Concubine Yingli didn’t know if Lin Ying could catch up with that bastard.

She sincerely hoped that the other party could catch up and snatch her bag back.

With such an idea, Concubine Yingli looked at the place where Lin Ying left without moving, just like Wangfushi.

The long wait of ten minutes was as if more than ten years had passed for Concubine Yingli, extremely tormenting.


After a long wait, Concubine Yingli saw a figure slowly walking towards her.

She couldn’t help but tense up.

After the other party approached, after Concubine Yingli confirmed that it was Lin Ying, she immediately focused her attention on the other party’s hands.

Empty-handed, this made her heart sink.

The sad emotions she held back suddenly gushed out, sweeping her body and mind.

Inexplicably, I had an urge to cry.

Obviously I just did what I should do as a lawyer, why did I suffer such a thing?

The more she thought about it, the more Concubine Yingli felt uncomfortable and wronged.

Although she is strong, she is much stronger than other women.

But after all, she’s still a woman.

“I’m sorry, lawyer Concubine. The guy ran too fast, I didn’t keep up and didn’t bring your bag back. Lin Ying said apologetically.

“It’s okay, it’s none of your business.” Concubine Yingli reluctantly squeezed out a smile.

She struggled to restrain the emotions she was trying to churn.

That’s what she’s been doing for a decade.

You can’t show your weakness to outsiders!

Just when Concubine Yingli still wanted to say something, suddenly she was stunned and found something wrong.

She clearly saw that Lin Ying’s chest was obviously bulging, as if something was stuffed inside.


At this moment, Fei Yingli realized that she had been tricked.

The other party obviously snatched his bag back!!

She felt angry after being deceived, and she was amused by the other party’s behavior of opening her eyes and saying nonsense.

“Mr. Lin, what’s going on in your chest?” Concubine Yingli deliberately made a serious face, and also pointed to Lin Ying’s chest, asking him not to open his eyes and say nonsense, he saw it all, and obediently called out my bag!

“Oh, that’s my pectoral, which I’ve been practicing these days.” Lin Ying said seriously.

The bag was snatched back, and Concubine Yingli’s mood is now cloudy and clear, which is very good, so she said a few words: “Then why are your chest muscles so strange?” The bump is uneven, I have never seen such strange chest muscles when I grow so big. ”

“Then you see it now.” Lin Ying said: “I have a special training method. ”

“No matter how special the method is, it is impossible for people to exercise their chest muscles into such a bumpy appearance!!” Concubine Yingli is a little funny, such nonsense can be said by the other party, is he really a three-year-old child?

“Okay, stop messing around. Take my bag out. Concubine Yingli reached out to Lin Ying for her bag.

“I don’t really have your bag.” Lin Ying said, he spread his hands and said, “If you don’t believe it, you can search my body.” ”

Concubine Yingli shook her head with a smile, she felt that this was the most outrageous thing she had ever encountered in her life.

However, no matter what people say, they have snatched back their bags, and she can’t be angry.

Concubine Yingli didn’t talk nonsense, she directly reached out and unzipped Lin Ying’s coat.

After seeing her bag, she couldn’t control her joy and took it out.

Then in the next second, Concubine Yingli exclaimed, because she was picked up!!

“You… What are you doing? She felt a little flustered and overwhelmed, and quickly said: “Hurry up and let me down!!” ”

“Your foot is already injured.” Lin Ying reminded in a friendly manner: “If you continue to walk, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to go to work tomorrow.” ”

“It’s not that serious…” Concubine Yingli felt that the other party was exaggerating and deliberately scaring herself.

In this regard, Lin Ying smiled, he looked at the petite concubine Yingli who was picked up by himself, and said: “Concubine lawyer, you rarely get hurt, right?” ”

“This… This of course. After looking at Lin Ying like this, Concubine Yingli felt unnaturally turned away from her gaze, and she suddenly felt that her heart was beating a little fast.

It must be… He held me for sake.

I haven’t had any intimate contact with men for so many years.

This was suddenly picked up by other men, and it was normal for his heart to beat fast.

Concubine Yingli comforted herself in her heart.

“After an injury, the wound is susceptible to infection… Once infected, it doesn’t get better so quickly in that time. Lin Ying said unhurriedly: “At least more than a month……… You see there are so many stones here, this is also a street, there are many people coming and going, and the probability of infection is very high. ”

“…”This made Fei Yingli unable to refute it, because it was indeed so.

Once the wound is infected, then your own travel is troublesome.

But being held by a man made her a little unnatural.

When Concubine Yingli just wanted to say something, she heard Lin Ying say: “Still, Concubine Lawyer……… You’ve grown so old that you haven’t been so exposed to the opposite sex? That’s why you’re so nervous? ”

“Hah!!” Fei Yingli used a chuckle to hide her embarrassment.

Living alone for ten years, how could she possibly say such a thing?

How faceless it is to say it, doesn’t she want face?

Concubine Yingli said immediately: “That’s if you think too much, I’m already married, but I’m just worried that this will not affect well.” ”

“That’s right.” Lin Ying nodded abruptly, and he said, “Since that’s the case, then call your husband and ask him to come and pick you up.” ”

“………” Concubine Yingli pouted when she heard this.

It was impossible for her to call Maori Kogoro.

The Cold War has been fought for ten years, just because of this little thing want her to bow her head?

No way!!!

She would rather let Lin Ying carry her back than call Maori Kogoro.

“I don’t need to trouble my husband for this little thing, you carry me back… Anyway, my home is not far from here. “Concubine Yingli didn’t clamore to come down, let others hold it.

Again, this was not done out of his own free will, but because of his injuries.

She is not a little girl anymore, she is a mature woman.

Just because she was held, and then shy, embarrassed, say what others think of her?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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