A few days later.

Lin Ying met in private with a girl named Nao in a café.

He handed a letter to the other party and said, “You did well, this is your reward.” ”

This Nao is the escort he has seen at nightclubs.

Of course, it is legal to accompany drinking, but the so-called rule is that as long as the other party has a way to get the other party to go with you, it is a personal matter.

As for what the way is… Money is the best way.

“Mr. Suzuki, you are so generous.” After Nao took the envelope and counted the money inside, she suddenly smiled.

This way of getting money is much better than her desperately drinking with people.

Before he finished counting, suddenly Lin Ying took out another bank card, and he said: “There is also a job of 10 million yen, can’t you take it?” ”

“Pick up! Of course take it!! Nao’s eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly.

She did this to make money.

“It’s simple.” Lin Ying pushed the bank card over and said, “In these three months, you have to be a lover for Maori Kogoro, and try not to be discovered as much as possible, understand?” ”

“This is simple~~~” As soon as Nao heard about this work, it was not difficult at all, and she agreed without thinking.

After getting the bank card, she said curiously: “But… Why did Mr. Suzuki do this? From what I know during this time, Mr. Maori is a gentle and considerate good man. ”

After hearing this, Lin Ying smiled in a low voice, and he asked rhetorically: “Has a good man affected you to make money?” ”

Nao shook her head and replied, “It doesn’t matter.” ”

“That’s it.” Lin Ying said, stood up and said, “If someone asks you why… You know how to answer, right? ”

“Well, because I admire Mr. Maori I willingly give him a lover.” Nao is not a fool, don’t say what you shouldn’t say.

Otherwise, there will be no career prospects in the future, not to mention, maybe there will be life danger.

The other party can casually take out 10 million to himself, and may also take out 10 million to find others to ask for their own lives.

After Lin Ying nodded, he turned and left.

He did not let Nao deliberately provoke the feelings between the Maori couple.

Because it is not necessary.

Maori Kogoro has broken his vows, cheated on him, and enjoys pleasure in other women and a sense of identity that he has never been able to get.

It is difficult for him to return to his previous identity as a “down-and-out detective”.

The gap between the two gave him a feeling that was too great.

He will take chances and go out every now and then to steal.

Unfortunately, what Maori Kogoro didn’t know was that no matter how cautious he was, he couldn’t hide his abnormal actions.

Once Xiaolan doubts once, then he will be finished.

Lin Ying believes that Maori Kogoro can fool Xiaolan.

But don’t forget, Ran also has a friend named Shinichi Kudo, who is a real detective.

He can fool Ran, but can he fool Kudo Shinichi?

Of course, Lin Ying also prepared that Xiaolan had been confused and did not find Maori Kogoro’s strange plan.

But it doesn’t matter, he has asked Nao to take Maori Kogoro to the bars, gyms, supermarkets where Eiri is haunted by Princess Eiri.

Only once did Maori meet Princess Yingli, then it was his plan that succeeded.


After Lin Ying left the café, he ran to another café to meet Concubine Yingli.

After he came in, he found that Concubine Yingli was already sitting, reading documents while passing the time.

“I’m sorry, lawyer. Keeps you waiting. Lin Ying apologized softly.

“It’s not the appointed time yet, it’s me who came early.” Fei Yingli smiled and put away the documents, she raised her hand to call the waiter and began to order.

After ordering the food, Lin Ying asked, “How is it now?” The injury on the foot should be almost fine, right? ”

“Well, it’s already scabbed over, and I can walk normally.” Concubine Yingli reported her situation truthfully, she pushed her glasses and thanked her: “This time is really thanks to you Mr. Lin, otherwise I am afraid that several important lawsuits will have to be postponed.” ”

“It’s just a show of hands.” Lin Ying once again emphasized this point.

“Haha, too. This is not the first time for Mr. Lin to help others, right? Concubine Yingli said with appreciation.

As a lawyer, she has met too many cold and heartless people.

Now it is rare to see a good young man who is helpful, and she naturally feels precious.

“As long as I can help, of course I will help… As for what can’t be helped, then there is no way. Lin Ying said that he didn’t want his image to be a rotten good person.

“I agree with that.” Concubine Yingli nodded in agreement, she was most worried that Lin Ying would encounter something that she couldn’t solve, but she had to bite the bullet.

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