People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 266 So Pretty 1 Must Be a Boy, Right?

During the stalemate, Uchiha Itachi calmly thought about how to defeat Yagyu. He captured Yagyu's special movements and found that his limbs paused for a moment.

No one waiting?

Thinking of the complexity of Itachi's heart here, could it be that he is really a melon eater?

Is it reasonable for an Anbu Duo to lurk and watch them for a long time, and eat watermelon?

Asma and Hong noticed that Liu Sheng seemed embarrassed, and after apparently there was nothing to back him up, the atmosphere by the river became quiet.


This weird atmosphere confused the undercover duo, and almost forgot their purpose of coming to Konoha.

Dried persimmon ghost shark held the shark muscle and didn't know whether to move or not, while Itachi was thinking about how to release water reasonably so as not to kill people.


Liu Sheng took a bite of the watermelon in his hand and said angrily.

"I've said it all, I'm a sucker for melons, but if you still don't believe me, keep beating me like I don't exist!"

The corners of Dried Persimmon Kisame's mouth started to twitch when he heard this, and Doudou's eyes were already bloodshot, obviously irritated.

"Then, let me see the strength of Konoha's dark troop commander!"

In the next second, the dried persimmon ghost raised the shark muscle in his hand, and the muscle exploded instantly, and the one with sharp eyes stepped forward, and a splash exploded on the surface of the water where he was standing under the sudden explosion.

Seeing the ghost shark attacking suddenly, Liu Sheng took a glance, heard the sound of piercing through the air, then turned his body to the left at an incredible angle to avoid the slash of the shark muscle, and then jumped to avoid the attack of the big sword shark muscle sweep.

Looking at the leader of the dark army who always easily dodged the attack of the ghost shark with a reaction time of a few tenths of a second when the shark muscle was slashing.

Itachi's complexion became thicker and thicker, and a master came.

Liu Sheng reacted like a monkey so nimbly that the dried persimmons and ghosts couldn't touch it, and his lungs were about to explode in anger.

"Hey! Does the captain of the dark army only dodge?"


Liu Sheng calmly dodged his slash again,

After an instant, he disappeared in place, and appeared in the distance in the next second. Then the water gate he left suddenly exploded, setting off waves one after another.

"In that case, I have no choice but to get serious!"

As soon as Liu Sheng's words came out, not only the undercover duo was surprised, but even the chat group in the whole ninja world was a little curious.

They seem to have never seen the real combat power of this anchor, either fishing or fishing, and have been secretly observing.

[Fourth generation Raikage: Kisame is a water-type ninja, I think he should use lightning-type ninjutsu, and he should be able to use the lightning-type ninjutsu that I gave or Konoha to fight against the enemy! 】

[Two scales Onoki: No, no, the old man thought he should be the original Uchiha Itachi, he should be the strongest. 】

After talking, the two began to analyze their strengths. Of course, the more they analyzed the ninjas on Konoha, the more headaches they would have.

Hatake Kakashi and other ninjas from Class 7, or most of Konoha's ninjas, couldn't bear to look directly at the screen.

"It's over, Yagyu will definitely hit Itachi and Kisame's Sap with his stick!"

"Oh! I'm tired!"

"Stop talking, the more I talk, the more flustered I become, Konoha is going to be famous this time!"

Xiao organization.

Itachi and Kisame looked at the man in the picture, thinking carefully about how he would deal with them.

Whether it is ninjutsu or taijutsu, it is best to analyze his physical weakness in actual taijutsu, and it is most suitable to consume ninjutsu remotely.


Uchiha Itachi glanced at his red and coquettish nails in the picture.

"Illusion... I've used it from the very beginning!"

Dried persimmon ghost shark carried his big sword shark muscle and smiled ferociously.

"One dozen Qisang, do you think Konoha and the others can discover our hidden strength?"

Doudou of dried persimmon ghost shark looked at the blue chakra knife on Asma's knuckles, and used chakra in front of the shark muscle. I really don't know what fish into the mouth of a shark is!


"It's not worth wasting this information in Konoha, so they didn't realize that we can kill them easily!"

"That is to say..."

