57. Dragon Ball, do you want to let yourself go?

"Li Mu, how long do you want to sleep until you get up and make breakfast!"

When this sudden cry reached his ears, Li Mu, who was woken up, felt inexplicably irritable. He knew it was Hongdou without even thinking about it!

I had long expected that I would not have a stable life after moving here, but now that I can't sleep well, I really never thought about it.

Li Mu didn't even open his eyes and turned over. He took a pillow to cover his head.

But as soon as he finished, the pillow covering his head was snatched away. Then he felt a force and lifted himself up from the bed with his clothes. Li Mu Opening his eyes listlessly, he saw an unhappy Anko..

"The smell of alcohol in the room is so strong that it really makes people want to vomit!"

Hongdou complained.

Then he walked to the window and opened the curtains and windows..

"Why are you here again? Don't you know it's illegal to break into a house?!"

Li Mu complained.

The door lock in this house is useless to Hongdou. He can come and go when he wants.

Li Mu is even considering whether to ask someone to set up a barrier in this house. Save She is annoying all day long.

"What are you talking about? You should thank me for taking the trouble to wake you up every day."

Hongdou retorted.

Li Mu shook his head when he heard this, and was too lazy to say anything else. He stood up, stretched, and walked out of the room to wash up.

Waiting until he washed up After that, people became energetic and went to prepare breakfast.

Ino, who was about to go out, looked at Anko who was arguing with Li Mu through the visual screen and gritted her teeth..

"so envious! I also want to wake Li Mu up every day! Why does Teacher Hongdou have to be so diligent? Maybe she also likes Li Mu!"

In his ambition, he felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of vinegar. He was both envious and jealous.

This is probably the so-called"near water tower". The two of them live next to each other. There are too many opportunities to meet.

At this moment, Ino has scolded the Third Hokage in her heart.

Every day is full of odd jobs and errands. She has not seen Li Mu for several days.

If this continues, I'm afraid others will get the upper hand.

She even hates herself, why wasn't she born a few years earlier? Now at this age, there are many things she wants to do but can't do........

After he finished his breakfast, Hongdou took Xiangling out of the house.

According to them, the ninja mission and learning officially started today.

After Li Mu finished cleaning up, he also went out and started the activity.

I have to say, drinking is really fun It affects the state very much.

Even after a night of digestion, Li Mu still feels a little uncomfortable..

"System, sign in!"

After reaching the same position, Li Mu signed in for today..

(The sign-in was successful, congratulations to the host for getting the sign-in reward: Dragon Ball (early version of Earth))

Hearing the feedback, Li Mu looked surprised and felt instantly happy..

"Today’s reward is really amazing, it’s actually the Seven Dragon Balls. This is probably the most precious reward I’ve received since I came to this world."

Li Mu murmured..

"The meaning of this early version of Earth probably refers to the Dragon Balls with only one wish, not the three wishes in the later period.."

"For this world, the power of the Dragon Balls should be able to fulfill any wish, and there should be no wish that can exceed the power of the Dragon Balls.

" People who are always paying attention to Li Mu's vision will be shocked when they hear your voices.

Li Mu himself They all admit that it is the most precious reward so far, and it also shows that the Dragon Balls can fulfill any wish.

Even if there is only one, it can still shock everyone's hearts.

People's wishes are endless, but this Dragon Ball can make it come true.

Human desires, such abilities are really terrifying.

Everyone has unrealistic fantasies, or wishes.

According to Li Mu, the world's needs for companionship will not exceed the capabilities of the Dragon Balls.

Their fantasies and wishes, no matter how unrealistic, can be realized


"But what should these Dragon Balls be used for?"

Li Mu continued to think as he walked..

"In the original work, the Dragon Balls are most used to resurrect the dead. Basically, the main characters have been resurrected by the Dragon Balls. They can be resurrected as they want. This is not comparable to the resurrection ability of Tian Tianya.."

"Want to use it to gain invincible power? It seems that there is no need. By using the system's sign-in ability, you can sign in every day and you will be able to surpass the limits of this world in no time.."

"What about eternal life, emm?.....I don't seem to have any interest in it. You can never live or die. It's just mental torture."

