In the afternoon, the van that was pushed down the riverbank was discovered by the police.

Officer Megure and others immediately led people to the scene.

Conan naturally followed them. Guan Zu and others wore gloves throughout the whole process, and definitely did not leave fingerprints.

But the police would not miss the things that Gin and Vodka deliberately put in the car.

The lipstick marks inside the mask were naturally discovered.

But this only knows that there is a woman among the robbers.

But who it is, there are not many clues yet.

In the evening.

It started to drizzle.

Gin, the model worker of the winery, and his little brother Vodka began the cleanup work.

Miyano Akemi summoned three teammates to carry out the robbery of the armored car.

And successfully robbed 1 billion yen.

All that money will be taken away by the organization.

Miyano Akemi's girlfriend, the traitor, will be dealt with by them.

The few helpers summoned by Miyano Akemi will naturally be dealt with as well.

All the robbers who participated in the robbery will die.

The police will not be able to continue to investigate.

The money belongs to the organization, but Akemi Miyano and others are to blame.

The whereabouts of Akemi Miyano's three teammates have all been investigated by the peripheral members of the Black Organization.

A black Porsche 356A is parked at the door of a hot spring bathhouse.

The armored car escort is taking a bath in the hot spring bathhouse at this moment.

Today's events are really exciting.

Not only did he have to embezzle, but he also helped rob the 1 billion yen in the armored car.

After the operation, he had to stay at the scene, pretending to be an innocent victim, and deal with the police.

He is really under a lot of pressure. Take a good hot spring bath tonight to relieve stress.

When Hirota Masami resigns from the bank tomorrow, everyone can share the money!

1 billion yen.

According to the previous distribution plan.

Hirota Masami has 300 million, he and Kaizuka can each get 250 million, and the last one who joins, Guan San, can get 200 million.

250 million!

Not only can the previous 20 million gambling debt be paid off, but there will also be 220 million yen left!

How to spend so much money?

An Jing suddenly felt that he shouldn't let Guan Sang join!

The operation was going so smoothly, the three of them were enough!

In that case, he could get an extra 50 million!

【Damn it! I lost 50 million yen for nothing!!] Yasui was very upset.

After soaking for a while, Yasui came out of the bath.

He put on his bathrobe and went home with an umbrella. As soon as Yasui walked out of the bathhouse, a black Porsche 356A started up on the side of the road.

Then it slowly stopped beside Yasui.

""Huh?" Yasui was still wondering why the car stopped beside him.

Was it someone he knew?

But when the car window was lowered, he saw a man in black with a fierce look on his face, holding a pistol and aiming at him.

He was about to run.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Several bullets penetrated his body.

Yasui fell to the ground in despair, his consciousness quickly dissipated.

The black Porsche 356A left quickly, as if it had never appeared.

Not long after, this black Porsche 356A stopped at the door of an ordinary apartment.

Gin and Vodka broke into Shiro Tokaizuka's house and shot him to death. They also left behind a lipstick of the same type used by Miyano Akemi.

They wanted to frame all the charges of robbery and murder on Miyano Akemi.

"Hey, brother, there's only one person left." Vodka seemed to be asking for credit.

"Gin turned away coldly.

"Brother! Wait for me!"Vodka hurriedly followed


Aman Hotel.

Guan Zu is sitting in front of the mirror, facing the makeup mirror, disguising his face.

He is experiencing his own disguise.

All the props used for the disguise were purchased directly from the system mall.

It is not expensive at all, hundreds of thousands are enough.

He is now like a big boy who has just got a toy, and he can't stop at all.

Sometimes he disguises himself into Yukiko's face, and sometimes he disguises himself into Hirota Masami's face.

The facial features are absolutely 100% similar.

Even if the real person comes, I am afraid he will think he is looking in the mirror.

Of course, the premise is that he doesn't speak.

He can't imitate Yukiko or Hirota Masami without being able to fake his voice.

He can't even make a woman's voice.

If you deliberately learn a woman's voice, you can tell it's fake at once. It's a false voice. It's absolutely impossible to change the voice at will like Kaito Kidd.

But if you just change your appearance and disguise yourself as another man, there is no problem.

As long as you don't deliberately pretend to be someone and get close to people who are familiar with them, you won't be seen through because you can't imitate the voice.


Guan Zu tore off the human skin mask on his face.

He was ready to try again and disguise himself as another man.

As for the target... let's just pretend to be Maori Kogoro.

In the underground parking lot of the Aman Hotel.

A black Porsche 356A parked in the parking space, and two men in black got out of the car.

"That guy really knows how to enjoy himself. He just got 1 billion yen and he can't wait to enjoy himself in this luxurious hotel."Vodka complained.

This kind of hotel costs hundreds of thousands of yen a night, and ordinary people can't afford it.

He and Brother Gin have never stayed in such a hotel.

Of course, it's not that they can't afford it, but they rarely stay in such high-profile hotels.

No matter where they go, there are secret bases of the organization to stay.

"Don't waste time. Get rid of this last guy as soon as possible. It's time to go back."Gin said in a cold tone. It's getting late.

This is just dealing with a few insignificant little people.

""Got it, big brother!"

The two took the elevator to the 18th floor.

Guan Zu had just mixed the skin color material and was about to apply it on his face.

The doorbell suddenly rang.


Guan Zu looked at the door. Who would ring his doorbell at this time?

Could it be a special takeaway at night?


Guan Zu thought about it, and stood up to open the door.

He had never seen this special takeaway in the Sakura Country.

If the other party was good-looking, he wouldn't mind spending some money to help those in need.

By the way, experience some new fun.

Guan Zu walked to the door and was about to open it.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Suddenly, several bullets shot in from outside the door through the door.

Each bullet hit his chest accurately.

Guan Zu was a little confused for a moment.

The impact of the bullet made him slip and sit on the ground.

Encountering this situation for the first time, Guan Zu's reaction was really slow.

Guan Zu's brain was a little blank.

After several seconds, he realized that he had been shot!

However, he was not injured because he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

He fell because he had no Thinking that he would be attacked at this time.

Who attacked him?

As soon as this question came up, two figures appeared in his mind.

Gin! Vodka!

In the original drama, the two of them killed two teammates of Hirota Masami.

Guan Zu originally thought that the two would not notice him who joined in the middle.

As a result, not only did they notice him! But they also came to his door so quickly.

As a gangster, he was shot and killed by someone at his door!

It's so embarrassing that he was thrown into the original time and space!

This is intolerable!

Gin is great? The Black Organization is great?

I am a gangster now!!

Guan Zu immediately stood up and took out the submachine gun he had bought before from the storage space.

He opened the door and rushed out instantly!

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