Chapter 76: A Conversation with a Mature Woman [1 more].

Before approaching Maori Kogoro, Lin Ying also used the same method, using a fake name to find the detective, entrusting the other party to follow Maori Kogoro for a period of time and noting down the places that the other party frequented.

During the time of the detective operation, Lin Ying was actively consolidating his relationship with Concubine Yingli.

Love between adults is very simple, do not need to be shouted all the time, do not need so many sweet words, as long as appropriate care.

Therefore, what Lin Ying did was very simple, that is, for several nights in a row, he personally made the supper in a beautiful bento box, and then hung it on the doorknob in front of Concubine Yingli’s house with a bag.

He proved his concern with his actions.

And this concern was responded to a few days later. Ding-dong – the doorbell rings.

After a while, the door clicked open.

“Mr. Lin, thank you for your supper these days.”

After Concubine Yingli bowed and thanked her, she handed over the bento box and chuckled, “It’s a bento box that I specially prepared, please don’t mind.” ”

“I’m really sorry to keep you busy.”

Lin Ying was polite on the surface, but all this was expected by him. But any ordinary person who is positive 25 will understand the return gift after receiving gifts from others.

Not to mention such an excellent woman as Concubine Yingli.

“Lawyer Concubine, come in and eat together, there are too many for me to eat alone.”

Lin Ying seemed to be sending out an invitation, but in fact, he had already moved to the side and helped the other party make a decision.

“Then bother.”

Concubine Yingli also nodded in response, in fact, she also wanted to come and sit down.

Otherwise, she can follow Lin Ying’s example, pack the bento box in a bag, and hang it on the other party’s doorknob. There is a lot of information in life hidden in these small actions, just to see if you can read it.

After entering the restaurant, Lin Ying naturally poured some red wine and chatted with Concubine Yingli while eating. Talk to young girls about fashion, trends, gossip.

Talk to mature girls about life and work.

After toasting a glass, Lin Ying put down the wine glass and asked, “Are you still very busy lately?” ”

“Well, there is no time for leisure in this job of lawyer.”

Fei Yingli picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of meat in her mouth, nodding with satisfaction.

“That’s what I said… In a city as big as Tokyo and with such a large population, there are naturally more disputes… In other words, do you also accept criminal proceedings as a concubine lawyer? ”

Lin Ying used chopsticks to clamp a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

After chewing twice, he realized that something was wrong… This meat is sweet.

“Pick up… However, it is still necessary to look at the specific facts of the case to decide. ”

Concubine Yingli seemed to have a soft spot for her craft, and she ate two more pieces of sweet meat and said, “However, if a prisoner with solid evidence wants to reduce the sentence, I will not accept it.” ”

“Direct refusal?”

Lin Ying stretched out his chopsticks to the greens, there should be no problem eating a light one, right?

He thought so, and then took a bite of the greens… How is it sour?

“No, it’s a bit rude to reject a customer directly. Usually I will say that I am busy and have no time, and then introduce a few lawyers who specialize in this area of the case. ”

Concubine Yingli replied.

“What if a customer lies to you?”

Lin Ying set his sights on the egg roll this time, he felt that no matter how poor the cooking skills are, there should be no big mistake in making an egg roll, right?

With this in mind, he took an egg roll and put it in his mouth… Well… It feels like eating clouds, without taste.

“So this requires us as lawyers to learn to tell if the client is lying… Earlier, I met a client who was full of lies. ”

Concubine Yingli began to talk about the things she had encountered.

After successfully opening the topic, the conversation that followed was noticeably smoother.

Basically, Fei Yingli is complaining that she met those strange clients, and some strange things happened in court. Lin Ying reacted while listening.

Of course, the dishes should also be eaten hard.

At this time, Lin Ying was glad that he did not draw the reward of [Taste Enhancement], otherwise this would definitely be a torture. Soon, an hour passed.

Concubine Yingli chatted very comfortably, and left and went home satisfied. Of course, situations like this don’t happen every day. Occasionally once or twice a week.

After all, Lin Ying couldn’t spend all his time on Concubine Yingli. A few days later.

Mikakui izakaya.

Maori Kogoro sat at the bar, drinking glass after drink. There were already several small wine bottles stacked next to it.

Seeing this, the proprietress Masako Kameda went over and asked, “Mr. Mori, what happened?” Drink so much today? ”

“Something not very good happened.”

Maori Kogoro replied drunk.

Unfortunately, he just wanted to open his mouth to say the words he held in his heart.

A guest shouted out out of place: “Lady, please add two more sets here, two more bottles of sake, warm me up.” ”

“Yes! I see… Wait a minute, I’ll go get ready now. ”

After Kameda Masako quickly replied, she apologetically said to Mori Kogoro: “Sorry, I’m going to get busy.” ”

After that, she went to prepare the ingredients without looking back.


The words can’t come out of his mouth, which makes Maori Kogoro very uncomfortable, but helpless, can’t let people not work, come and listen to their own complaints, right?

There was no way, Maori Kogoro had to continue drinking 237 and use alcohol to relieve his worries.

At this moment, suddenly a young man next to him spoke: “This gentleman, you seem to have something on your mind, don’t you mind talking to me?” ”

Maori Kogoro turned his head to look at this young man, who looked like he was in his early twenties, and he looked quite handsome… Damn, he turned out to be more handsome than when he was younger.

However, now Maori Kogoro only wanted to find someone to chat with, so he didn’t mind that the other party was more handsome than himself, so he said: “In these days, which person has no heart in life?” ”

“That’s right, but… Well? ”

When the young man said this, he suddenly paused, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

Maori Kogoro was a little puzzled, not knowing why the other party showed this expression… Are your teeth stained with greens?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously closed his mouth and plucked his teeth with his tongue.

“It’s okay… What I want to say is that for a man your age to drink and relieve his worries, either there is a career problem or an emotional problem. ”

The young man continued what he had just said, and he smiled: “I guess… You should be emotionally wrong! ”


Maori Kogoro was surprised, and he said in surprise: “You… You guessed it. ”

PS: Sorry, I updated it very late because I had to clean up.

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