Blood flowed and heads flew off.

This sudden scene shocked everyone present.

No one saw or noticed why a man suddenly appeared here without warning.


The doctor who was holding Xiang Ling retreated almost instinctively, and instinctively let go of Xiang Ling.

"Who are you?"The strong grass ninja who brought Xiang Ling picked up the kunai and shouted angrily.

Li Mu ignored him, just looked at Xiang Ling beside him, showed a smile, raised his hand and touched her face with his fingers. wipe the tears from her cheeks

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here! Li Mu consoled him.

"Go to hell!"

At this time, the grass ninja directly lifted the kunai and stabbed towards Li Mu.

Li Mu immediately raised his leg and kicked it, making a swift slash.


The grass ninja who rushed over was shocked, but before he had time to react, a swift slash passed directly over his body.

In an instant, the blood spread and dyed the surrounding floor red.

The instant bloodiness made Xiang Ling... He came back from his daze and looked at the bloody scene around him with a look of fear on his face.

No one in the whole room dared to act rashly. Even the injured stopped wailing for fear of offending this cruel man who suddenly appeared.

"Please save my mother!"

At this time, Xiang Ling turned around, looked at Li Mu and begged.

She didn't believe that her mother died like this!

Li Mu didn't say anything, but just stretched out his palm towards Xiang Ling.

Without any hesitation, Xiang Ling raised her hand and grabbed it. He took Li Mu's extended palm and walked out of the room with Li Mu.


At this moment, the people who were looking at the picture from Li Mu's perspective were also extremely shocked.

Li Mu said he had something to do and left. When his vision returned, what he saw was Li Mu killing someone.

The contrast between before and after is not ordinary!

It can be seen from the forehead protector of the killed ninja that Li Mu killed the grass ninja. In other words, at this moment, Li Mu came directly from Konoha to the grass ninja village.

No one knows why Li Mu did this suddenly. We can only analyze from his behavior that the purpose of Li Mu seems to be to save this red-haired girl.


Kushina in the Pure Land also fell silent at this moment!

Others may not understand her very well, but she took care of her at a glance. The girl Li Mu saved was a member of the Uzumaki clan.

In addition to various special abilities and sealing techniques, the iconic red hair is the biggest feature of the Uzumaki clan.

After the Uzumaki clan was destroyed, there were only a few who survived. I didn’t expect that she would see another member of the Uzumaki clan so many years after her death.


At this moment, Li Mu and Xiang Ling came to the same room and saw Xiang Ling's mother who had died.

"Mother!"Xiang Ling couldn't help crying again.

When Li Mu saw Xiang Ling's mother's exposed neck and arms full of tooth marks, he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart, and his arms couldn't help trembling.

Such a scene was really... It touched Li Mu's psychological bottom line and it was hard to accept it.

When I watched the anime before, I didn't have a very intuitive feeling; but now I see this scene from a realistic perspective, and it's not just Li Mu, but also all the people who have passed through Li Mu's career. Everyone who saw the scene couldn't bear it, and only Kushina knew why this girl's mother ended up like this.

"Save my mother!"Xiang Ling cried and looked at Li Mu and begged.

She knew clearly that her mother was dead, but she was unwilling to accept the result.

At this moment, Li Mu couldn't help but put aside his original messy thoughts. Perhaps because of his overflowing compassion, he silently He took out a long knife from the system space.

The healing knife, Tiansheng Ya!

At this moment, everyone who watched Li Mu's perspective became nervous when he saw Li Mu taking out this knife.

They remembered clearly what Li Mu had said. This knife is a healing knife that can resurrect the dead.

Now that Li Mu is taking it out, will he be able to see Li Mu show the power of this knife?

Among them, Tsunade is especially nervous and looking forward to it.


Li Mu held the Tiansheng Ya and used the power of the Tiansheng Ya to sense the state of the dead Xiang Ling's mother!

But then, Li Mu frowned.

"The vitality is exhausted, the chakra is exhausted, the disguised natural death, and the messenger from the underworld cannot be seen... is it beyond the scope of the natural teeth?"

"Unexpectedly, for the first time, I tried to use natural teeth to save someone, but I couldn't do anything!"

Li Mu sighed in his heart.

Then, he silently put away the natural tooth. Only then did everyone know that the natural tooth in Li Mu's hand that can bring people back to life also has usage restrictions, and not all dead people can be resurrected.

And realizing that this Tsunade, who was a little bit depressed, was also full of disappointment.

"Unfortunately, your mother is dead and I can't help!"

Li Mu looked at Xiang Ling in front of him and said helplessly.

Xiang Ling was silent. She understood that her mother was dead.

But her mother was his only relative in this world. If her mother died, then she would be alone. At this time

, there were chaotic footsteps outside; Li Mu had already determined that the reinforcements from the grass ninja had arrived.

"Wait for me here!"

Li Mu confessed, then turned and walked directly out of the room.

Xiangling turned around and looked at Li Mu's back in a daze.

Then, she heard bursts of roars, vibrations, and endless noises coming from outside. Miserable screams


It was also the first time that the girls truly felt Li Mu's fighting style and form.

Tough and fast, he ignores the enemy's attacks and kills with the force of thunder. There are no so-called ninjutsu and illusions, only physical attacks. He is just like a humanoid weapon.

A few minutes later, Li Mu came back again, his body covered in blood, making it difficult to tell whether it belonged to the enemy or his own.

Xiang Ling looked at Li Mu who came back. Although the image covered in blood looked extremely scary, she didn't feel scared at all for some reason.

"It's time for us to go!"Li Mu reminded him loudly.

"I want to take my mother away, is that okay?"

Xiang Ling looked back at her mother's body and said softly.

After hearing this, Li Mu stepped forward and took the adjacent mother's body into the system space.

The system space cannot contain living people, but there is no problem with dead objects like corpses..

Then, Li Mu pulled Xiang Ling out of the ward and walked outside through the corpse of Cao Nin in the corridor. Li

Mu could use teleportation to take Xiang Ling away at any time, but before Ai left the meeting, he needed to do one thing.

These people are too scumbag, I must leave them some impressive gifts.

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