"Or let me ask a beautiful woman to fall in love with me from the bottom of her heart? This won't work either. There are too many beauties and I only have one wish, which I can't make.."

"Then become the master of this world and let everyone obey my orders......It doesn’t seem to work. If everyone obeys my advice, that doesn’t mean life is no longer interesting.."

"I still can't decide. It seems that I can only let it go until I decide on my wish.."......

As everyone knows, everyone who hears your inner monologue at this moment feels frightened.

Every wish you put forward makes them feel outrageous to the extreme, and the content of the wish also makes them feel scared.

Even if it is so outrageous According to Li Mu's knowledge, the content of their wishes can also be realized through the Dragon Balls. This is indeed an extremely terrifying thing for them.

Invincible power, eternal life, and even the dominance of the world.

This is completely in their view It is impossible.

But in the eyes of your purpose, it can be realized.

Even if one of them falls in love with him from the heart.

Kushina:"What kind of thing are the Dragon Balls? No matter what kind of wish you have, it is impossible." It's too scary to be able to achieve it! I only got two resurrection fragments. I don't know if I want to be resurrected until the Year of the Monkey."

Tsunade:"Can you realize any wish regardless of conditions, even invincible power and eternity? As for the immortal life, resurrecting the dead is certainly not a problem."

Tsunade originally gave up any hope, but now that she saw the appearance of the Dragon Balls, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.

The only question was how to get the Dragon Balls from the gift.

This made her feel desperate again.

Ino:"If you can realize all your wishes, it will definitely make me grow up instantly. Don't you have any other thoughts about me? Can't you make a wish to make me grow up?"

Hinata :"Is there really such a tool that can make all wishes come true? I don't know Li Mu's appearance, or have I not decided what wish I want to make? If it were me, what kind of wish would I make?.


At this time, everyone began to think about what kind of unrealistic wishes they had, which could be realized through the Dragon Balls, regardless of whether there was a chance.

After all, no matter who it is, there will be some unrealistic and completely unrealistic wishes in their hearts. There is no chance of realizing the idea.

Everyone is longing for the power of the Dragon Ball.

But there is only one copy of the Dragon Ball. There is only one chance to make a wish.

And it is in Li Mu's own hands.

The chance of getting it is almost infinitely close to zero.

They have No matter how many thoughts you have, you can only bury it in your heart.

Unless you give it away yourself, it is impossible to get it.

Instead of placing your hope on Li Mu, it is better to place your hope on your own ability to get rewards for 24 hours..Although the content of their rewards is completely incomparable with Li Mu's rewards, sometimes they can get some good people, enough for them to change their lives.

Moreover, the abilities they obtained were probably obtained because of Li Mu's appearance.

Already After receiving so many benefits from Li Mu, it seems a bit too much to continue to steal the rewards in his hands.

Unless Li Mu gives it away himself.

Just like Ino got the Shao Shao fruit.

After some thought, Tsunade directly asked you He left Shizune and ran out of the hotel...

Instead of thinking about all this here, it was better to contact Li Mu and make some insinuations. Maybe he could find some opportunities. It was impossible to wait here and let Li Mu take the initiative to send the Dragon Balls out.

Moreover, Even if you don't want it, if you take out the Dragon Balls and give them to others, it may not be your turn.

In this case, you might as well seize the opportunity yourself, no matter what the price........Pure land!

"The ability of the Dragon Balls can definitely revive me.

But how do I get in touch with Li Mu? Still the same as last time, asking for a dream?"

Kushina murmured.

But when he thought about what happened in Li Mu's dream last time, he felt a little worried. If he entered Li Mu's dream again this time, he might still Something strange happened like last time. After all, he couldn't tell what kind of dream Li Mu would have..

"How about waiting a little longer? There are already two resurrection fragments. Although the rewards are different every day, there will always be a time to collect all ten resurrection fragments to get a chance to be revived.!"

"And even if you enter Li Mu's dream, you may not be able to get him to agree to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect me."

After thinking about it, Kushina gave up the idea of entering Li Mu's dream to contact him.

In her opinion, she was still patient. Waiting, maybe the resurrection fragments are more guaranteed.

Anyway, during this period of time, she often entered Naruto's dreams and talked with him.

