[Mighty: Your strength is extremely great, and no one else can compare. 】

The moment Kudo Yusaku was arrested this morning, Lin Ying received a system message that the task was completed.

And this time the skill given to him by the system is [Extremely powerful].

As the name suggests, this skill is what gives Lin Ying strength.

The human body is a structure that is closely related to the whole body, and it is typical to pull the whole body.

If the strength goes up, then correspondingly, the physical qualities will automatically improve, otherwise the body will not be able to withstand such a force and collapse on the spot.

Once the power goes up, the speed naturally comes.

The speed is faster, the body’s neural response will gradually adapt to this speed, and then the neural response will become faster.

In addition, there are many, many chain reactions.

Lin Yingshu has not read much, and his achievements in this area are not deep enough.

However, as far as his own personal experience is concerned, after getting this skill in hand, he feels that his strength has increased, his legs are not sore, his waist is not painful, and it is not difficult to go up to the fifth floor in one breath.

All in all, Lin Ying could clearly feel that he had become stronger again.

But this time it is not a strong skill, but a physical strength.

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Ying to tell Yukiko these things.

“I think it’s better for us not to jump to a conclusion so early.” Lin Ying saw that Yukiko was excited, and he began to persuade the other party to calm down.

Use this way of retreating to eliminate your own suspicions.

Lin Ying asked, “Have you ever seen Yusaku?” ”

In foreign countries, there is no such attention to generation, and if the relationship is good, you can call it by name.

“Didn’t… No. Yukiko cried and looked helpless: “They won’t let me see Yusaku, and the lawyer has to wait for the permission to apply.” ”

“So… Don’t you have FBI friends? Lin Ying continued to suggest: “You can ask a trusted friend to ask you what is going on and what you want to do next.” ”

“Hmm… Well. Yuki nodded.

People are actually very susceptible to emotions.

Once emotions come up, even the smartest people can easily make mistakes.

A woman like Yukiko is no exception, after all, before that, she had Yusaku to rely on.

Now that Yusaku went in, she panicked and lost her square inch for a while.

Yulin Ying helped her with advice, which made Yukiko slowly feel safe.

The originally flustered mood gradually calmed down.

IQ is slowly coming back, too.

She immediately pulled out her phone and said, “I’ll call my FBI friend now!” ”

Seeing this, Lin Ying held her hand, and in Yukiko’s puzzled eyes, said: “Don’t worry, we still have it in the past few minutes… You calm down for a moment and organize the language. ”

“……… Well, you’re right. Forest. Yukiko nodded, she picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, taking a deep breath, and interestingly adjusting her emotions.

After the mood was adjusted, the language was almost organized, and Yukiko dialed the phone.

Not far away.

Belmode, disguised as a passerby, took this scene into his eyes.

She picked up the fruit tea and took a sip, her eyes flashing thoughtfully.


Very wrong!

The woman’s intuition told Belmode that something was wrong!

Judging from her contact with Lin Ying during this time, the other party is a very vigilant person.

In the face of a big beauty like himself, the other party was extremely defensive, and he took the initiative to post and send benefits, and his eyes were full of guard.

There is quite an attitude of “there are always people who want to do harm”.

If nothing else, just now he deliberately showed weakness and let the other party fully play his manly charm, he didn’t appreciate it at all.

How did he get to Yukiko, he seemed to have changed a person?

Much gentler and quite good.

It’s the opposite of your attitude towards yourself.

This left Belmod incomprehensible.

According to Yukiko’s description, they have not known each other for a long time, and there is no reason why they would be so close, even if Lin Ying saves Yukiko three times, there is still too little time between the two.

Also, compared to Lin Ying, Yukiko should tell herself about this matter……….

But the current situation is that Yusaku was caught in such a big matter, her first reaction was to find Lin Ying……….

That is, in Yukiko’s heart, the other party is trustworthy … And the degree is still above itself.

After thinking about this, Belmod realized that there must be something between the two of them that she did not know yet.

Otherwise, Yukiko would not have trusted him more than herself.

“That night… What else is going on? Is it just that Lin Ying saved Yukiko and sent him home? As an intelligence officer, Belmode realized that Yukiko might not have told the whole story.

It was necessary for her to personally investigate what had happened that night.

As for Kudo Yusaku’s arrest by the New York police, Belmode was not interested.

The other party’s identity as a detective made her naturally disgusted.

Of course, Belmod will not fall for Kudo Yusaku because of this, no matter how she says that he is a friend’s husband, she still can’t do this kind of thing.

Since Yukiko didn’t ask her head, she wouldn’t be nosy.

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