“Sorry to call you over so late, if I can… I don’t want to bother you either. ”

After Belmod opened the door and let Lin Ying in, she changed her usual style and became serious.

As she walked back to the living room, she said, “This time I need you to help me save someone from the FBI.” ”

“Who?” Lin Ying asked.

“I don’t know the name, but he has a code name, Calvados.” After Belmode touched out his mobile phone, he clicked on a photo for Lin Ying to see.

After Lin Ying took a closer look, he was surprised…………… Isn’t this guy the guy Judy is stalking?

After noticing the change in Lin Ying’s expression, Belmod immediately asked, “Do you know him?” ”

“Hmm… Today I ran into Xiaolan at the New York Public Library. But he was followed by a federal agent. Lin Ying briefly explained the situation, but did not mention Judy’s name.

If Belmod has a killing intention, touches her house after transfiguration, and kills the other party, won’t his check-in task be gone?

“Why did he attack the FBI?” Lin Ying quietly changed the topic and said, “Is there any deep hatred between him and the FBI?” ”

“Not really.” Belmod put the phone away, and she smiled: “But he’s pursuing me… After hearing that I had been injured by the FBI, I went to get into trouble with them. ”

“………” When Lin Ying heard this, he understood.

This guy is a licking dog.

And also a very aggressive licking dog!

Before Belmod could say anything, he rushed forward impatiently to show his loyalty.

As a result, he was caught.

“Although he is a very annoying guy, it is very easy to use.” Belmod smiled lightly, and she said, “Besides, if he dies for this reason, I will be in trouble.” ”

Calvados is a very useful tool man, not only obediently listening to himself, but also helping himself to gather intelligence about the organization.

She naturally didn’t want the other party to just disappear.

Even if you want to die, you have to die worthwhile.

Instead of killing a few irrelevant FBIs, just account over there.

“He’s in the hands of the FBI?” Lin Ying asked.

“Well, I’ve confirmed this to the eyeliner planted in the FBI.” Belmode said with great certainty.

“That sounds… It’s quite difficult. Lin Ying touched his chin, knowing that if he promised to help with this, it was estimated that he would have to face the elite of the FBI.

He liked Li Yunlong’s sentence——————Lao Tzu hit the elite!”

“Yes, although my informant is the inner response, it is also a very difficult thing.” Belmode did not hide this.

As for what would happen if Lin Ying failed, she didn’t say.

But Lin Ying knew that he was either killed on the spot or arrested and tortured for interrogation.

The result won’t be too good anyway.

“I’ll think about it.” Lin Ying did not immediately agree.

And Belmode also gave the other party time to think, after all, this mission was quite difficult.

Even she did not dare to say that she snatched someone from the FBI unscathed.

However, in order to save Calvados, who listened to him, and expose a few informants, Belmod felt that it was very worthwhile.

Of course, if Lin Ying refused this time, she would not say anything.

After all, the other party has not been in the industry for a long time, and it is really too reluctant to let him do these things.

It’s just that…… That kind of judgment is only suitable for ordinary people.

Treating Lin Ying, Belmod felt that he had to use standards that were different from ordinary people.

If the operation failed, he was killed by the FBI.

Belmode would also feel pity, but definitely not regret it.

Every killer has gone through countless times between life and death to grow.

If you don’t go through the test, you can only express regret.

Of course, Belmod hoped from the bottom of his heart that Lin Ying would refuse this task.

She felt that Lin Ying was too smooth during this time, without the slightest setback.

This can lead him to be arrogant and not have a clear understanding of himself.

I always feel that I am a person of destiny, so I become proud and have no one in sight……… This kind of person Belmod saw a lot, and then none of them went to the end.

“Okay! I took on this task. Lin Ying said.

Alas………… Belmode sighed in her heart, she also thought that this oriental man would be different.

But now, he also seems to feel different.

“I have one condition, though.” Lin Ying smiled slightly and said.

“You said, as long as it’s not too much, I can satisfy you.” Belmode naturally would not refuse, after all, this is part of the reward.

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