Passed the wrong chapter.

By the way, I changed the chapter name so that everyone knows


“Let me pretend to be Yusaku?”

“No, no, no, I don’t have a talent for acting.”

“You better find another way.”

It’s still the same old routine, retreat to advance.

Lin Ying said that he didn’t want it, but his heart was happy.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” Yukiko patted her bulging chest and assured, “I promise not to show my stuffing!” ”

“I don’t know much about Yusaku…” Lin Ying still didn’t agree, so it was difficult.

“You don’t need to know Yusaku!” Yukiko said with a grin: “At that time, just pretend to be sick here and stay sick in bed.” ”

“That way, you don’t have to say too much! Just say hello. ”

“……” When Lin Ying heard that he was just lying on the hospital bed, he suddenly felt that his interest was much less.

If you can make Kudo Shinichi call his father, and you can take the opportunity to get Kiko’s oil, then it is called Micha.

What’s the point of just lying in a hospital bed?

Just for Kudo Shinichi’s daddy?

To be honest, Lin Ying’s interest was not very high.

If you want to hear someone call yourself Dad, he can do it for a little money.

“So~~~ This time I will please you, Lin.” Yukiko begged, and even began to take the initiative to be coquettish.

The hand that grabbed Lin Ying kept swinging there.

“If that’s the case, I don’t think you need to go to me. Just find any actor. Lin Ying declined, and his interest in this piece suddenly became more than half.

“I’m not at ease with leaving this matter to someone else.” Yukiko saw that Lin Ying did not have that thought, and immediately became anxious.

She leaned over and muttered, “Besides, I will change this matter, and I don’t want too many people to know!” ”

Seeing Yukiko sticking over, Lin Ying could smell the orange blossom perfume on the other party, which made him inevitably feel a little ape.

As the old saying goes, a woman who loves to be coquettish has the best life.

This one coquettishly made Lin Ying’s cold heart soften a little.

Thinking about how to say, the two have had skin kisses, and the relationship is far beyond ordinary people.

Such a cold refusal also seems inappropriate.

Alas, the lower body of a man really gets himself into trouble.

After Lin Ying sighed in his heart, he said, “Okay, I promise you. ”

“Great!!” Yukiko was happy and kissed Lin Ying’s face.

It is also strange to say, the other party is obviously already a personal wife, but Lin Ying always feels that the other party is like a young girl, and he always makes his heart move.

“I’ll tell you about the situation, and then teach you how to transfigure!” Yukiko pulled Lin Ying into her dressing room, ready to teach the other party some basic knowledge.


After staying at Yukiko’s side until late at night, Lin Ying returned to the hotel.

This time was unexpected, and he didn’t expect to have an unexpected harvest.

Learned to think about transfiguration.

Although you can’t completely change into someone else’s face like Yukiko, it’s okay to change your appearance a little.

Earned earned earned.

Didi Di Di ~~

After swiping open the door with the hotel room card, Lin Ying glanced at the crack of the door before opening the door.

The hair that was clamped on the crack of the door fell out.

And he has canceled room service.

After thinking of this, Lin Ying felt out the pistol from his arms, and clicked to open the safe, ready to shoot.

After pushing the door and entering the house, Lin Ying walked in with vigilance.

The inside of the house was not dark, and with the help of the outside light, he could find a beautiful woman with a very clear curve lying on her side and lying on her bed.

After distinguishing the silhouette, Lin Ying saw that it was Belmode.

After turning on the light to confirm, Lin Ying put the gun away and said, “Chris, is there anything you can’t call?” If you do this, it will make me very insecure. ”

“Huh? Oh…… You’re back. Chris sat up slowly, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and muttered, “Didn’t I want to disturb your beautiful affair with Mrs. Kudo?” So I thought I’d wait here for you to come back. ”

“What if I don’t come back tonight?” Lin Ying put the pistol on the table and began to drag off his coat.

“Anyway, I don’t have anything to do tonight, and I can’t wait for it to be done.” Belmode straightened his hair and said indifferently.

Lin Ying suspected that the other party was pretending to be pitiful and trying to arouse his sympathy, but there was no evidence.

He simply changed the topic and said, “What’s the matter with me?” ”

“A beautiful woman has waited for you for so long, and you don’t care about it, so come up and ask this.” Belmod shook his head, looking extremely disappointed.

Lin Ying knew that he could no longer deal with it with a cold attitude.

After all, people’s hearts are made of flesh, and except for a few people, most people don’t like hot faces against cold asses.

That’s pretty much it.

Therefore, Lin Ying changed his attitude, he walked over and kissed Belmode’s forehead, and said expressionlessly: “Chris, it really won’t be embarrassing to make you wait so long.” ”

This move made Belmod happy and said: “Lin, your acting skills are really not good. ”

“I’m not an actor in the first place, and of course my acting skills are not good.” Lin Ying doesn’t mind people saying that his acting skills are poor, anyway, he doesn’t rely on this to eat.

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