Chapter 74: Don’t say it, hurry up and drink [4 more].

“Hmm… I want to think about the case of Miwako Sato. ”

In the living room, Lin Ying lay on the sofa and began to recall the relevant cases about Miwako Sato. First of all, the first is the bombing case related to Matsuda Jinpei.

The second is the case of Sora Siro, which is related to her father Masashi Sato.

These two cases made Miwako Sato forget for the rest of her life, and there was no problem with saying that it was her heart disease.

As long as you can solve these two cases, don’t say that there is no problem in letting the other party call you “Brother Lin”, and calling your husband. It’s just that these two cases have passed for many years, and if it is not deliberately investigated, basically no one will remember except the relevant personnel.

If you take the initiative to bring it up, the purpose is too strong and it is easy to annoy. Both men and women hate others approaching them with purpose.

If you skillfully and quietly achieve your goals, that is the most important thing. Since it is not good to take the initiative to mention this matter, let Miwako Sato mention it.

However, if she wants to take the initiative to bring up these things, it is naturally necessary to make Miwako Sato feel that she has the ability to solve these two difficult cases.

After this time, Lin Ying has determined that he does not have the aura of death, unlike Conan, where he goes, where he dies, he does not have to worry about the problem of the case at all.

“It seems that we have to go to the murder scene more to brush up on the sense of existence.”

He touched his chin and knew that he needed to show his ability to solve cases.

However, it is not yet the story to unfold, and Lin Ying does not know whether he can help the police solve the murder case with his own ability. He wants to try it, maybe he also has the talent to be a detective?

In a cranky moment, the doorbell rang.

Coming back to his senses, Lin Ying did not squeak, but walked to the entrance door with pressed steps.

He glanced at the cat’s eye and found that the person who rang the doorbell was Concubine Yingli, and only then let his guard go. Click – Open the door and there is a smell of alcohol.

Lin Ying looked at Concubine Yingli with a drunken look, she leaned against the wall, shook the wine bottle in her hand and said: “Lin… Mr. Lin, do you still have any alcohol here? I… Mine finished drinking. ”

“I have it here… But you seem to be drinking a little too much, right? ”

Lin Ying’s heart moved, knowing that he had finally arrived.

“I… I’m not drunk, I… I’m going to keep drinking. ”

Concubine Yingli shouted, and took the initiative to enter Lin Ying’s home. Seeing this, Lin Ying first went over to close the other party’s door, and then came back to close his own door.

Helped Concubine Yingli to the sofa, where she waved the empty wine bottle in her hand and shouted: “Wine! Wine! I want to drink!! Bring me wine!! ”

“Okay, you wait… I’ll bring you wine. ”

Lin Ying first took the bottle in Concubine Yingli’s hand before going to get her wine. After taking a bottle of Kobe wine and two goblets, Lin Ying returned to the living room.

He opened the bottle sharply, poured two cups, and handed one of them to Concubine Yingli.


As soon as Lin Ying finished speaking, Concubine Yingli couldn’t wait to drink. In this regard, Lin Ying shrugged his shoulders and took a small sip himself.

“Re… Another drink! Pour me full this time, otherwise it will not be pleasant! ”

After Concubine Yingli drank it in one breath, she shouted again.

Lin Ying did not speak, directly fulfilled Concubine Yingli’s wish, and filled her wine glass! In fact, he couldn’t wait for Concubine Yingli to keep drinking like this.

Don’t say what you hold in your heart, just keep drinking. Keep drinking, keep drinking, just get yourself drunk.

Lin Ying has already studied Concubine Yingli, and knowing her background information and current situation, he naturally knows what she is annoyed about.

In fact, her troubles were self-inflicted.

Concubine Yingli did not know that the mastermind behind the scenes was in front of her, and she raised her glass again and drank it with a grunt. A full glass of red wine was solved by Concubine Yingli at one time.

“Lawyer Concubine has a good amount of alcohol!”

After Lin Ying saw it, he couldn’t help but praise. This time, there was no need for Concubine Yingli to speak, and Lin Ying took the initiative to pour wine for the other party. His purpose was clear, so he directly drunk the other party.

After pouring the wine, Lin Ying looked at Concubine Yingli again, hoping that she would finish the glass of wine in her breath again. But it’s a pity that no matter how Concubine Yingli can drink, she is also a human being, and she is usually not addicted to alcohol.


Now I drink a full cup and a third of a cup in one go, and I need to do it slowly.

“Why am I so unlucky? Why am I experiencing these things? It’s not fair…”

Concubine Yingli looked at the wine glass stunned and began to speak.

In this regard, Lin Ying was very disappointed, he sighed in his heart, probably guessed what Concubine Yingli was going to say.

He didn’t want to listen to the other party’s grumbling, so he simply interrupted the other party’s casting before shaking and said, “How? Is it my husband cheating? ”


Concubine Yingli was shocked, and the drunkenness on her face seemed to have dissipated a lot. She blinked her eyes in surprise and asked, “You… How would you know? ”


Lin Ying shook the wine glass and said slowly: “The concubine lawyer said that you are married, but I live opposite the concubine lawyer, and I haven’t met your husband for so long.” ”

“A few days ago, you encountered a kidnapping case, but you can quickly adjust your mentality and go back to work.”

“Can make a person as calm as you, lawyer, such a gaffe…” The results speak for themselves. ”

“Then why can’t it be that there is no affection between the husband and wife, but cheating?”

Fei Yingli continued to ask.

“With your character as a concubine, if there is no emotion between the two parties, it will definitely be very neatly separated, and there will be no alcohol to relieve your worries!”

Lin Ying directly talked about the character of that concubine Yingli, and answered in this way again and again.

“Mr. Lin, you are so smart… Yes, you guessed it! ”

Concubine Yingli was extremely bitter, and she took another sip of wine, diluting the bitter feeling in her heart a little.

She said sadly: “You may not believe it, my husband and I have been separated for ten years…”

“I thought… Even when separated, we still love each other and will keep each other in our hearts. ”

“But now it seems… I thought wrong, woo-woo…”

Lin Ying didn’t speak, just silently picked up the wine glass, touched it with Concubine Yingli’s cup, and signaled her to stop talking and drink it quickly.

Lie down quickly after drinking, and then my check-in task will be completed.

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