At home, Sasuke had just finished his workout and was drinking water!

But suddenly, Sasuke froze on the spot and his eyes widened.

The kettle in his hand also fell from his hand and fell to the floor.


In the current world, although nothing happened, Sasuke didn't see anything.

But in Sasuke's spiritual world, he saw a familiar figure standing in front of him at this moment.

That gentle and tactful image caused all the dusty memories in his brain to emerge at once.

But Sasuke didn't completely believe what he saw at the first time.


No, there is no problem with the body's perception and touch, and the flow of chakra is also normal.

He can see and perceive reality. You can also see the figure of the mother appearing in the spiritual world.

This is not an illusion!

"Sasuke, long time no see!"

Mikoto looked at Sasuke and showed a gentle smile.

The familiar voice and the familiar feeling made Sasuke's heart tremble instantly.


Mikoto stepped forward and immediately reached out to hug the stunned Sasuke into her arms.���Hands caressing his head.

This familiar smell, familiar feeling, and the still warm embrace made Sasuke feel completely relaxed after he had been tense.

There's no mistake, this is his mother

"Sasuke, you must have had a hard time living alone these past few years!"Mikoto said slowly.

That gentle tone instantly made Sasuke unable to hold himself tight, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Then he raised his hands and hugged Mikoto tightly in front of him.

"Mom, why did you appear suddenly?"Sasuke couldn't help but ask.

Even though he now sees his mother's existence in the spiritual world, the bloody scene on the night of genocide and the tragic death of his mother and father were clearly and clearly presented before his eyes.

"This cannot be explained in detail. My soul may have a chance to return to the city, but it only lasts for an hour. The only person in this world that makes me uneasy is you, so I won’t come to you in the first place!"Mikoto explained with a smile.

After hearing these words, Sasuke understood what was going on.

Although he didn't know why his mother had the opportunity to return to the earth, what was in front of him now was his mother's soul.

Although with the naked eye He couldn't see it, but he could touch it personally in the spiritual world.

After a moment of silence, Sasuke's mood stabilized.

He was indeed happy to see his mother, but the many questions in his heart also eased. Rise up. He has too many questions. He needs his mother to answer them.

The bloody scene on the night of the genocide has become the motivation for him to survive for so many years.

But his beloved brother suddenly killed the entire family in one night. It became a hurdle that he couldn't overcome.

From the beginning to the end, he couldn't understand why Uchiha Itachi wanted to kill the entire family. What exactly led to this incident?

All that was left in his heart was hatred for Itachi.

But now that he had witnessed his mother being massacred by Uchiha, he might be able to learn from his mother what happened that night.

After calming down his emotions, Sasuke slowly let go of his arms, looked at the mother in front of him, and asked. The biggest question in my mind was revealed

"Mother! Sasuke asked,"What happened on the day when the Uchiha clan was massacred by Itachi?" Why would Itachi suddenly do something like that? Without warning?"

Hearing Sasuke's question, the smile on Mikoto's face disappeared and she frowned slightly.

She had long expected that Sasuke might ask such a question, but now when he actually faced such a question, he didn't She knew how to answer this question.

Mikoto knew that Sasuke must have lived with hatred for Itachi all these years, growing up in pain.

She was heartbroken, but she was helpless.

"Sasuke, what is the purpose of your life for all these years?"Mikoto couldn't help but ask

"Needless to say, of course, with hatred for his brother, he keeps getting stronger, takes revenge, and revitalizes Uchiha!"Sasuke said firmly.

Mikoto said nothing after hearing this; she was not surprised by Sasuke's answer.

Even the dearest eldest brother, the younger brother, may not be able to accept the fact that he slaughtered the entire family.

And she As a person who has personally experienced the night of genocide, she certainly knows the cause and effect of the incident, as well as the real truth. As a mother, Mikoto really doesn't want to see the scene of the two brothers fighting between

Sasuke and Itachi.

It doesn't matter if a dead person doesn't know what is happening in the world, but now he can see the world through Li Mu's vision and understand what is happening in the world through Li Mu.

If Sasuke continues to live for hatred like this, one day, he will. She would start a life-and-death battle with Itachi.

Regardless of the strength gap between the two sides, Itachi would definitely lose in the end. He would most likely die at the hands of Sasuke, and Sasuke might never know the truth about Itachi.

She didn't want to see it. To the scene of the two brothers fighting to the death.

But should he tell Sasuke the truth now? If he told Sasuke, he might not be able to accept it.

If Sasuke learned that it was the cause of the destruction of the Uchiha clan and the tragic death of his parents at the hands of his beloved eldest brother. , the culprit who makes him live in pain.

Then Sasuke will definitely point the source of hatred towards Konoha, and he will take revenge on Konoha.

But Sasuke is too young now and his strength is still very weak. If he is really like Konoha. Mikoto couldn't imagine what would happen if she launched her revenge, whether she told Sasuke the truth now or continued to hide it.

After thinking for a long time, Mikoto made a decision.

"Sasuke, please don't hate Itachi!"

Mikoto's sudden words made Sasuke stunned. He couldn't understand why his mother suddenly said such words.

"Why?"Sasuke asked in confusion.

"We were killed by Itachi voluntarily, out of respect for Itachi's decision, and for you! There is someone else who caused the destruction of the Uchiha clan, or it may be related to the decision of the Uchiha clan," Mikoto continued.

At that time, even if Itachi did not make such a decision, the Uchiha clan would launch a coup and would be deeply involved in the war. It caused countless casualties, and it was uncertain how many members of the Uchiha clan could survive.

At this moment, Sasuke's heart collapsed. He had hated Itachi for so many years and regarded him as the target of revenge.

But now, his mother told him that his parents were voluntarily killed. killed by weasel

"impossible!"Sasuke roared, his thoughts suddenly became confused.

"Sasuke, look at me!"Mikoto shouted at this time.

Sasuke raised his head when he heard the sound, but what he saw was a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes.

At this moment, the scene of the night of genocide reappeared in his mind, but what he saw was not The image in his memory was his mother's memory.

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