“Oh? Mr. Lin is not Japanese? ”

“No, I’m only living here temporarily.”

“Huh? Then your Japanese is very good! I can’t even hear it! ”

“It’s because I have a few Japanese friends, and thanks to their blessings, I was able to learn so quickly.”

“So… So you now have a long-term plan to live here? ”

“Well, I’m going to live for a while… Already rented a house, paid rent for a year. ”

“That’s fine, because it takes time to get a lawsuit… So I think the other party may know that you are a foreigner and will deliberately drag out time. ”

“It turns out that there is such a way… Fortunately, I had a concubine lawyer to help me, otherwise I would have fallen for their tricks. ”


In the office, after talking with Lin Yingli, Concubine Yingli quickly reached a consensus.

This time, Concubine Yingli took it.

However, considering that I received an appointment fee from others, it is not good to end the chat so quickly.

Therefore, Concubine Yingli casually chatted with Lin Ying.

She asked curiously, “That night, I saw Mr. Lin, you easily beat those two people away……… Have you practiced? ”

“Hmm.” Lin Ying nodded, and he said: “I like to run around, so for the sake of safety, I learned a little self-defense technique… Three or five people can’t get close to me! ”

“Then you’re amazing.” Concubine Yingli nodded, which could explain why the other party had the courage to substitute last night.

“But the next time you encounter this kind of thing, if you can’t make a move, it’s better not to shoot.” She advised: “When you encounter some entangled people, just call the police directly and hand it over to the police to deal with.” ”

In this regard, Lin Ying smiled, he still insisted: “The next time I encounter these things, I will still make a move……… Isn’t it just a lawsuit? Who is afraid of whom. Besides, the concubine lawyer will also help me, okay? ”

“If it is a righteous act, then I will definitely help you win the case.” Concubine Yingli also nodded affirmatively.

After the conversation, Lin Ying took the initiative to leave.

Concubine Yingli sent the other party downstairs and said, “On the day of the trial, we will meet at the door of the court. ”

“Okay, then I’ll see you then.” Lin Ying nodded and turned to leave.

After Concubine Yingli returned to the office, as soon as she came in, she heard Kuriyama Green say: “Heh~~~ It’s really rare.” The teacher will personally drop the guests downstairs. ”

“Because I admire his righteous actions.” Fei Yingli sighed: “Now in this society, this kind of behavior is becoming more and more rare, everyone will choose to call the police and let the police deal with this matter.” ”

“That’s what I said… Mr. Lin stepped in to protect the other girls, but as a result, he was sued. Kuriyama Green was also quite helpless about this, she sighed: “Why did society develop like this? I really don’t understand. ”

“Okay, okay, you won’t feel less here.” Concubine Yingli interrupted Kuriyama Green’s sentimentality, she patted the other party’s shoulder and said, “We just have to do our own thing.” ”

“I know, teacher!” Kuriyama said in spirit.

Fei Yingli entered the office and began to continue working.


Two weeks later, the trial began.

And the outcome of this lawsuit is obvious.

In the face of ironclad evidence, the prosecution finally lost the case, ending the farce.

“The ultimate goal of those people is to blackmail you and want you to give money… It’s just that they didn’t expect that you are a foreigner living in Japan for a long time. After Concubine Yingli left the court, she couldn’t help but shake her head when she saw the two people who had fled.

“yes.” Lin Ying nodded, and he said, “This time, thanks to the concubine lawyer, you helped……… As a thank you, let me treat you to a meal. ”

“I don’t have to eat, I have to meet a customer later.” Concubine Yingli smiled, she handed out a name tag from the inside of her bag and said, “If you still encounter trouble, you can come to me at any time.” ”

“Okay, then it won’t bother you with work.” Lin Ying took the business card and said.

“Then I’ll take my leave.” After bowing politely, Concubine Yingli quickly left and rushed to the next meeting place.

Lin Ying stood in place, quietly watching the other party go away, he looked at the business card in his hand and muttered, “Hey, it’s a little unkind.” The plan went well… But it’s still rewarding. ”

Saying that, Lin Ying took out his mobile phone, made a call, and said, “You guys go to the old place and wait for me.” ”

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