People In Konoha: Evolution From Sharingan

Chapter 274 Master Xiu's Personal Disciple!

After defeating Rock Lee, Uzumaki Naruto and others participated in the first test.

The content of the exam is no different from before, it is just answering questions.

The only difference is that with Uzumaki Naruto's current strength, cheating under the supervision of the invigilator is also a piece of cake.

Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto did not hand in blank papers like in his previous life, but passed the exam with full marks.

"Three days later, the second exam will be held in the Forest of Death."

"Someone will tell you the specific rules at that time."

In this way, following the invigilator's words, the first exam of the Chūnin exam ended.

And Uzumaki Naruto finally got together with the students of the same period to have a meal under the strong invitation of Nara Shikamaru.

"Xiu, do you think the ninja world will be like this in the future?"

In the Hokage building, Uchiha Xiu, Heitu, Terumi Mei and others were standing by the window, silently watching the candidates filing out.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there will never be a war like before in the ninja world."

Hearing Terumi Mei's words, Uchiha Xiu smiled calmly.


"Unfortunately, we can't stay with you all the time."

Hearing Uchiha Xiu's words, Terumi Mei's mood was still a little down.

Uchiha Xiu's current strength is stronger than that of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya back then.

It can be said that it is almost immortal for 150 years.

And what about her?

Just an ordinary ninja.

In a few years, when she gets old and frail, even if Uchiha Xiu doesn't abandon her, she will have no face to see Uchiha Xiu again.

Seeming to understand what Terumi Mei was thinking, Kuroda also took a deep breath.

Both are women, and Terumi Mei's concerns are also her concerns.

"You guys..."

Seeing the appearance of the two, Uchiha Xiu shook his head helplessly.

A woman is a woman, no matter how powerful she is, she will have her own thoughts.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to keep you young forever."

Uchiha Xiu's words made both Terumi Mei and Heitu's mouths open in shock.


"Xiu, you can't lie to us!"

Seeing the appearance of the two women, Uchiha Xiu nodded with a smile.

"I have improved Tsunade's Hundred Healings Mark."

"After the Chūnin exam is over, let Orochimaru transplant some White Zetsu cells into your bodies."

"With White Zetsu cells, combined with my modified Hundred Healings Mark, you don't have to worry about longevity at all.

Uchiha (cgfg) Bo Xiu had already thought about these problems, and started preparing for them.

He didn't want to be alone.

Now that he has obtained eternal life, his woman must be able to accompany him well in the endless years.

"Very good!"

"Xiu, you are so kind!"

Hearing Uchiha Xiu's words, Heitu and Terumi Mei couldn't help hugging Uchiha Xiu tightly.

At this moment, they feel that the luckiest thing in their life is to be favored by Uchiha Xiu.

"Okay, don't be too moved, my requirements are not high, as long as you serve me well.

Seeing how touched the two were, Uchiha Xiu teased and wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Heitu and Terumi Mei looked at each other and blushed instantly.

Well, the atmosphere has been adjusted, but the direction is a bit crooked.

Let's not talk, the meeting is adjourned.

Under the eyes of everyone, the second session of the Chūnin exam finally started.

Due to the large number of participants, Konoha connected dozens of huge monitors to the four huge squares to show the images of the death forest to many audiences in real time.

"Hey, do you think the candidates taking the exam this time have any particularly famous geniuses?"

"Of course, our Iwagakure's most evil talent in recent years is here to participate."

"Tch, what kind of genius can Iwagakure have? The ninjas we participated in this time, Sunagakure, each have impressive strength!"

"When will Sunagakure be able to speak? Did you ask us about Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"Don't make any noise. The second exam is a group battle, and the focus is on team performance. The best performers this time must be our Kirigakure ninjas!"

Since ninjas from various villages have already entered the arena, the audience on the field also began to praise the ninjas in their own villages.

It's just that they all feel that the ninjas in their village are the strongest, and no one can convince the other.

"Humph, Riqun Oda. 117

Listening to the argument, a Konoha Village audience snorted disdainfully.

"Hey, what did you just say?"

"Asshole, do you want a fight?"

"Call us clowns? Don't you think our discussion just now is meaningless?"

"It looks like you are wearing Konoha, right?"

"What's wrong with Konoha? The Chūnin exam is an exam for the new generation of ninjas. What's so arrogant about it?"

"That's right, have you forgotten the previous Chūnin exams? Konoha never got a good score!"

Since the Konoha audience member didn't deliberately lower his voice, it was naturally heard by everyone around him.

At this moment, public anger was aroused in an instant.

Although the strength of Konoha Village is unmatched, it is recognized.

However, leaving aside the top combat power, among the new generation of ninjas, Konoha does not have any special advantages.

Moreover, in the previous Chunnin exams, Konoha did not achieve any outstanding results.

On the contrary, there are many talented ninjas in other ninja villages.

Therefore, this Konoha viewer was attacked by everyone in an instant.

"Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you."

"This time, Hyūga Hinata, the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, Uzumaki Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage, and Uchiha Sasuke, the young head of the Uchiha clan, all participated in this Chūnin exam!"

Being teased by so many people, the Konoha audience didn't panic at all.

"Even so, so what?"

"Yes, the Chūnin exam is not for background competition."

Hearing Konoha's identity as a ninja participating this time, everyone was surprised at first, and then became dissatisfied.

Although these guys have amazing backgrounds, so what?

The Chūnin exam is based on one's own strength!

"I'm afraid you don't know yet?"

"The three little guys I mentioned have one thing in common."

The Konoha audience continued to speak leisurely.

"Common ground?"

"What's in common?"

People don't know why.

Isn't this guy out of his mind?

something in common?

Does it affect the test?

"Hmph, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you."

"These three little fellows are all Uchiha Xiu's direct disciples!"


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