People In Konoha: Evolution From Sharingan

Chapter 231: Guiyaluo Technique Completed

After Beryuhu entered Orochimaru's experimental base, he never left,

Like Orochimaru,

Beryuhu is also a real scientific madman,

Especially after seeing that the experimental base still has such powerful experimental equipment,

Beiliuhu didn't want to care about anything outside at all,

In his opinion,

There is no difference between here and heaven.

The arrival of Beiluhu also brought some changes to Orochimaru's experimental base.

Unlike Orochimaru, who focuses on biotechnology,

Beryuhu obviously has a deeper research on ninjutsu and Chakra,


Under the mutual learning and exchange between the two,

The technology in the laboratory has developed like a burst,

Whether it's Orochimaru or Beiruhu, both gain a lot.


Due to the addition of Tsunade from time to time,

For any problem, it seems that it can be easily solved. "three four zero"

these three people,

It can be said that in today's ninja world, and even in the future for a long time,

The three with the strongest scientific research ability in the entire ninja world.


Since joining Konoha,

After working under Uchiha Xiu,

Beryuhu found,

Whatever his research entails,

Precious equipment is also good,

Even rare experimental materials,

these things,

As long as he brings it up,

Then it will be satisfied in a very short time,

This made Beiliuhu exclaim in his heart,


He is not treated like this.

In the heart of Beiruhu,

Uchiha Xiu is now fully identified,

Follow such a boss,

Why worry about having no future?


Beliuhu also knew clearly,

The reason why he can have the current treatment now,

A large part of it is because Uchiha Xiu is very interested in his Kiyaluo Technique,

And what he has to do, the main job,

It is to perfect Guiyaluo Technique as soon as possible,

Let Guiyaluo Technique meet the requirement of Uchiha Xiu,

Only in this way,

He was able to prove his worth,


hush feel,

may be abandoned at any time,

After so many years of rebellion,

Already made Beiliuhu a little suspicious.


Under Beryuhu and Orochimaru and Tsunade's day and night research,

Guiyaluo Technique has also been continuously improved.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye,

this day,

Uchiha Xiu is taking a nap in the courtyard, enjoying the service of everyone,

Suddenly, there was an excited shout from outside the door.

"Master Xiu, Master Xiu!"


"I'm finally done!"

Hearing the sound, Uchiha Xiu knew who it was,

So he ordered someone to call Beiliu who was outside the door to come in.

"Beliuhu, seeing you are so excited, is there any progress in Guiyaluo Technique?"

Uchiha Xiu looked at the excited Beiliuhu and asked.

In the past two years, Beryuhu and Orochimaru have hardly left the experimental base,

I have been burying myself in the study of Guiyaluo Technique,


Beryuhu came to visit him unexpectedly today,

And so excited,

Uchiha Xiu guessed his purpose right away.

"As expected of Master Xiu, I really can't hide anything from you!"

After hearing Uchiha Xiu's words, Beiliuhu flattered him without leaving any trace,

Then he continued: "Master Xiu, after such a long period of research, the Guiyaluo Technique has been perfected!"

"I am confident that even an opponent whose strength is comparable to yours can absorb the opponent's force zone through the Guiyaluo Technique.

After Beryuhu finished speaking, he handed a scroll to Uchiha Xiu's hand,

This scroll records everything about Guiyaluo Technique,

Including the various versions produced by Guiyaluo Technique during the continuous improvement period.


Beiliuhu was very excited,

this technique,

It was originally his most proud invention,

It's so perfect now,

Beiliuhu was naturally very happy in his heart,


The appearance of this ninjutsu also means,


It is no longer the factor that determines the level of ninja achievement,

As long as you can get together enough powerful blood succession boundaries,

Then you can get the same powerful force!

Of course,

There is a high probability that this technique will not spread.


The whole ninja world is in chaos.

"very good."

Uchiha Xiu unfolded the scroll and began to read carefully,

If you encounter something you don't understand, Beiliuhu will answer it for him on the spot.

that's all,

It lasted for a day and a night before Uchiha Xiu finally read the contents of the entire scroll.

After reading it, Uchiha Xiu also breathed a sigh of relief,

According to the description on the scroll,

Guiyaluo Technique can now devour the enemy according to the user's own strength,

If the user can use his own power to suppress the swallowed person,

Then you can successfully absorb the opponent's power and become your own power......


At the strong request of Uchiha Xiu,

Guiyaluo Technique also has some improvements in other aspects,

That is,

When using Onimara Technique to devour the power of other ninjas,

It will directly absorb the opponent's power into its own body to complete assimilation,

Instead of, as in the original,

It will also absorb the other person's body into its own body along the way.

in addition,

Since Uchiha Xiu himself has mastered the Five Elements Ninjutsu and Yin Yang Dunjutsu,


When using the Ghost Budara Technique,

No external force is required.

In the original book, the reason why Beiliuhu chose to hold the ceremony during the solar eclipse of the Golden Ring is that

The reason is because he doesn't possess Yin-Yang escape,


It is necessary to use other external forces to complete the Guiyaluo Technique,

But for Uchiha Xiu who has a perfect Sage Body,

This is not a problem.

"Beliuho, this time it's thanks to you."

"Whatever you want, you can tell me directly.

Looking at Beiliuhu beside him, Uchiha Xiu was in a good mood.


With this ninjutsu,

He will be able to release Ōtsutsuki Kaguya,

Then absorb the opponent's power!

"Master Xiu, I don't have any demands."

"I just hope that I can continue to serve Master Xiu in Konoha."

Oni 3.5 Nyalo Technique was originally a ninjutsu invented by Beiliuhu in order to prove himself and prevent himself from feeling lonely.

Now that this ninjutsu has been completed, Beiliuhu has nothing to pursue.



Working under Uchiha Xiu, Beilihu felt that he was needed,

Especially to be able to work again with talented ninjas like Orochimaru, Tsunade,

This satisfied Beiruhu already.

Therefore, facing Uchiha Xiu, what he just said was very sincere.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I won't say much about it."

"If you need anything in the future, just ask me directly.

Hearing Beiliuku's words, Uchiha Xiu didn't say much,

But in his heart, he has officially accepted Beiliuhu,

Naturally, he would not treat someone who followed him so faithfully.

Now, he needs to consider,

That's the next thing to do with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

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