After seeing this scene, Hoshi was quite satisfied in his heart, so he controlled the Chakra in his body to penetrate into this small golden shuriken.

The shuriken gradually grew larger, more than a meter in diameter, and spun faster and faster, while the energy storm around it became more intense.

The center of the shuriken is condensed into a hollow and appears to be used specifically to install some kind of power/energy device.

This is how Xingzhi developed this technique.

The hollow position of the shuriken is specially used to install the Orochimaru.

Using Sesshomaru as a power source, he pushes the outer Chakra shuriken to rotate and causes a powerful energy storm to destroy the enemy.

Enter Star Chakra Mode!

After this, the Chakra of Xingji’s whole body was released and immediately entered the Xingdu Chakra mode.

The Star Confusion Pill in his right hand also rose slightly.

The size of the Orochimaru is almost the same size as the hollow of the shuriken.

So Hoshiji’s left hand continued to input Chakra into the rotating shuriken, and his right hand flipped over, pressing against the hollow position of the rotating Chakra with his left hand.


Just as the Star Pill snapped down, there was a vibration sound in the air, which was a sonic boom of energy diffusion vibration, like the roar of a motor.

The Chakra shuriken located in the left hand of the star master suddenly changed, and a ferocious energy storm was generated.

The color seems to have changed, from the original gold to the current purple-gold.

The Orochimaru in the center is golden, and the outwardly rotating Chakra shuriken has turned into a purple aura.

Xing Zhi was extremely shocked in his heart, so powerful, if he hadn’t entered the Star Dun Chakra mode, he would definitely suffer an irreparable trauma under that strong energy storm just now.

This is not a general chakra, this is a star chakra, which has the property of ‘destroying’.

The Star Pill rotated wildly in the palm of his left hand, while Chakra continued to transmit from the palm to the Star Confusion Pill.

The rotational power drove the acceleration of the surrounding Chakra shuriken, and Chakra was also transmitted to the shuriken through the Orochimaru.

The diameter of the Orochimaru had gradually expanded to three meters, and the surrounding Chakra shuriken had also expanded to six meters, and the swirling air flow alone made the wind surge within this kilometer range.

Xingji raised the crazy spinning spell in his hand above his head, and then threw it towards the deserted mountain in the distance.

When this technique smashed into the mountain, the energy inside immediately exploded.

With a boom, the energy rolled up like a storm.

The entire mountain was destroyed by this terrifying energy, and then the sound of explosions spread.

What a terrifying technique.

Watching the hundred-meter-high mountain peak being destroyed by the technique he had just developed, Xing Zhi was extremely shocked in his heart.

This technique was developed based on the Orochimaru, and it was finally completed after combining the Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken from the original book.

At the same time, Konoha Village was also alarmed by this explosion, and countless ninjas rushed towards this side, many of them members of the Dark Division.

“What happened?”

After the members of the Dark Division arrived, they looked at the mountain that had completely disappeared in shock, so they asked Hoshiji in surprise.

“It’s okay, I was testing the new ninjutsu I just developed.”

Hoshiji smiled and said, “Let everyone go back, I’m studying new ninjutsu, it’s not the enemy attacking Konoha.” ”

“So it is.”

The dark member nodded, but he wondered what kind of technique could cause such terrifying power.

Even a mountain peak of 100 meters can be destroyed with one blow.

After a while, after the dark department informed the village of the situation, the ninjas calmed down.

Xingji recalled the process of casting that ninjutsu just now in his mind, and found that if he followed the way he cast it just now, it would be very impractical in battle.

From the condensation of the star star pill, the condensation of the chakra shuriken, the process of fusing the two together, the process is too slow.

Ninja battles change rapidly, and it’s all about speed.

Although Xingzhi believed that the power of this ninjutsu was comparable to that of the Xingdun Venus Annihilation Sword, the speed of casting it was much slower.

The main reason for slowness is integration.

Therefore, Xing Zhi did not think that this technique had been thoroughly developed, at least the problem of casting speed was not solved, and it was difficult to use it in casting.

And the system did not give him a reward for developing new ninjutsu, so it also proved that this ninjutsu still needs to be developed.

Thinking of this, Xing Zhi tried to complete this technique with one hand.

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