People In Konoha: Evolution From Sharingan

Chapter 229 Orochimaru Who Achieves Immortality

After Uchiha Xiu returned, he began to inform Terumi Mei and others about the search for Beryuhu.

This time, the benefits of unifying the entire ninja world are revealed,

After Uchiha Xiu gave an order, the entire ninja world began to search for Beiruhu in a hurry.

Even those ninja villages that Uchiha Xiu doesn't have the energy to manage now,

Under the call of Uchiha Xiu, they all took the initiative to look for traces of Beiliuho.

Believe that, under such action force,

As long as Beiruhu is still in this ninja world,

It won't be long before it will be found out.

When the entire ninja world was looking for Beryu, Uchiha Xiu came to Orochimaru's secret base.

"Master Xiu!"

As soon as they arrived at Orochimaru's base, everyone including Orochimaru stood respectfully at the door to welcome Uchiha Xiu,

This has never happened before.

Because Uchiha Xiu once told Orochimaru that he does not need the other party to receive him personally when he comes here,

So, Orochimaru just needs to continue research quietly,

But unexpectedly now, Orochimaru came out to greet him in person.

"Orochimaru, didn't I say that? You don't need to mobilize so many people.

In Uchiha Xiu's view, the value of Orochimaru lies in his scientific research,

Uchiha Xiu doesn't care about this formalistic character either,723

Therefore, there is really no need for Orochimaru to curry favor with him with this kind of action.

"Xiu Jun, you are really far behind before."

"If you continue to treat you in that way, I will feel uneasy.

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Xiu and explained in a hoarse voice,

Uchiha Xiu's current strength is really too strong,

Even if it is him,

When facing Uchiha Xiu, I also unconsciously have the idea of ​​surrender,

This feeling is not the same as before.

Previously, though Orochimaru surrendered to Uchiha Xiu,

But they don't care too much about the dignity between the two,

but now,

After Orochimaru saw Uchiha Xiu, he was completely overwhelmed by Uchiha Xiu's aura.

The thoughts that pop up in his heart all the time make him no longer able to be like before,

Treat Uchiha Xiu with that attitude.

"Okay, today I mainly come to see your research results.

After Uchiha Xiu heard Orochimaru's words, he didn't continue to struggle,

Since Orochimaru is willing, let him go.

So, Uchiha Xiu was led by Orochi to the inside of the experimental base.

Here, Uchiha Xiu found dozens of cloned human bodies,

Among them, Orochimaru has the most,

The second is the clones of Yakushi Kabuto, Ghost Lantern Moon, Kimimaro, etc.

These clones were all soaked in nutrition tanks,

It looks very weird.

"Xiu Jun, as you can see, I have basically mastered the cloning technology you proposed before.

"I have to say, Xiu Jun, you are a genius."

"Now, as long as I want, I can live in my youngest and peak state."


Looking at the clones in the laboratory, Orochimaru's eyes were full of enthusiasm,

After so many years of research,

He even gave up everything he had for this,

The choice became Konoha's rebellious ninja.

But now, all the hard work is worth it.

His goal of eternal life has finally come true!

Each of these cloned bodies is highly matched to his soul,

After he uses the Living Corpse Reincarnation Technique to renew his body, it won't cause any damage to his soul,

Even, the shortcoming that he has to cultivate for about three years every time in the Living Corpse Reincarnation has been completely overcome.

as long as he wants,

You can cast Living Corpse Reincarnation more than a dozen times a day,

Use them all!

However, this technique is not without disadvantages.

The only thing Orochimaru isn't too happy about right now is,

Although each clone can perfectly fit his soul, it will not harm his soul,

But, again,

These bodies that were born in the laboratory and have been soaked in culture fluid,

Each one is like a newborn baby,

Doesn't look like a ninja's body at all,

It must be exercised for a period of time before it can exert its maximum strength.

This also gave Orochimaru a new goal in mind,

That is,

How to use one body to achieve eternal life!

Before he called Tsunade to discuss,

No good conclusions were drawn either.

But Orochimaru is not in a hurry,

Anyway, time is not a valuable thing for him now.

"By the way, Xiu Jun, I heard that you are now looking for Beiliuhu's whereabouts?"

Orochimaru spoke suddenly.

"Yes, I heard that he is still your friend.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Hearing Orochimaru take the initiative to mention Beiruhu, Uchiha Xiu asked.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint Mr. Xiu. I don't know much about Beiliuhu."

"The deepest impression is just a crane tail who likes to go wrong."

Orochimaru shook his head after hearing Uchiha Xiu's words,

Although Beryuhu was once his contemporaries,

But Orochimaru was not impressed with Beryuhu,

The reason is,

Beryuhu's talent is very average,

For Orochimaru, he is an ordinary passerby who cannot be more ordinary,

Therefore, because snakes naturally don't know much about such people.

"Yeah, that's really a pity."

"I heard that he invented a Forbidden Technique, which can even absorb other people's blood to inherit the limit, I am very interested.

Uchiha Xiu didn't intend to hear any useful information from Orochimaru,

So, it's no surprise that Orochimaru's words.

"It's just a ninjutsu full of flaws, nothing to study.

After hearing Uchiha Xiu's words, Orochimaru snorted coldly,

He also knows the ninjutsu invented by Beiruhu that can absorb other people's blood and inherit the boundary,

But in Orochimaru's view, that ninjutsu is full of flaws,

And it will bring huge side effects,

Orochimaru doesn't like Hiruhu's Kimeara Technique at all.

"Orochimaru, if I can find Beryuhu, can you help me improve this ninjutsu together with him?"

"Being able to absorb other people's blood inheritance boundary sounds very interesting, doesn't it?"

"There are countless strange Bloodlines in this ninja world. If you can find some special existences and use them for your own use, maybe the problem that you need to change your body constantly can be solved?"

Looking at Orochimaru, Uchiha Xiu tried to persuade him.

Uchiha Xiu's words also successfully aroused Orochimaru's interest.


Although the original Guiyaluo Technique seemed to have a lot of flaws,

But if it can be improved by him, it might become a powerful Forbidden Technique.

Uchiha Xiu's words completely opened Orochimaru's thinking,

Now Orochimaru, has begun to think about how to improve the Oni Bud Ra no Yingjutsu!

(Brothers, I missed one before, and now I will make it up for everyone. This chapter is actually chapter 227.).

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