And she was looking forward to the resurrection, so she didn't have to rush to be resurrected immediately.......

"Although the Dragon Balls that can fulfill all wishes can bring me back to life, there is no way to contact Li Mu; after the last chance to return to the world, I never received a similar reward."

Mikoto said with some disappointment.

She wanted to see her very much. She met Sasuke and Itachi, but she never had such an opportunity again.

And now even if she knows that Li Mu has a Dragon Ball that can grant any wish, she can only watch silently as a spectator........

Hongdou, who had just taken Xiangling out for a short time, couldn't help but feel restless when she heard the information about Dragon Ball..

"This guy also kept the slippery fruit before, and now he has a Dragon Ball that can fulfill any wish. If he keeps it again, why can't he be more generous and give it to me!"

Hongdou thought to himself.

Who wouldn't want this kind of thing!

But the rewards she received were completely incomparable to the rewards Li Mu received for signing in, and it was even more impossible to get such a level of precious props.

Xiang Ling on the side didn't have too many ideas. In her eyes, no matter what decision Li Mu made, , she supports unconditionally!.......

Li Mu wandered blindly on the street, watching everything on the street, thinking about anything that could be worth using the Dragon Ball sight.

However, this result may not happen in a short time, because Li Mu really can't think of anything in this world right now. something he longs for.

"Yo! Li Mu, what a coincidence!"

At this moment, figures came one after another from the front, and the sudden greetings interrupted Li Mu's thoughts..

"Tsunade! 610"

Li Mu looked at Tsunade walking towards him and was immediately stunned.

How come they met so early in the morning?

Tsunade walked forward with a smile on her face and hooked her hand on Li Mu's shoulder in a familiar manner..

"I said, since we met, let's go have a drink together!"

Tsunade smiled, and then without asking Li Mu's opinion, she took Li Mu to the izakaya.

Li Mu couldn't resist, and the strength he had just lost was so weak Not that big.

"I always feel that something is wrong. To be honest, Tsunade and I probably just met yesterday. Would Tsunade take the initiative to drag someone she just met out to drink?"

Li Mu couldn't help but secretly thought..

"Could it be that my previous understanding of Tsunade was not thorough enough, or that there is a difference between reality and anime, or that the butterfly effect caused a bias in my cognition?"

"If you think about it this way, it's not impossible; after all, Yuhi Kurenai, who shouldn't have died, died once, and Tsunade, who shouldn't have been in Konoha during this period, also returned to Konoha."

"Even if there is a slight difference in character, it seems to be more reasonable!"

Thinking of these issues, Li Mu stopped thinking too much and could only let Tsunade pull her into the izakaya that had just opened.

Tsunade also breathed a sigh of relief.

As Li Mu's When she began to question her behavior in her heart, Tsunade was really a little panicked.

She also realized that her contact and invitation to Li Mu were a bit deliberate.

But before she could think about how to deal with this problem, Li Mu actually gave it to her herself. She was convinced.

This made her feel a little lucky.

This person was really interesting and had no vigilance at all. She was convinced of the doubts she had.

When she walked into the izakaya, Tsunade ordered appetizers and two bottles of wine as usual, and then He didn't say anything and drank alone.

This time, Li Mu didn't drink again! He could only accept one drink a day at most. He drank so much last night and drank it again early in the morning. So, Li Mu couldn't stand it.

He just slowly ate the appetizers and watched Tsunade drink heavily alone.

Tsunade didn't speak and just drank the wine.

It wasn't until she had finished most of the bottle of wine, her face was red, and the alcohol was on her, that Tsunade finally loosened the bottle.

"I said, Li Mu! How do you think a dead person would feel?"

Tsunade suddenly asked.


Li Mu was stunned, and then said,"What's the use of feeling after death? Apart from feeling the pain of death when you die, there is probably no difference between death and living in reality.!"

"Tsunade suddenly asked such a question. Could it be that she was drinking and thinking of her brother and lover again? Li Mu secretly thought in his heart.

After hearing Li Mu's answer and inner monologue, the corner of Tsunade's mouth raised an imperceptible arc.

That's it, some words cannot be said directly, but they can be explained step by step.

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