“What to do?”

“It’s been three days, and there is still no movement on Xiaolan’s side!!”

“None of the messages sent to her were returned!”


Three days have passed since Xiaolan’s disappearance, and there has been no news.

This made both Shinichi and Yukiko feel very restless.

They stare at their phones almost all the time, worried that they will miss messages.

So much so that I didn’t even sleep much.

The eyes of both mother and son were full of blood, staring at two big black circles!

“Still no news.” Yukiko muttered with a lost soul, “Could it be… Has Xiaolan been killed? ”

“It won’t.” Shinichi shook his head repeatedly, and he said affirmatively: “If Xiaolan is killed, then her body will definitely be found!” ”

“The police will also report the news!”

“But now we still haven’t found relevant information, which means that Xiaolan is okay now!”

Although Shinichi said a vow, he didn’t really believe his own words.

The fact that no body is found does not mean that the person is not dead.

There are so many ways to throw corpses… Buried in the ground, thrown in the sea, or chopped up to feed pigs, buried in the walls…

“Xiao Xin is right, Xiao Lan should be fine.” At this time, Yusaku, who was on the side, agreed with Shinichi’s point of view.

No matter how he says it, he is the protagonist’s father, Shinichi’s strongest backing behind him.

The small detention center naturally will not lock him up.

He used his strong connections and came out of the detention center.

Of course, as a price, Yusaku will definitely help the CIA deal with some shady things in the future.

But he wouldn’t tell anyone else.

Yusaku slowly analyzed: “Judging from that person’s style, it doesn’t look like killing innocent people… It may be that something happened in the middle, so it was delayed. ”

“I have asked my friends to investigate, and they will notify me as soon as there is news.”

Shinichi was appeased by Yusaku’s words, making him less worried.

However, Yukiko still said sullenly: “Alas… Now how do I explain it to Yingli. ”

“Xiaolan lost it here… I don’t know how it is now. ”

“I won’t have the face to see her in the future.”

“………… Mom, I don’t blame you for this. Shinichi heard this sentence and blamed himself even more.

If his attitude had been tougher, stopped Xiaolan from finding a handkerchief, and directly let the taxi driver drive back to the hotel, not so many things would have happened.

Seeing the two who fell into self-blame again, Yusaku didn’t know how to comfort them.

After all, no matter how good it is, it can’t change the fact that Xiaolan has no news.

For a while, the atmosphere in the house was very depressing.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

Yusaku got up and went to answer the phone.

After listening to the news from the other end of the phone, he immediately said excitedly: “What? Good, good… I know! I’ll go over now! ”

As soon as he hung up the phone, he couldn’t help but be happy, and said to Shinichi and Yukiko: “The consulate called, saying that Xiaoran is looking for us again!” ”

“What!” Shinichi suddenly provoked from the ground excitedly, and he said with joy: “Xiaolan… She…… She’s fine? She was waiting for us at the consulate? Are you sure? Dad!! ”

“Well, that’s what the other party said!” After Yusaku finished speaking, he looked at Yukiko.

And Yukiko had already gone back to her room to get her car keys.


The Kudo family drove to the Japanese consulate with apprehension.

In this place, they saw Xiaolan.

“Xiaolan~~~~” As soon as Yukiko saw Xiaoran, she couldn’t control it anymore and stepped forward to hug.

“Aunt Yukiko, I’m fine.” Xiaoran accepted this hug with some joy, she looked at Shinichi and Yusaku, and said embarrassedly: “Shinichi, Uncle Yusaku, I’m sorry to worry you.” ”

“It’s okay.” Yusaku was relieved to see that Xiaoran was safe and sound. ,

The same is true for Shinichi.

“I thought something was wrong with you, and I was worried about killing me.” After Yukiko let go of Xiaolan, she hurriedly looked Xiaolan up and down: “I don’t see you for a few days, you are hungry……… Well, it seems that I am not thin, but I am a little fatter. ”

She said, and reached out to pinch the flesh on Xiaolan’s arm.

This made the latter very embarrassed and his face was red.

Although she said that she was sick for the past few days, the meal made by that person was quite delicious, plus she felt that she was a little weak and needed to make up for it since then, so she ate a little more.

“You… You’re reading it wrong. Xiaolan denied it again and again.

There are some things that are absolutely impossible for girls to admit!

“yes, too…” Yukiko felt that it must be because she hadn’t slept well in the past few days and was too tired.

So look away.

Xiaolan was taken away by bad guys, instead of going to a relative’s house to eat, how could she become fat!

“Then you’re not hurt, are you?” Yukiko asked with concern.

“I’m okay.” Xiaolan once again said that she really had nothing to do.

At this time, Yusaku had also finished communicating with the consulate staff.

“Okay, let’s go find a place to sit down and have a good chat.” Yusaku said.

“Uh-huh! I know there’s a nice café nearby, so let’s go there! Yukiko knew that this was not a good place to chat, so she decided to go to the café.

Seeing that no one objected to this proposal, Yukiko held Xiaoran’s hand tightly and left the consulate.

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