Judy told Xiaoran about how Lin Ying saved Yukiko.

“Huh~~~ So it’s like this!” Xiao Landa was surprised, she didn’t expect the way the two met like this.

It’s a bit romantic yay ~~~

Wait a minute!!

At this time, Xiaolan suddenly remembered what Miss Judy had just said.

She said that Mr. Lin likes to be mature and steady, beautiful and generous……… Does this refer to Miss Yukiko?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan’s gossip soul suddenly ignited, although there was no clear evidence, but he always felt that this matter must be inseparable!

“It’s just luck.” Lin Ying very plainly found an excuse to perfunctory things.

“Some people are born with this ability… If you don’t make good use of this talent, it will be quite wasteful. Judy sighed.

“Saying so much, you don’t want me to help you?” Lin Ying unceremoniously pierced Judy’s careful thoughts.

“I’ve asked you like this, can’t I?” Judy grabbed Lin Ying’s arm and leaned forward, trying to use the beauty meter.

“Nope.” Lin Ying gave the same answer again, not because he didn’t eat beauty tricks, but because of other reasons.

“Agent Judy, although I haven’t worked in the FBI, but if you are remembered by a target like you, you should change someone to follow, right?” He looked at Judy and asked calmly.

“Ahhh… This…” Judy was speechless for a moment, and did not answer immediately.

“You didn’t report the news, but came to ask me, who has only one side of you……… I’m afraid your stalking this time is a personal act, right? Lin Ying said slowly.

That’s why he’s reluctant to help Judy.

It is impossible to let herself abandon Xiaolan and help her because of her personal behavior, right?

Judy was silent.

And silence often means default.

Only at this time did Xiao Lan next to him realize after realizing why Lin Ying would refuse so crisply and neatly.

“If it were me alone, I would be happy to help you, Miss Judy.” Lin Ying slowed down his tone and said, “But I’m not alone now, and I can’t bring Xiaolan into danger. ”

“……… I’m sorry. Judy smiled bitterly, she held Xiaolan’s hand and said apologetically: “I didn’t think about this, I’m very sorry.” ”

Xiaolan didn’t know how to respond, she felt that she was the one who should apologize.

If it weren’t for himself, I’m afraid Mr. Lin would have been able to help Miss Judy.

“I can understand how you feel right now……… My colleagues were killed one after another, and if it were me, I would be desperate to catch the murderer. Lin Ying expressed understanding.

“You… How do you know these things? Judy was really surprised.

“I read it in the newspapers.” Lin Ying pointed to a news item in the newspaper.

Xiaolan took a closer look, and there was a line written in English on the headline “FBI agent brutally killed at home”.

At this moment, Xiaolan couldn’t help but think of Shinichi.

She feels that Mr. Lin, like Shinichi, is a very intelligent person, and with some clues, he can find some things that others can’t find.

At least much smarter than himself.

“Is it all covered on the news?” After Judy glanced at the news, she took off her glasses, rubbed her temples, and said, “But this matter is very troublesome… There is no way to be reported by the media. ”

“For the past few days, there have been continuous attacks on our FBI agents… Seven have died. ”

“A few of them even have a good relationship with me… It’s a pity that no clues to the murderer have been found. ”

When she said this, Judy put on her glasses again, and her face showed indignation.

Between Xiaolan’s eyebrows, there was some sympathy.

Fortunately, Judy is also an FBI, and quickly adjusted her emotions, she said: “Some time ago, I knew from an informant that a strange face had recently arrived, even if I followed it. ”

“Because there was no evidence, there was no way to apply to the bureau for follow-up investigation, so I had to come by myself.”

“But! Based on my tracking for this period of time, I found that this guy should give a problem, cautious is a little excessive! ”

“So it is.” Lin Ying nodded, and at this time he saw the man in the cap get up and leave, so he reminded: “He is leaving… What are you going to do? ”

“What else can I do? I can only bite the bullet. Judy got up from her chair.

“Miss Judy… You be careful. Xiaolan next to him said with concern.

“Thank you, Xiaolan.” Judy smiled, she showed off her biceps, and said: “Don’t look at me like this, I’m very strong… I will invite you to coffee next time. ”

After that, she continued to follow.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Xiaolan felt that Miss Judy was so handsome, and she kind of wanted to be like the other party.

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