A week later, Lin Ying took a thick wad of information from Detective Sakuma’s hand.

These materials record what this concubine Yingli did in the past seven days, including who the other party met with, what she ate for lunch, when she went home, which bar she would go to to spend time, and so on.

“Of course, those men only have photos, no details… If you want to investigate them separately, you have to add money. Detective Sakuma said.

“Well, I’ll take it back first.” After Lin Ying paid the final payment, he left the detective agency.

After finding a café where there was no one there, he asked for a cup of coffee and began to read carefully.

After seeing these materials, it was already evening.

Lin Ying obtained a lot of information from these materials.

For example, Fei Yingli’s travel route, travel habits, favorite restaurants for life and rest, bars she frequents, gyms several times a week, and so on.

With this information, you can make sufficient preparations for getting closer to each other.

“This time you need to prepare a little longer.” Lin Ying muttered to himself and drank the coffee in his cup.



knock knock ————

“Please come in.”

“Sorry to disturb you, teacher.” Kuriyama Midori pushed the door in, and she said: “Just now Mr. Suzuki called, and he said that he had reached a settlement with the perpetrator, so he stopped eating. ”

“This way.” Concubine Eiri stopped her work and asked, “Then did you tell Mr. Suzuki about the reservation fee?” ”

“Well, I told Mr. Suzuki that the reservation fee will not be refunded, and he said that this is his personal problem and should not be returned.” After Kuriyama said this, she chuckled, “It’s good that Mr. Suzuki is not a difficult guest. ”

“yes!” Concubine Yingli nodded approvingly, and she chuckled, “In this case, the time for tonight will be freed up……… Midori, going for a drink? I haven’t drunk it in a long time. ”

“I’m sorry, teacher.” Kuriyama Green clasped his hands together and said embarrassedly: “I’m going to see Yoko Okino’s concert tonight, I’m afraid I can’t accompany you.” ”

“Huh? Did you buy tickets for the concert? Concubine Yingli was surprised.

“Speaking of which, I was also lucky, some time ago I met a foreign tourist who got lost, and it happened that the place he was going to was near the office, so I brought him by the way.” Kuriyama Midori smiled and took out the concert door number from his pocket and said, “As a thank you, he gave me this concert ticket!” Or VIP tickets. ”

“It’s so generous… I remember Yoko Okino tickets have always been expensive, right? And it’s also super hard to grab. Concubine Yingli said with some surprise.

“I was also surprised at the time, but he said that he had something to ask for that day and there was no way to go… So he gave it to me. When she said this, Kuriyama Green smiled and closed her mouth, and she said: “Sure enough, people still have to do more good deeds.” ”

“Then I wish you a pleasant watch tonight.” Concubine Yingli smiled.

Since Kuriyama Green has her own itinerary, then Concubine Yingli has to do something to pass the time tonight.

It’s rare to be free today.

After work, Fei Yingli went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and in the evening she made a delicious meal at home to treat herself.

After dinner, she put the plate in the dishwasher, and after starting it, she went to the shower and put on makeup.

After picking out the right clothes, Concubine Yingli changed into a bag and walked to the missQ bar, which she frequented.

I sat down at the bar, asked for a cocktail, and relaxed myself.

During this period, although someone came to talk to her, Concubine Yingli refused the other party’s accompaniment on the grounds of “sorry, I’m waiting for a friend”.

Of course, not everyone is so knowledgeable, and quite a few people are stalking.

To deal with such a person, Fei Yingli will not be polite, and directly stated her identity: “I am a lawyer, do you know that I can sue you for harassment?” ”

With such tough means, you can drive away those stalkers.

Usually so busy with work, now that she finally has time to breathe, she wants to sit alone in a daze and relax her head.

Although tonight’s itinerary is gone, tomorrow’s itinerary is still full!

Just when Concubine Yingli was drinking in a daze, suddenly there was movement not far away.

She looked back and saw two young men pestering a girl.

“You’re here alone, right? How boring it is to sit around, how about we have a few drinks together? ”

“You can also play a game to pass the time.”

“Nope… No thanks, I want to be alone. ”

“Don’t be shy, we won’t treat you well.”

“It’s just, let’s play together.”


After seeing this scene, Concubine Yingli shook her head, feeling that the children in this year really have no quality, didn’t they see that people refused?

At this time, the bartender went up and wanted to stop the situation.

But the two young men had an extremely bad attitude and said loudly: “What is the matter with you? The conversation between our friends does not require your intervention! Get lost! ”

“If I don’t roll again, I’ll hit you? See this sandbag-sized fist? If you don’t roll anymore, it will hit you!! ”

The bartender was very embarrassed, so he had to bite the bullet and say: “If you make trouble again, I can only call the police!!! ”

“Still dare to call the police? You are not small! The troublesome guest was very arrogant, he grabbed the bartender by the collar, took the other party over and said fiercely: “Boy, do you know who I am?” Do you still dare to call the police? Don’t give you a little color to see, you don’t know how good I am. ”

When Concubine Yingli, who was sitting at the bar, saw this scene, she just remembered to get up to stop it, but the guest in front was one step ahead of her.

I saw the man walk up and said, “Everyone is out to drink, don’t make a big deal out of it.” ”

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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