Chapter 82: Abandoning Shinichi [2 More].

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the police came.

However, the person who came was not Miwako Sato, it was Twilight Thirteen. This left Lin Ying with no motivation to solve the case.

In addition, Xiaolan and the garden are still together.

He can’t follow Shinichi’s example and leave two girls in place in order to solve the case. If this is really done, then what is the essential difference between this and Shinichi?

The needs of girls are actually very simple, they need to be valued and cared for. There is no need to rush to solve the case, come to Japan.

“That’s how it works.”

Lin Ying told Twilight Thirteen the general situation.

“So that’s it~”

Twilight nodded, knowing that they didn’t know much about the situation, so they stopped asking them, anyway, Kudo Shinichi is here, this case can most likely be solved!

“Since there is nothing to do, then we will go first.”

After Lin Ying took his leave, he took Xiaolan and Yuanzi to leave, which made Xiaolan and Yuanzi look at each other a little, and they couldn’t react for a while, but they still followed.

After walking for a while, Xiaolan couldn’t help but say: “That… Brother Lin, shall we leave like this? ”

“yes, yes, don’t you have to wait for Shinichi?”

Sonoko also nodded, although she didn’t like Shinichi very much, but she felt that he was also a friend, and it was really not good to leave each other like this.

“This case wasn’t resolved so quickly… Now I don’t know what the situation is, the situation of the deceased, the murderer’s motive for killing, what are the contradictions between them. ”

Lin Ying gave his opinion and said: “It will take several hours to solve these problems. ”

“I want to… Shinichi didn’t want us to wait for him over there for so long. ”

Lin Ying very cleverly changed his ideas into Shinichi’s ideas to reduce the burden of these two people “abandoning” Shinichi.

Xiaoran and Yuanzi knew that Shinichi would not be so careful, but they had personal experience.

Once the case-solving maniac enters detective mode, he won’t have much thought on things other than solving the case. They knew very well that this was Brother Lin in order to take care of Shinichi’s face, so they said so.

I thought that if I continued to wait for Shinichi, I would stay at the scene of the murder for hours doing nothing, standing stupidly like a rock.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also had to believe with a conscience, believing that this was what Shinichi would say.

“Hmm… Say… That’s exactly what I said. ”

Xiaolan swallowed a little, she was a kind child, not very suitable for lying.

“We can’t help over there, maybe we’ll make a mess for Shinichi!” It’s better to wait for him to solve the case and come to him again! ”

The psychological burden of the garden was not so heavy, and it was quickly adjusted.

“Then let’s go to the private theater and wait for him…” Yuanzi, do you know the specific address? ”

Lin Ying quickly brought this topic over.

“Know know”

“This side and this side~”

Yuan Zi actively pulled Xiaolan and walked in front to lead the way. A few minutes later, the trio arrived at a private cinema.

When Lin Ying was talking to the front desk, the garden on the side whispered something to Xiaolan: “Xiaolan, you are right, Brother Lin is really a mature man!” ”

“It’s completely different from Shinichi, and we care about our feelings!”


Seeing that Yuan Zi also agreed with her conclusion, Xiaolan was very happy.

She sighed, subconsciously took out Shinichi for comparison, and said, “If the three of us go together, then I’m afraid the two of us will have to wait for Shinichi at the murder scene now.” ”


Yuanzi nodded, she had experienced this once, and she didn’t want to go through it a second time!

Shinichi likes to solve the case, and Yuanzi has no opinion on this, but if she and Xiaolan wait for him all the time, then there is an opinion.

“I’m like Xiaolan now, and I understand why there are young girls who like mature uncles!!”

After Yuanzi said thoughtfully, she said with a grin: “Not to mention, Brother Lin is not an uncle, he is a handsome little fresh meat!” ”

The two girls were talking in whispers, and soon Lin Ying came over, and he said: “The room has opened the number B66, let’s go to the snack area first and get some snacks and drinks.” ”


Two lively and cute female high school students nodded in unison.

They followed Lin Ying to the snack area, took some snacks and drinks, and went to room B66.

Lin Ying looked at the layout of the viewing room, and felt similar to KTV, a sofa, a coffee table, and an LCD TV.

After sitting down on the sofa, Lin Ying picked up the remote control and asked, “So… What do you recommend for Shenying? ”

“I can do it.”

Xiaolan replied softly.

“Me too~”

The same is true of the garden.

Girls like to hide their thoughts, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi are no exception.

Coupled with the strong atmosphere of attention in a macho society in Japan, they naturally will not seize the initiative.

“In that case… Then look at [Grudge] that I’ve always wanted to see! ”

Lin Ying laughed lightly, and his stomach was full of bad water


As soon as she heard this name, Xiaolan’s face turned white instantly, her heartbeat slowed down, and she stammered: “Eh… Look… Watch horror movies? ”

“This… Not quite, right? ”

Yuan Zi was also a little afraid, after all, [Grudge] is a famous name. Among the friends she knew, many of them saw half of them and were too scared to look at them.

Lin Ying glanced at the garden and felt that this child was not very eye-catching.

Horror movies are good, when you see what you are afraid of, you have a reason to hold yourself… Even if you are not really afraid, you can pretend to be afraid.

What a movie!

He said: “Don’t worry, when you get to a scary place, I will remind you in advance…” If I’m afraid, I can lend you my arm. ”


As soon as he heard that he could hold his arm, Yuanzi’s fearful heart immediately came alive again. She thought about it carefully, although she didn’t have the guts to watch horror movies.

But the courage to hold Big Brother Lin’s arm under the guise of watching horror is still there!

After understanding this, Yuanzi nodded again and again and said: “Uh-huh” Then take a look! I actually wanted to see it for a long time, but I couldn’t find anyone to watch with me. ”


After Xiaolan heard this, her head was full of question marks. She didn’t remember that Yuanzi had said this to herself.

However, seeing that the garden agreed, the kind Xiaolan hesitated, and finally did not continue to object. She originally wanted to sit next to the garden so that she could hold each other when she saw the place she was afraid of. But Xiaolan looked at the garden and was already sitting tightly beside Lin Ying.

She was also ready to hold people’s arms at any time, and she realized that the current garden was unreliable. Therefore, she chose to sit on the other side of Lin Ying.

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