighteen years old, I have to say that she is really well maintained and has a very attractive charm on her body.
Just like a certain honey, who is also at this age, is equally attractive.
So really can’t blame Cao Cao.
Kudo Shin halfway ran out, not knowing why.
Soon, the finals will begin.
Mao Lilan fights against a girl named Wada Haruna from Kabando High School.
At the beginning, Mao Lilan was suppressed by the opponent.
However, during the break, Kudo Shinichi waved to her from the edge of the arena.
Made an apologetic gesture, and then ran away alone.
Obviously, he received another call and went to help the Metropolitan Police Department handle the case.
“You bastard reasoning maniac!!!”
Mao Lilan roared, and immediately exploded.
In the second half of the game, he killed his opponent Wada Yangnai in three or two moves.
Guan Zu was startled.
This combat power has at least doubled several times! !
Can the daily show explode? ?
Guan Zu decided that he would never provoke Mao Lilan until his strength improved significantly!
And what is Jingji Zhenzhen, you can’t provoke it casually.
They are all cheating guys!
As for Conan, that is, Dr. Ali built a high-tech body for him, so that he, who has become a child, has the fighting power to kick a satellite.
When Kudo Shinichi became Conan, he was just an ordinary kid.
But any adult with a normal body can suppress Conan.
So, don’t panic.
the next day.
In the news and newspapers, it was indeed published that Kudo Shinichi helped the criminal police of the Metropolitan Police Department to solve the murder case in the secret room and catch the murderer.
His guess yesterday was indeed correct.
When Kudo Shinichi was in the final of Mao Lilan, she released her pigeons and went to solve the case.
Then Mao Lilan exploded, defeated his opponent in an instant, and won the women’s championship in the Kanto Division.
Today is Friday, and Mori Ran and Kudo Shinichi, who are high school students, will continue to attend classes.
In the morning, Guan Zu confirmed that Mao Lilan had gone to school, so he stopped monitoring her.
Instead, drive around the city and get familiar with the streets of Tokyo.
On Saturday, Guan Zu drove to the vicinity of Maori Detective Agency early.
The weekend after Mao Lilan won the National High School Karate Kanto Championship, they are likely to go to Dorobi Tropical Paradise.
“I am leaving!”
Early in the morning, Mao Lilan hurried out of the house and rushed to Mihua Station.
Seeing Mao Lilan going out, Guan Zu drove to Mihua Station ahead of time.
After waiting for a short time, I saw Kudo Shinichi and Mo Lilan meeting in front of Mihua Station.
Then walk into the station together.
Immediately start the car and go to Dorobi Tropical Paradise.
Yesterday, he had already been to Dorobi Tropical Paradise, and went in to familiarize himself with the environment inside.
Come to the tropical park in advance and buy a ticket to enter the park.
Guan Zu drives a sports car, but the speed in the city is definitely not as fast as the subway.
After all, he didn’t go racing and run a red light.
He didn’t want to be stopped by the traffic police before kidnapping Conan.
Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran should have already entered the park.
I’m not in a hurry to find it either.
According to memory, the roller coaster murder case should have happened in the middle of the afternoon, or even in the evening.
After the case was over, it was dark.
It’s only morning, so he doesn’t need to worry at all.
He sat alone in the outdoor water bar of the amusement park, drinking coffee while surfing the Internet on his mobile phone.
(The level of technology in Conan’s world is calculated according to modern times. However, I still use floppy disks for office work in my childhood. It is normal for some things from ten or twenty years ago to appear in the article.)
Near noon, he actually met Kudo Shinichi and Mo Lilan!
They sat down at the table next to him to rest!
After eating some snacks, I rested for a while.
“Well, sorry to bother you, this classmate, can you take a photo for us?” Mao Lilan came to Guan Zu with a camera.
Guan Zu glanced at Mao Lilan, then at Kudo Shinichi next to him, and then smiled: “Of course it’s no problem.”
This fate is still wonderful, he didn’t go to Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi, but they came to the door themselves.
Guan Zu took a camera and took a picture of the two of them with the castle as the background.
‘Now I’m laughing happily, but I won’t be able to laugh anytime soon~! ‘
After taking the photo, Mao Lilan and the two left.
Guan Zu also got up and went to the vicinity of the roller coaster.
He’s going to sit back and wait.
At around four o’clock in the afternoon, Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi came to the roller coaster and lined up.
themNot long after entering, two tall men in black also followed.
‘That’s the Distillery’s Model Worker Gin and Vodka, right? ‘
Guan Zu was outside, watching the roller coaster speeding on the track.
Sure enough, not long after, some tourists ran out of the roller coaster building in a panic.
Guan Zu stopped a person to ask.
“Sir, what’s going on inside?”
“Someone died on a roller coaster! Heads gone!!”
Not long after, the criminal police from the Metropolitan Police Department arrived.
A fat detective in an orange windbreaker and an orange bowler hat led the team into the waiting hall of the roller coaster.

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