Xingzhi looked at this floating mountain, and the whole mountain was like a continent.

Although it is not big from afar, as you get closer, you find that this mountain peak has no end in sight.

“By the way, under the name Moonlight Star Zhi, the ninja of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire in the Ninja Realm.”

Xingzhi opened his mouth to introduce himself.

“Ninja world?”

Shenlong said, “A thousand years ago, there was also a person from your ninja world who came to Ascending Dragon Pool. ”

“People from a thousand years ago?”

Hearing this, Xingzhi was slightly stunned, and immediately asked, “Is she called Datuki Kaguya?” ”

“It seems to be called a big tube wood or something, it’s been thousands of years, I can’t remember it at all.”

Shenlong shook his head and said.

It seems that Datumu Kaguya once came to Shenglong Pool.

“What is he doing in your Ascending Dragon Pond Holy Land?”

Xingzhi asked again.

“Of course, I came to sign a psychic contract with our Ascending Dragon Pond Holy Land.”

“So, did that finally sign?”

“Of course it was signed.”

Speaking of this, one person and one dragon have already arrived at the floating Ascending Dragon Pool Holy Land.

“Here, this is it.”

“You wait here for a while, hand over the psychic blood contract to me, and I’ll inform the Dragon Immortal.”

Shenlong spoke.

Xing Zhi handed the psychic blood contract to Shenlong, and then asked: “By the way, I still don’t know what your name is?” ”

“My name is Millennium, remember.”

Saying that, the millennium flew directly towards the huge palace in the distance.

Xing Zhi stood in front of a huge building and looked at this Ascending Dragon Pool.

In the distance, there is a gate thousands of meters high, and in front of the gate, there are two huge stone dragons.

Except for the thousand years just now, Xingzhi did not see other divine dragons.

It seems that it belongs to super rare creatures, even if it is the Holy Land of Ascending Dragon Pool, there are not a few.

After a while, the millennium returned to Xingzhi.

“Come with me.”

Shenlong Millennium spoke, “The patriarch has already approved your entry into the Holy Land. ”


Xingzhi smiled and jumped on top of the millennium’s head.

Entering the huge palace, what appeared in front of Xingzhi was a golden building, surrounded by countless towering trees.

Countless patterns are engraved on the walls.

From time to time, Xing Zhi could see a small number of divine dragons floating by.

“Are all of you dragons gathered here?”

Xingzhi asked.

“From time to time, it’s just that each dragon is scattered in different areas, and the area of the holy land is very large, and everyone rarely disturbs each other.”

“It’s lucky that you met me this time, because I’m one of the few people who knows about the psychic blood contract.”

“If you meet other dragons, maybe you will be killed now.”

After listening to the words of a thousand years, Xing Zhi smiled slightly, the strength of the divine dragon is indeed very strong, but to say that it can definitely kill him, it may not be.

“This psychic blood contract is an item that can learn the Immortal Art of Ascending Dragon Pool, right?”

Xingzhi asked,

“I don’t know if you can learn the Ascending Dragon Pond Immortal Art, this requires the approval of Long Daxian personally.”

“But even if you can’t learn the Ascending Dragon Pond Immortal Art and have a psychic blood contract, you can still sign a contract with a dragon.”

“There is a special technique in your world called psychic, and after signing it, you can summon a dragon to fight the enemy.”

Millennium spoke.

This way… It’s good to determine the psychic beast first, as for the immortal art, first go to see the dragon immortal in his mouth.

After about ten minutes, one person and one dragon finally came to the place where Long Daxian was.


At this time, a deep voice came from ahead.

It was a huge divine dragon with a body of more than two kilometers and covered in golden scales.

“Yes, Long Daxian, the people have already brought.”

The thousand-year-old body flew in front of Long Daxian and said respectfully.

“Under the moonlight star, meet the Ascending Dragon Pond Dragon Immortal!”

Xingzhi immediately jumped down from the top of the millennium’s head, and then bowed towards the divine dragon in front of him.

This is the patriarch of Shenglong Pool, a dragon that looks like it has lived for countless years, and that old appearance is enough to show that even if it is a divine dragon, there is an end to life.

“Psychic Blood Contract take it out and show it to this seat.”

Long Daxian’s voice came again.

Xingzhi nodded and took out the psychic blood contract from the system.

The blood contract turned into a red glow and flew past and appeared in front of Long Daxian.

Long Daxian stared for a moment and spoke again: “It is indeed a psychic blood contract. ”

“I didn’t expect that after a thousand years, there would actually be people who entered the Holy Land of Shenglong Pond with a psychic blood contract.”

The implication is that someone else did the same thing thousands of years ago.

This person Xingzhi has already learned from the mouth of the millennium.

It’s Kaguya Otsuki.

“May I ask Long Daxian, can I sign a psychic contract with the Divine Dragon?”

Xingji asked.

“With a psychic blood contract, it is natural to sign a psychic contract with the divine dragon.”

“However, you need to show more strength than the Shenlong, so that the Shenlong will be willing to be driven by you.”

Long Daxian said.

“No problem, since it is a divine dragon, it naturally cannot condescend to the hands of the weak.”

Speaking of this, Xing Zhi asked again, “In the Ascending Dragon Pool, which is the most powerful divine dragon?” ”

“Apart from the main seat, the most powerful divine dragon is the millennium.” Long Daxian said.

Xing Zhi’s gaze turned to the thousand-year-old who was not far away, and then spoke: “Thousand, are you willing to sign a contract with me?” ”

“I’m going to test your strength.”

Millennium immediately spoke, “Although I don’t want to leave Ascending Dragon Pool, if you can show enough strength to suppress me, then I might as well sign a psychic contract with you and go to the outside world to take a look.” ”

“Okay, just test it here?”

Xingji nodded and asked.

“Yes, there is an enchantment here, don’t worry about destroying this place because of the battle.”

Long Daxian said in a deep voice, his eyes kept on Xing Zhi.

He really wanted to see if the strength of the young man in front of him could suppress the millennium.

“In that case, let’s come.”

Xingzhi immediately entered the Xingdu Chakra mode.

“Be careful not to be killed by me!”

The dragon body of more than eight hundred meters for a thousand years roared, and then spit out a huge flame from its mouth.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a flame formed using natural energy.

There is a terrifying power inside.

Sure enough, so strong!

The stronger this dragon behaves, the happier Xingzhi will be.

This means that after signing a psychic contract with him in the future, he can get a huge combat power.

Venus Fall Sword!

Star Master grasped the 400-meter-long Chakra lightsaber and slashed towards the renewed flames.


The flame was immediately cut in half, and then completely extinguished in the wave of Chakra lightsaber.

The lightsaber did not stop and continued to walk towards the Divine Dragon for a thousand years.

PS, please subscribe to all readers sir, chasing down a lot.

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