“Oh, it turns out that the news has reached your ears.”

Hoshiji said with a smile, not long after this Konoha Shinobi meeting was held, the news was delivered.

“Senior Xing, this kind of news can not be concealed, after all, everyone is enduring, and they can always hear the news in various ways.”

Kai looked at Xingzhi and said with a smile.

Kai’s current age is about 15 years old, and the ninja level is a special Shinobi.

He was different from Kakashi’s genius, who had been promoted to Shinobu more than three years ago.

However, his strength is not weaker than Kakashi, and in terms of physical skills, although the current Kai is not as perverted as in the future, he has also fully revealed his head.

“Well, too.”

Looking at Kai’s expression, Xingzhi smiled and said, “Why, do you really want to go to the battlefield?” ”

“Of course, as a ninja, of course, you have to be on the front line.”

“This is how to burn youth.”

Kay laughed.

At this time, the waiter gradually brought the food up, and the grilled meat, cold spell, and sake were all served.

Hoshiji took the sake in front of Kai, a bottle of sake is about a pound, and two bottles of sake mean little to Hoshiji.

“Senior Xing, I’m moving.”

Kai said as he looked at the roast in front of him.

Hoshiji poured a glass of sake and drank it while thinking about this invasion of the Thunder Country.

What exactly gave the Land of Thunder the confidence to dare to invade the Land of Fire?

Although Konoha Village suffered heavy losses in the last Nine-Tails invasion, Yunyin Village was also severely damaged in the Third Shinobi World War.

At this time, they still dare to start a war, do they think that no one in Konoha Village is their opponent now.

Especially the four generations of Mei Raykage Ai and the eight-tailed man Zhu Liki Rabbi are two powerful ninjas.

Yunyin Village is a village that loves martial arts and has provoked wars in the ninja world more than once.

They are a group of ninjas who like to do things, not only like to do other people’s affairs, but also good at doing their own business.

The most famous is the Golden Horn Silver Horn who engaged his own family back then, thus becoming the most vicious criminal in the ninja world.

However, betrayal is nothing in the ninja world, and I don’t know that the Xiao organizations back then were S-level rebels in major villages.

If you don’t become an S traitor, you’re embarrassed to come out and mess around.

“Senior Xingzhi, what are you thinking?”

Kai looked at Xingzhi and asked.

Hearing this, Xing Zhi came back to his senses.

“Oh, it’s okay, I’m thinking that this time the Thunder Kingdom will not start a large-scale war against the Fire Nation.”

“Ah, wouldn’t you?” Kai said in surprise, “The last Ninja War has just ended, so the Land of Thunder should not have enough troops to support him to do this, right?” ”

From the words that came out of Kai’s mouth, most people were not surprised to hear the invasion of the Land of Fire by the Land of Thunder, because this is also a friction that often occurs in the ninja world.

But most ninjas also believe that the last Ninja World War has just ended, and the Land of Thunder will definitely not start a large-scale war.

“Well, hopefully they won’t.” Xingzhi smiled, then picked up the wine and took a sip.

At this time, a boy with a mask came to the tavern.

“Kakashi, here.”

Kai’s eyes were sharp, and he saw Kakashi for the first time, so he waved at him and said hello.

“Oh, Kai, you’re there too.”

Kakashi came over, and after seeing Hoshiji, he called out again, “Senior Hoshiji is also there.” ”

“Well, Kakashi, got a mission.”

Xingzhi nodded and asked.

“Well, I’ll go as soon as I’ve eaten.”

Kakashi nodded and sat down next to Kai.

He ordered a pork chop set.

“Ah Kakashi, why are you suddenly on a mission?”

Speaking of this, Kai looked at Kakashi with some surprise, “Could it be…”

“Yes, it’s about the matter of the Land of Thunder, the mission instruction personally issued by the third generation of Lord.”

“Personally ordered?”

“Then this is an S-class mission.”

Kai was a little surprised, he was just very tolerant now, and the S-class mission was not yet eligible to accept.

Xing Zhi knew very well that this mission was likely to evolve into a super S-class, mainly because this war would escalate into a large-scale conflict in the next few days.

“Kakashi, you have to be careful this time, I always feel that this invasion of the Land of Thunder is not as simple as simple friction.”

Xing Zhi opened his mouth and mentioned.

Kakashi looked at Hoshiji in surprise: “Senior Hoshiji, do you think that the Land of Thunder is really preparing to wage war against the Land of Fire?” ”

Xingzhi nodded: “At least that’s what I thought. ”

With the memory of the original book, Xingzhi can still be sure of this, at first it was indeed a local friction, but later it gradually evolved into a war between the two countries.

This is also the reason why Yunyin Village later went to Konoha Village to sign an armistice.

(Note: This war took place after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, mentioned in the original book, not detailed, at first it was only local friction, but later it became a war between Yunyin Village and Konoha Village, you can check it, it is not my original plot.) )

“It’s a pity that the top management didn’t seriously consider my suggestion.”

Xingzhi said with a smile.

The politics of rot and darkness exist in all ages.

PS, the first time I experienced the crash of the Feilu system, I was stuffy, the update list has not been refreshed for three days, these three days V closed less 5000 at least, I’m going crazy, tomorrow as usual, see you tomorrow at 12 noon, everyone subscribe on time, thank you.

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