Every time Fei Yingli wins a lawsuit, there will be a loser.

After ten years of accumulation, it is inevitable that a lot of losers have accumulated.

And among the losers in this, there are also many people who have a grudge against Concubine Yingli.

I feel that this female lawyer is really nosy, and if she hadn’t intervened, their case would not have lost.

From the point of view of the loser, they must feel that they have a point, and they should win the case……… Otherwise they wouldn’t have appealed.

But the court is an official institution, no matter how unconvinced, they do not have the courage, they do not have the courage to go wild towards the court.

After all, people are not vegetarians, and if they dare to spread wild over there, they dare to use force to expel or even detain them.

No way, they then retreated and spilled their anger on Concubine Yingli.

So they united some people and formed a victims’ association.

The purpose of this association is clear, that is, to take revenge on Concubine Yingli.

When the two little brothers finished speaking, Lin Ying suddenly remembered.

In the later stages of Detective Conan, there is an episode called “Concubine Yingli’s Distress Signal”

In this episode, two people attack the concubine’s law firm, knock her unconscious, and take her away in a box.

These two people seem to be members of the victims’ association.

“Interesting.” After Lin Ying heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly.

He asked the two younger brothers and said, “How are the people in that association?” How many people? What is the ratio of men to women? ”

“Oh… This, we don’t know. The little brother scratched his head, unable to answer.

The other said: “We just received their invitation yesterday, so we called you as soon as possible!!” ”

“Well, you guys did a great job.” Lin Ying understood that they had come to invite credit.

But people are doing really well, and this information comes in time.

Without saying a word, he took out his wallet and gave 50,000 yen alone.

The two people accepted it ecstatically, shouting thank you to the boss one by one.

Lin Ying knew very well that the boss in their mouth was referring to those banknotes.

But what does it matter?

As long as the other party can serve themselves.

As for who is the boss, it doesn’t matter.

“You join that victim association, tell me how things are going inside.” Lin Ying gave them a new directive.

“No problem, boss!” Under the influence of money, the enthusiasm of these two people was raised at once.


A few days later, Lin Ying met the two little brothers again.

They have figured out the foundation of the victims’ association.

The association has more than two dozen members, the vast majority of whom are women, with men making up only a small fraction.

Their main job is to publish information that denigrates Fei Yingli on the Internet, brush the screen everywhere to say that Fei Yingli is not good, and expose her old bottom.

She said she was a selfish woman who abandoned her family ten years ago and came out to work as a lawyer.

Regardless of his family, he has been separated from his husband for ten years.

In the past ten years, I am afraid that she has slept with many men.

And so on, and so on, malicious words and attacks.

“It seems that… Or girls are more vindictive. Lin Ying smiled, not surprised by this.

People are not banknotes and cannot be liked by everyone.

Not to mention Concubine Yingli, Lin Ying also knows that there are many people who don’t like him.

But so what?

Just because you don’t like yourself, you can’t change yourself.

Become what people like, right?

“Boss, what should we do next?” These two little brothers are very positive, because they know that as long as they do a good job, this boss will give money very cheerfully!

“I already have a plan, so you just do as I say…” Lin Ying said, and then said the plan.

But in fact, this is not Lin Ying’s plan, but a plan adapted from “Concubine Yingli’s Distress Signal”.

After listening to the plan Lin Ying said, a worried look suddenly appeared on the faces of the two little brothers.

This time, it is not surprising that it is a crime again……… Why do they think about some illegal and criminal things all day long?

Can’t you rob and extort money in peace and receive protection fees?

Lin Ying could see the hesitation on the faces of these two people, and he took out the cash from his wallet without saying a word.

“Whatever the boss says, we will do it!”

“That’s it! 200% will complete the task!! ”

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the two people was mobilized at once, Lin Ying smiled, he felt that what Belmod said made sense.

To do the killer business, you need to have more cash on your body.

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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