As soon as he entered the church, with the help of the faint moonlight, Jingchuan noticed a dark shadow at the end of the corridor!

That appearance

Jingchuan's pupils suddenly shrank together. The shadow looked exactly like the portrait of Jesus hanging on the wall, with a half-rolled shirt and slightly curly hair!

Even the thin body was almost exactly the same. The only thing wrong was that the other party was carrying a cross!

It looked very stealthy, as if he wanted to steal the cross!

Is this Jesus?

What does it mean?

Constantine, who was the only one who saw this scene, had a gloomy face.

"Fear! These damned demons, they pretend to be God, and God is afraid of them!"

"This is a humiliation! The Holy Sword of Angels will punish them!"

Constantine's face was ugly, and a bullet poured down!

Countless silver spots of light fell, and in an instant the wall at the end of the corridor became a pile of ruins!

And the phantom demon who pretended to be Jesus at the beginning disappeared at some point.

The whole church was in a strange silence, which made people feel chilling.

��At this moment, a ball of burning flame suddenly appeared, right at the place where Constantine had just knocked him down with a shot!

"Purgatory! It's the lava demon of hell! He is a very powerful demon!"

Constantine said seriously!

Suddenly, the chain burning with flames was thrown out and penetrated into the bottomless flames!

A deafening roar of anger sounded, and the roar of anger seemed to be able to collapse the entire church!

【Wood Release! The tree world is coming! 】

As Jingchuan clapped his hands, endless chakra emanated from his body, and the church under his feet began to tremble, and the resonance between heaven and earth was emitted.

It was as if nature was announcing to the world that a new god was being born!

The vortex of chakra caused visible energy vortices to appear around him, and began to float beside Jingchuan.

With his palm slightly upward.

The land under his feet also began to wriggle, and one after another green trees began to appear under Jingchuan's feet.

Growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, the soil churned, and the buildings cracked!

In an instant, small trees began to spread from it!

Countless green light spots began to appear, with Jingchuan as the center, and quickly spread to the surroundings, in an instant!

These green light spots turned into sturdy trees!

Tens of thousands of trees broke out of the ground, and in almost an instant, these trees covered the church under their feet.

The lush leaves covered the sky and the sun, almost as if Constantine was in a trance.

The former church turned into a forest.

Blinking his eyes, looking at the demon-killing holy spear in his hand, Constantine wanted to shoot it at his head. Was he dreaming? He had clearly sensed the breath of the demon and came to search, so how come it was suddenly covered by the forest?

Horror flashed in Constantine's eyes. What the hell?

Is this an elf?!

You should have said it earlier!


There was a moment of silence. At this moment, whether it was the Ghost Rider or the vampires and werewolves gathered here, they were all frightened by Jingchuan's sudden display and were at a loss for words.

Everyone looked at Jingchuan standing on the tallest tree with awe!

If the elves knew that he created a forest by himself, they would probably rush to offer sacrifices to Jingchuan!

Nasha, floating in the air, felt the fresh air in the forest, her eyes flickered, and the contract in her hand was looming.

At this moment, Nasha was even a little proud, and she wanted to tell everyone,

This is my master, my father...

What's so shameful about this?

Admiration for strength is the most common among dark creatures!


Feeling the scope of the forest, under the cover of the tree world, the whole church was shrouded by Jingchuan.

Naturally, the hidden mastermind behind the church was also revealed in front of Jingchuan!

A ball of hot flames suddenly appeared from somewhere in the forest, and in an instant, dozens of trees were completely burned to ashes!

At the same time, dozens of lava floated in the air, like a meteor shower.

Every time the lava landed, it could set off a huge pit of fire, and the nearby trees were all burned to ashes by the high-temperature flames.

Jingchuan looked at the monster that cast the flaming meteor with some surprise. It was a monster, like a nightmare from the abyss of hell.

It stood in the dim firelight, its body was so strong, and the muscle lines were clearly visible on the surface of the skin, as if every muscle contained infinite power, and it was more than ten meters tall!

Its skin showed a gradient from deep red to black, as if it was burned by permanent flames. Burning, magma-like heat constantly seeps out from the cracks.

On its sturdy body, the most eye-catching thing is the pair of goat horns that pierce the air and point straight to the sky!

The evil face is hideous and terrifying, the eyes are like two craters, spewing crazy flames, and its mouth is slightly open, revealing a row of sharp teeth like blades, as if ready to devour everything in front of it at any time.

The most terrifying thing is that the lava demon is wrapped in an immortal flame. These flames are blue and red, and the heat waves are rolling. Even if you are several meters away, you can clearly feel the heat coming towards you.


With a step forward, a flame mark instantly appears under your feet. The violent temperature makes the surrounding air distorted and blurred because of its existence.

This lava demon is like a living volcano, constantly showing the most primitive and wild power of nature!

If Jingchuan's wooden world is the natural power of the forest, then the demon in front of you is a pure volcanic disaster!

"Lava Lord! Such a powerful demon actually dared to appear in the world! Could it be that the agreement between Satan and God has been invalidated?

Constantine shouted loudly. Not only him, but even the vampires and werewolves, this pair of enemies for generations, vaguely united because of the appearance of the Lava Lord!

"Hehehe, as long as I kill you all, who will know that I appeared in the world?"A strange laugh came out of his mouth like a volcanic eruption, sparks flew everywhere, and the Lava Lord slowly looked at Jingchuan above!

The demons in hell are also divided into levels, and the strength of each race is different!

And the Lava Lord, in the name of the monarch, even has his own territory in hell, which is enough to show how great his strength is!

And the Lava Clan is also among the best among the demon clans.

In hell, it is even called a walking volcano!..............

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