Chapter 71: No matter what, it’s a win [1 more, please subscribe].

Before Fei Yingli was arrested, Lin Ying personally went to the Concubine Law Firm to find her once.

“Lawyer Concubine, I have bad news for you.”

After coming to the office, Lin Ying sat down and said with a serious expression.

“Oh? What bad news? ”

Concubine Yingli, who was processing the documents, stopped the movement in her hand and looked at Lin Ying curiously.

“The two people I taught me at the bar before… Delivered me a message. ”

Lin Ying said: “A person who claimed to be the Fei Yingli Victims Association came to the door, hoping that they would also join this victim association. ”

“······ What the heck? ”

As soon as she heard the name of this association, Fei Yingli immediately felt very speechless, and at the same time there was some amusement.

However, although the name is a little 1ow, she also probably knows the thoughts and purposes of this gang. Just to take revenge on yourself.

However, what made Concubine Yingli even more curious was: “Why did the two people who sued you before tell you this news?” ”

“Oh, that’s because after the lawsuit, I went to treat them to a meal, drank a little wine, and eliminated the conflict between us.”

Lin Ying said the excuse he had thought of.

“In this way, then Mr. Lin, you are really good at socializing.”

Concubine Yingli nodded again and again after listening. I feel that this image is in line with Lin Ying’s good person, and he will not handle interpersonal relationships so coldly.

She had to give the other person a thumbs up.

At the same time, Fei Yingli felt that if she could have Lin Ying’s social skills, then I am afraid that there would be no Concubine Yingli Victim Association.

“What’s the bad news you’re talking about?”

Fei Yingli drew her attention to this issue. When asking, she actually had the answer in her mind.

It is nothing more than those who claim to be victims’ associations who constantly discredit themselves online and physically attack themselves.

“They want to kidnap you!”

Lin Ying said in a serious tone.


Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment, this was what she didn’t expect, how bold are these people?


In the face of this kind of thing, she also had to cheer up.

It is possible for a person to start crazy and do anything!

“I listened to them, but there is no evidence at the moment.”

Lin Ying shook his head and sighed. But in fact, he said this to dispel the idea of Concubine Yingli calling the police.

“This way…”

Concubine Yingli frowned, she pushed her glasses, and said, “If there is no evidence, the police will not believe it based on just a few words.” ”

“So I thought about coming over and telling you to be careful…” If it’s just a momentary word, it’s best, but if it’s true, it’s troublesome. ”

Lin Ying said while taking out a box and handing it to Concubine Yingli, saying, “I thought about it for a while and prepared this.” ”

He opened the box, took out the cufflinks inside, and said, “There’s a signal transmitter in it…” Of course, if the concubine lawyer is a person who pays more attention to privacy, it is not for you. ”

“No, I need it a lot.”

Concubine Yingli took the initiative to take the cufflink, and she said: “I really need an emergency measure…” This came very timely, thanks to Mr. Lin. ”

She knew it was a piece of kindness from the other party.

Moreover… This is indeed the best way to do it without calling the police.

After seeing Concubine Yingli accept it, Lin Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and he said: “There is also a switch on this, which will only be activated after it is turned on.” ”

“But that’s what the boss said… If there is time, I think it is better for the concubine lawyer to go and find someone to check it out in person. ”

“Thank you Mr. Lin for the reminder.”

Concubine Yingli replied, she was planning this. Prudence has always been her principle.

“It’s not easy to be a lawyer, you can’t avoid being hated.”

Lin Ying sighed.

“If you get used to this kind of thing, there will be nothing.”

Concubine Yingli chuckled, but she was also grateful for Lin Ying’s understanding. After all, not everyone can understand the difficulties of others.

“What should be said, what should be sent, what should be sent… I won’t disturb the work of the concubine’s lawyer, I’ll go first. ”

Lin Ying got up and left.

“I’ll send you.”

Concubine Yingli also got up and sent Lin Ying out.

After leaving the Concubine Yingli Office, Lin Ying returned to his newly purchased car and drove away. He recalled his plan again and nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, Lin Ying planned to play a heroic drama of saving beauty. But after thinking twice, he still chose to give up…….

Because after Concubine Yingli’s accident, her first reaction must be to look for the police and her family for help, not herself. So how you should appear is a question… It can’t be said that it was an accident again, right?

Not to mention Concubine Yingli, even Lin Ying felt that this trick was unreliable.

Therefore, he simply told Concubine Yingli the news in advance, so that she could be mentally prepared for herself, and at the same time, he also gave the props for help from the other side.

In this way, although there will be fewer surprises, it is guaranteed that the other party will ask for help 100%.

Of course, if Concubine Yingli didn’t trust herself, and what she said to herself was just a scene, and she lost the cufflinks after turning her head, then Lin Ying couldn’t do anything.

After being kidnapped, she didn’t even have a way to call for help, which she also found herself. Afterwards, Concubine Yingli will trust herself more because of this matter.

No matter what, I earned it!!

However, what Lin Ying didn’t expect was that just an hour later, Concubine Yingli asked for help from herself.

“Mr. Lin, it’s the same as you said!! I was kidnapped… Hurry up and save me! ”

When this strange phone heard Concubine Yingli’s voice, Lin Ying was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the people of the victim association had made a move.

The action is really fast… Fortunately, his movements were also fast and he sent things over in time.

“Okay 1.5, I’ll go to you now according to the positioning on the cufflinks…” Remember, don’t off those guys and wait for me to pass. ”

After Lin Ying replied, after getting Concubine Yingli’s answer, he hung up the phone.

He turned on his phone, quickly detected the signal from the cufflinks, and drove over. Ten minutes later, Lin Ying arrived at the abandoned house where Concubine Yingli was held.

However, he did not enter it immediately, but took out a tablet, opened a program, and the situation in the abandoned house appeared on the screen.

The corner of Lin Ying’s mouth slightly wiped a smile, the last thing he still had to do now, that is, humiliating Concubine Yingli! If the kidnapping is a physical injury, then the humiliation is a blow to her spirit.

Only when the body and mind are hurt can you take advantage of yourself.

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