【Ding! You complete Kudo Shinichi’s check-in quest, and you receive a reward ———— hearing enhancement. 】

[Hearing enhancement: Your hearing will be greatly improved. 】

【Ding! You complete the Maori Lan check-in mission and you get your reward ———— gun control. 】

[Gun Control: You can use all your firearms perfectly. 】

This is the reward Lin Ying received from the new Xiaolan.

Pretty good!

What makes Lin Ying most satisfied is hearing strengthening, which directly enhances his sense of hearing.

He is a half-way killer, unlike a professionally trained killer like Belmode, who has a very complete range of abilities in all aspects.

And he is seriously partial.

And hearing enhancement can greatly compensate for some of his shortcomings in detection.

As for gun control, this is stronger than hearing, and it is not so fragrant.

As long as krypton gold, learning the use of any weapon is not a problem.

But hearing is not made stronger by krypton gold.

Whether the hearing is good or not, in addition to being related to training, it is also very talented.

“Huh? What happened to you? It looks like I’m quite happy. When Belmod was tasting Lin Ying’s craft, he found the other party laughing over there, and he couldn’t help but feel curious.

“Hmm.” Lin Ying came back to his senses and said, “As a chef, the happiest thing is that your food is eaten. ”

“I didn’t expect your cooking skills to be so good.” Belmod had to be impressed by Lin Ying, and she sighed: “With your skill, you can go to a restaurant to be a chef.” ”

“Cooking is just my hobby, and it’s okay to do it once or twice once in a while, but it’s a lot more often… Will get tired. Lin Ying casually found an excuse and prevaricated.

In fact, he mastered these abilities through the system, and could not fully use them, that is called waste!

Besides, being a cook is far less fun than being a killer!

“Is this really good?” Belmod held her chin and looked at Lin Ying, she really couldn’t bear to let this good young man step astray.

She gave a rare friendly reminder: “This road is not easy.” ”

“You are not deep in the industry now, and it is still time to turn back… I can also clear your relevant information, and you can become an ordinary person again. ”

“Once you’ve been on this road for too long, there’s no turning back.”

“There has never been a killer… Can leave the industry alive. ”

Lin Ying could hear that Belmod was thinking about himself from the bottom of his heart, and did not want to let himself fall deeper and deeper.

But alas, he has lived his whole life.

In my previous life, I didn’t want to be an ordinary person.

What’s more, if he has a systematic body, where will he be willing to be an ordinary person?

Competence has always been matched by ambition.

“What about you?” Lin Ying did not answer, but turned to Belmode, “Why do you want to engage in this business?” ”

“With your body beauty, intelligence and intelligence, no matter which line you go, you are very good.”

“I’m different from you.” Belmode took a sip of red wine, frowned tightly, and said, “I don’t have a choice……… If I had a choice, I wouldn’t do it. ”

“But you’re different… Your future is bright, and there is still time to turn back! ”

She looked at Lin Ying solemnly, hoping that this kind man would not walk on this.

Otherwise, if you walk, you may lose your important things.

Lin Ying picked up the wine glass and pointed it at Belmode, “It’s too late, Chris. I’m starting to love this life. ”

After speaking, he drank it in one gulp.

“yes… I can see that you adapt very quickly. Belmode sighed with some emotion.

The reason why she set her eyes on the other party at the beginning was because she felt that the other party was talented in this regard.

Now it seems that his judgment is correct.

With a little more training, the other party will definitely become an excellent killer.

“Since you have made up your mind, then I will not advise you.” Belmod no longer bothered to talk much on this topic, she could see that the other party was a very assertive person and would not be influenced by herself.

While eating the dish, she teased: “I took care of that girl for three days, what is my thanks?” Tell me about it. ”

“Any ideas?” Lin Ying picked up the wine and poured wine into his glass, and he said: “She is lying on the hospital bed with a fever, and I am like a waiter in the buffet.” ”

“Add water when you run out of water, get her something to eat when you don’t have food, and then give her medicine regularly.”

“Haha… It doesn’t sound like a buffet waiter, but rather like a zookeeper. Belmod smiled, she looked at Lin Ying’s face and quipped: “I can’t see it, you are still a very patient man.” I found that I kind of liked you. ”

Of course, it is not only the appearance that attracts her, but also the inner quality.

“I advise you not to like me.” Lin Ying gave Belmode a piece of advice: “I am a very fancy person. ”

“Yes?” Belmode held his chin and chuckled: “If we get acquainted, who dares to mess with you, I will kill her……… I’m serious about what I’m talking about. ”

“You’re cruel, Chris.” Lin Ying shook his head, and then took a sip of wine.

He said: “We don’t talk about this… Let’s talk about my takeaway for three days of caring for that girl. ”

“Oh? What else did you take? Belmode was curious.

If you stay at home alone for three days and are lucky not to get moldy, what else can you gain?

Lin Ying said nonchalantly: “In those three days, I saw news reports at home……… The white-haired murderer committed suicide. ”

“yes, he’s so careless… Unexpectedly exposed on the way to escape. Belmod shook her head, and she said, “But this has nothing to do with you, it’s his own problem.” ”

“That’s not the point.” Lin Ying said word by word: “The point is that when the body of the white-haired murderer was found, there were no needle holes in his body after injecting morphine, nor did he have a bandage wrapped around the bandage I gave him. ”

Hearing this, Belmode’s hand moved, and she looked up at Lin Ying, her heart full of horror!

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