Chapter 20: The First Meeting of the Nine Tails and the White Hair

Looking at Jiu Xinnai who woke up leisurely

Watergate hugged Jiu Xinnai tightly

Accidentally sprinkled with dog food, he left with the Nine Tails

“Speaking of which, Nine-Tails, can you get smaller?”

“The old man can’t”

Fai was ‘surprised’ and asked, “Hey??” It’s clear that you can do it at the end, you can’t do it~It’s so weak~”


Listening to Hui’s mocking tone, can the Nine Tails endure it??

Naturally not!

Isn’t it getting smaller?? Who won’t yet???

‘Boom! ’

The white smoke cleared, and the Nine Tails had turned into a small spot

“It’s still so convenient.”

After Hui finished speaking, he grabbed the back of the neck of the fate that belonged to the Nine Tails.

Carrying it towards Qi Mu’s house

“Hey!! The old man doesn’t want face? Let go! You let me go!! ”

The two small short hands of the Nine Tails fluttered in the air

Unexpected and a little cute?

“I’m back”

Fai opened the door, took off his clogs, and sat down in the living room

“Hey, this room still smells of someone else.”

Ninetails said

“Nonsense! I live with my aniki! And ah, you’re a fox, right?? Why do you have to do what dogs do??? ”

“Little ghost! You scold again! ”

“Dog nose!”

“Am I…”

The relationship between one person and one tailed beast unconsciously became much closer.

“Say, Nine-Tails, what would you like to eat?

There is no dog food cat food or anything at home

If you need it, I can go and buy you some tomorrow.”

The corners of Ninetails’ mouth twitched

“Why does the old man have to eat those things!

The old man wants to eat meat!! ”

Hui gently taps the palm of his left hand with his right hand

“Soga! You haven’t eaten meat for decades~ It’s really pitiful! ”

“Little ghost, I warn you! Don’t be yin and yang! ”

Hui quickly finished the meal.

This meal is delicious and has not been eaten in decades

The other one is happier today.

After dinner, the door was opened

A lump of white hair dragged the tired figure home

“Oh, Aniki, you’re back.”

Kakashi’s dead fish eyes nodded blankly

Then threw himself on the couch

Head to the side

Hey? There is a fox

The Nine Tails was lying on the couch when he was suddenly shaken

When I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of dead fish eyes

“Ah!!!” Σ(っД;)っ

Kakashi was also frightened by the fox

“Nine…. Nine.. Nine Tails ??!?!! ”

Fai came out of the kitchen with a hot meal

“Oh~ It seems that you two get along quite well”

“How do you see that it’s good????” ×2

I saw a person and a fox pointing at each other

“This is your eldest brother (Nine-Tails) ???” ×2

One man and one fox braincase against the braincase

“Little ghost (Nine-Tails), you can learn to talk again ???! old man (labor) to speak” ×2

Hui looked at the two with a smile on his face

“Ah~ what a heartwarming scene []~~( ̄▽ ̄)*”

Kakashi finally accepted this fact

Although I still can’t believe it,

While eating, the dead fish stared at the Nine Tails with dead eyes

Step by step, the little short legs of the Nine Tails quietly moved to Hui’s side

A hand was placed in Hui’s ear and said secretly

“Your big brother…. Is his spirit okay? ”


Hui looked at the Nine Tails speechlessly, shook his head, and seriously looked at the novel in his hand – “The Legend of Strong Perseverance Shinobi”

The next day, Thunder got up without moving

Looking at the Nine Tails lying on his quilt,

Disgustedly, he lifted the back of his neck and put it on the tatami mat on the side.

I came to the courtyard and trained

“System” Hui called softly

The blue light curtain unfolds

Host: Wind Yuhui

Stamina: 5000

Energy: 5000

Spiritual pressure: 100W

Review: 影の巅峰

Currently fused characters: Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku (50% fusion).

Hui thought to himself as he trained

“The pace of integration is gradually slowing down

Although it exceeded 50 percent, the old man still could not grasp it. ”

Sigh slightly

“Phew, it seems that I have to talk to Uncle Watergate and do more murderous tasks…”

After all, this is the fastest way to improve.”

Complete the task of swinging the knife, and the hui rinsing is complete.

Dressed in dark clothes, Kakashi knocked on Kakashi’s door

Maybe I was too tired last night

Kakashi actually overslept

“Aniki, get up, go to the funeral today.”

Kakashi’s voice came from inside the house

“Ah, got it, Hui.”

Hearing this, Hui came to the kitchen and prepared breakfast

After the two of them finished eating a fox

The Nine-Tails climbed onto Kai’s head and obediently lay there.

Hui didn’t care either, after all, it was just a collection of chakras

I didn’t feel heavy either.

Kakashi takes Kaki to [Ino House の Hana Shop].

“Welcome… It’s Kakashi and Kai.”

Hui looked at the middle-aged man who spoke

“Hello uncle”

Yamanaka waved his hand

“So, two bouquets of white lilies will do?”

Haichi asked

The two nodded

“Ah, naturally yes.”

“Just right, it’s time for me to go, let’s go together”

The three strolled down the street.

Look at the destroyed houses around you, and the people who cry from time to time

The corners of the Nine-Tails’ mouth twitched

“Nine Tails, don’t think too much…..”

The Ninetails interrupted Hui’s words

“Although the old man was controlled at that time, what the old man did, the old man naturally knew.

No need for you little ghost to comfort. ”

“Nine Tails, I want to say, don’t think too much, all this is indeed caused by you.”


PS: Ask for a little flower, ticket ah~~ The author’s motivation is all on you! ORZ

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