The two had a tacit understanding and did not continue chatting. The answer was that they had been letting the sea go.


In the live broadcast room, Yagyu joined hands together, watching Kisame and Itachi's eyelids twitch, Hong and Asma were taken aback.

What are you doing together?

The audience outside couldn't help holding their breath, is the official battle about to start?

Before they could think about what Liu Sheng was doing with the hands together, the next second a white mist appeared and a figure appeared next to him.

"Psychic art!"

A beautiful "girl" in a kimono appeared next to Yagyu.

The live broadcast room outside was stunned for a moment, why did a "girl" come out of the psychic?

The corner of Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark's mouth twitched, and the shark's eyes couldn't help asking.

"One dozen Qisang, he doesn't seem to have formed a seal!"

Uchiha Itachi looked at the girl next to him, his eyelids twitched. Doesn't spiritism require his own blood?

Could it be the fourth generation of Flying Thunder God?

Of course, Konoha's private chat group is another way of chatting.

[Thousand Hands: Kid Yagyu, is your Chakra so strong? Pull people directly from us? 】

[Liu Sheng: It's okay, after all, those part-time workers under me can still be pulled over. 】

[Group member: ...]

If you look carefully, you will find a special symbol in black on his subordinate's wrist.


At this time, a figure came to support again, and it was indeed Konoha Technician Hatake Kakashi.

Seeing Kisame and Itachi playing two-on-one, he immediately activated the Water Escape? Water Dragon Bullet Technique that he obtained from Nowhere!

I saw his hands forming mudras quickly, and at the moment he just started, four jets of water suddenly hit him. He instantly changed his mudras and turned into a wall of water.

Even Bai who was next to him was dumbfounded. Watching a video is different from a real fight.

At the moment they were thinking, Kakashi and Itachi had completed a clone swap, and then, Itachi's clone slowly lit up.


There was a light rain on the entire lake and the embankment, and the heavy rain made the misty morning a bit hazy.

When the rain fell, a sudden change caused several people to discover, and saw two bloodstains suddenly appearing from Itachi's nostrils.

"What's the matter? A dozen Qisang!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame hastily used the Instant Body Technique to support Itachi's body, and asked with concern.

Then he looked at the "girl" in the distance who seemed to have been exposed and washed along with his eyes, blood slowly flowed out from the nostrils of the dried persimmon ghost, and the pupils dilated.

"What's wrong?"

"What's the matter with these two guys?"

Kakashi and Asma noticed that something was wrong with them, turned their heads to look, and suddenly two streams of blood came out of their nostrils.

"Poof! Poof!"

The ninja world in the live broadcast room outside was stunned. A ninja touched his nose, and two bloodstains appeared on his hands.

"It's... so beautiful!"

Jiraiya's eyes frantically record every frame like a camera, and his nostrils become pig noses.

"Hey! What a beautiful young lady!"

I didn't expect to see such a looming scene, and the heartbeat of the ninjas watching the live broadcast in the ninja world began to speed up.

"Boom! Boom!"

Then in the live broadcast room.

Yuhihong saw Mizunazukishiro's skin that was whiter than hers, like the darling of heaven, her face was slightly red, she hurried over, took out a piece of clothing from the scroll and put it on Shiro.

"You look so good-looking, you just have to protect yourself, those boys won't be able to walk when they see you."

Minazukishiro uttered a girl's crisp voice, and said with a helpless face.

"I'm a boy!"

Yu Hihong's body stiffened instantly, and she said in shock, "Male... boy?"


As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Itachi's pupils dilated instantly, and then two pillars of blood spurted out from the nostrils, and the person fell backwards.

Dried persimmon ghost screamed with nosebleeds: "One dozen seven mulberry~~Cheer up!"

"Crack! Crack!"

The ninja watching the live broadcast suddenly petrified, his eyes were glazed over, and he was flustered in the wind.

"Crack! Crack!"

Jiraiya's excited expression froze instantly, his eyes were like broken glass marbles, and his body turned mechanically.

"Impossible, how can such a beautiful girl be a boy?"

Some ninjas have already started to kneel and howl, full of disbelief.

"No——, Bai can't be a boy!"

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