“Huh? It feels like there are more FBIs on the street these days. ”

On the streets of New York, Xiaolan, standing in a flower shop, looked at the federal agents wearing FBI vests in the past, inexplicably curious.

“Didn’t you pay attention to the news?” When Shinichi heard this, he immediately came to his senses, and he quickly said: “A big thing happened a few days ago!” Someone broke into the FBI’s New York branch and snatched people out of the FBI! ”

“But I didn’t find any news on the Internet, probably the news was blocked!”

Shinichi is very sorry to say this.

He felt that something wonderful must have happened here!

It’s a pity that I can’t participate in it, it’s a pity.

As soon as Xiaolan heard this, her first reaction was: “Huh? Something happened again? How does it feel… Where in New York, there are often accidents? Much more dangerous than rice flowers. ”

“Well, after all, there are so many people from other countries gathered here.” Shinichi also helplessly spread his hands.

In fact, he also feels that it is quite dangerous here, there are shootings at every turn, and there are people who do big things every three to five, which is not at all peaceful.

“But we’ll go back tomorrow, so Xiaolan, you don’t have to worry too much.” Shinichi comforted the other party.

“Well, that’s what I said.” Xiaolan nodded, no longer thinking about it.

At this time, Yukiko had already settled the bill, and she held a bouquet of carnations and said to the two: “I’m sorry to keep you guys waiting for a long time… Let’s go! ”

After returning to the car, Shinichi asked curiously, “Mom, who are you going to visit?” ”

“Wounded friend… She is an FBI who was injured during an operation the other day. Yukiko said and fastened her seat belt.

“Huh?” As soon as Shinichi heard the news, he immediately became energetic.

He immediately asked, “Does it have anything to do with the attack on the FBI branch a few days ago?” ”

“Yes……… Agent Judy had helped us before, so we were going to visit people. After Yukiko finished speaking, she kicked the accelerator and drove to the hospital.


After arriving at the hospital, Yukiko and her party went to Judy’s hospital room after obtaining permission.

After knocking on the door and getting permission, the three of them went inside.

Xiaolan saw Agent Judy lying on the hospital bed, and only felt that the other side looked very haggard.

This is not the same state as the last time she saw each other in the public library.

“Hi, Miss Yukiko, thank you for visiting me.” Judy forcibly cheered up and said hello to Yukiko, she said embarrassedly: “I promised to help you before, but I haven’t given you news… I’m really sorry. ”

Judy was referring to Yusaku’s detention in the NYPD, and she wasn’t helping now.

“Ah~~ This is already fine.” Yukiko smiled, she didn’t give Judy a chance to speak, and said, “How is your situation?” Is there a big deal? ”

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just a few injuries, just take a break.” Judy replied, she considered herself lucky.

If Calvados hadn’t been in his car, I’m afraid the other party would have crashed directly into his driver’s seat.

At that time, I am afraid that I will directly become a piece of flesh and blood.

“It’s okay if it’s okay.” Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the new button next to him couldn’t help but say: “Agent Judy, can I ask… Did you get this injury because of the attack on the FBI branch the other day? ”

“Shinichi! How can you ask these confidential things? Yukiko quickly reprimanded, embarrassed: “I’m sorry, Judy… This kid was spoiled by me. ”

This made Shinichi scratch his head a little embarrassed, he also knew that he was a little reckless……… But he couldn’t contain his curiosity, wondering what happened that day.

“Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Judy waved her hand, and she said without minding: “It’s not something to hide……… Even if I don’t say it, I can’t hide this matter. ”

“There are so many people who know… Even if a gag order is issued, sooner or later this matter will leak out for others to know. ”

After that, Judy slowly said what happened that day.

After hearing this, the three of Yukiko were stunned and felt unbelievable.

“This… Isn’t that a bit outrageous? Is that killer so strong? ”

“One person killed two security squads in a row!”

“It’s like making a movie…”


Shinichi was shocked the most, he didn’t expect that there were such strong killers in this world.

However, compared to the opponent’s strong fighting skills, he is more concerned about the other party’s tricks.

It’s wonderful.

Unexpectedly in such a bold way, from the seventh floor to the sixth floor!

If given the chance, Shinichi really wants to fight the other party.

Facing the surprised expressions of the three, Judy said that she was very understanding.

Even as a client, she looks back now with disbelief.

Before this happened, Judy felt that security could be guaranteed in the FBI branch.

But now……… She felt that the place didn’t seem safe anymore.

“Ming Xiu plank road, darkness Chen Cang. Surprise, one move to defeat the enemy. ”

At this time, the voice of a fifth person sounded in the room.

Everyone looked towards the door, and saw Lin Ying also walking in with a bouquet of flowers, and he said: “There is no doubt that the other party is a tactical master. ”

He spared no effort to praise himself……… Anyway, they don’t know that the protagonist this time is himself.

Looking at Lin Ying coming over, everyone greeted one after another.

Judy answered, “I know this… Sun Tzu’s art of war, I often heard James say. ”

“I didn’t know what it meant before… Now I totally understand. ”

It’s just that she feels that the price she paid for understanding the meaning of these words is too great.


PS: I went out today and came back in the evening.

Four and five will be a little later, you can get up tomorrow and watch again.

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