Night a few days later.

After Lin Ying arrived at the designated bar at the appointed time, he successfully met Belmode.

“Give, this is your reward.” Belmod happily handed a bank card to Lin Ying, and she said: “The password is on the back of the card, and there are fifty thousand dollars in it… As an introducer, I took half the fee. ”

“Half smoked?” After Lin Ying heard this number, she immediately felt a heartache, and she asked, “Is it so ruthless?” ”

“This is the rule to do our job……… If you fail and you are caught and confess me, I will have to follow suit!” Belmode patiently told Lin Ying about the rules of this industry.

After drinking a glass of wine, she said: “Of course, I didn’t charge you this money for nothing, you can use this 50,000 US dollars at will, don’t worry about the tax bureau people coming to the door.” ”

“You don’t have to worry about where to go or identify the credibility of your employer… I’ll leave it all to me. ”

“………” Lin Ying said nothing more after hearing this.

In fact, he knew very well that Belmod didn’t need to contribute any strength at all.

The so-called commission is presumably the task given to her by the organization.

She doesn’t have to look for clients or check the credibility of employers.

Belmode is not so much an agent as a middleman, turning around and outsourcing the tasks assigned by the organization, so that she can make money without having to work.


O proper profiteer!

However, this is also a matter of no way, who let Lin Ying not have the platform of the winery?

“Come, celebrate our first successful cooperation.” Belmod was in a good mood, and she took the initiative to pour Lin Ying a glass of wine and handed it over.

Lin Ying’s brows furrowed when he reached out and took the wine glass.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Belmod observed this keenly.

“When I acted yesterday, I was injured.” After Lin Ying took a sip of wine, he rubbed his shoulders and said, “You didn’t mention it in your information, he was very beaten.” ”

“There are always accidents.” Belmod smiled embarrassedly, after all, this information was not collected by her personally, and it was inevitable that there would be some omissions.

But she wouldn’t be stupid to say it.

Belmod thought for a moment and said, “Then I apologize to you. ”

After that, she leaned over and kissed Lin Ying’s cheek, and asked with a smile: “Is this okay?” ”

Looking at Belmode, who was trying to tease himself, Lin Ying decisively counterattacked, kissed the other party’s red lips, and said seriously: “This will work.” ”

This sudden attack made Belmod stunned for a moment, and then she laughed and said, “I thought you weren’t interested in women.” ”

“I’m a normal man, of course I’m interested in beautiful women.” Lin Ying shook his glass and said, “There is a saying in my hometown that says so… The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie. ”

“So, were you wary of me when we first met?” Belmod understood why the other party would be so defensive when they first met.

She felt that this statement made a lot of sense.

Because she’s really good at lying.

Suddenly, Belmode thought of something again, and she smiled and said, “So… Now you’re starting to trust me? ”

“Hmm… But not much. Lin Ying gestured a distance of about one centimeter between his index finger and his thumb and said, “That’s it.” ”

“After that, we have to communicate a lot.” Belmod winked at Lin Ying, as if to hint at something.

Lin Ying didn’t feel that his charm was so great, just a cooperation, he could make Belmode, a big beauty, be impressed by himself and take the initiative to roll the sheets with him.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that Belmode’s beauty meter didn’t work on his own, but it worked on other people.

Two handsome white men suddenly walked over and came to Belmode’s side.

Lin Ying observed, they were dressed very carefully, the suits they wore were Cheretti, and the watches they wore were all big brands like Hachotton.

At a glance, you can tell that there is no shortage of money, come here to have fun.

Trouble is coming……… Lin Ying thought secretly in his heart.

The two white men gave Belmode a smile, and one of them said, “Hey, beauty… My name is Joe, this is Billy, what do you call it? ”

Belmode did not answer, but she pretended to be delicate and afraid, leaned next to Lin Ying, grabbed his hand, showed a grievance expression, and said, “Lin, I’m afraid…” ”

You’re afraid of an egg! ………… Lin Ying couldn’t help but slander in his heart: With your ability, there are ways to clean them up.

“fuck,you! Asian!! Let go of your dirty hands! Qiao immediately changed his face and shouted at Lin Ying.

Billy next to him also very arrogantly lifted his clothes, revealed his pistol, and said coldly: “Either climb out of here for me, or eat me a bullet!” ”

“Alas… You’re really going to get me in trouble. Lin Ying sighed, what he was most afraid of was encountering this kind of guy with the brain of the essence worm.

But whatever he is afraid of, he will come.

“Hey, are you deaf or dumb?” Seeing that he was being ignored, Joe stepped forward angrily: “Answer me.” ”

Lin Ying was too lazy to talk to the other party, grabbed the wine glass and buckled it on the other party’s head, directly smashing the other party to the ground.

After turning one over, he grabbed the pistol on Billy’s waist with his other hand and prevented him from pulling it out.

“Bastard!!” After repeated attempts to pull out the gun, Billy cried out anxiously.

After Lin Ying opened the insurance with one hand, he decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!!

The muzzle fired inside his pants and shot indiscriminately at Billy’s thigh, causing the latter to twitch and scream at the same time.

At this time, Joe shook his head and climbed up from grabbing the table.

Seeing this, Lin Ying held Belmode’s wine glass and smashed it on the other party’s head for the second time, and once again smashed the other party to the ground.

But this time, the man named Joe fainted directly.

And at this time, the pistol on Billy’s pants also made an empty clicking sound.

After Lin Ying let go of his hand, he took Belmode’s hand, ignored the others, and quickly left the bar.

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