People In Konoha: The Long-Lived Ancestors Of The Hatake Family

Chapter 90 That One Can't Be Offended! Election Begins

"Hakage!" Senju immediately looked at Senju Huajian incredulously, for this time to become Second Hokage, he started preparations several years ago.

Originally, he thought that Senju Hashirama would live for many years, so his preparations were for his son to become Second Hokage. He contacted various families, bought some Jōnin, and also secretly contacted the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, and promised some benefits.

Senju Hashirama's sudden death gave him the opportunity to see that he could become Second Hokage, the closest he came to success. But at this time, Senju Huajian is about to give up! All his efforts will be reduced to nothing!

At this time, Senju Huajian reached out and grabbed Senju Lijian's arm, approached the latter, and said in a deep voice: "You know my swordsmanship, it is a sword that consumes 80% of Chakra and ruptures a large number of cells, enhances explosive power, and exerts its limit. After casting , the body will have backlash,.

"This sword, as long as I use it, even Tobirama and Hashirama will not fight it head-on. Generally speaking, if the Kage-level is close, they will even be killed directly. But Hatake Sora resisted head-on, and it was no big deal. Now I am not only backlashed , At the same time, his internal organs were injured by his attack, and he was unable to make a move.

"Although his body is also seriously worn out, his attack method has never relied on his body. Obviously, he still has the strength to send out 103 blows with that sharp blade. Without me, your enemies can't hold it at all."

"If you are obsessed with fighting, all the Jōnin of our entire Senju clan may be seriously injured in the end. If the entire family is attacked by other forces at that time, the loss will not only be a Second Generation target position, but a genocide crisis may occur!"

"Are you sure that the ruthless Tobirama won't take the opportunity to attack us? You know, Hashirama has passed away, and no one can suppress the bloodthirsty Tobirama now."

"I, I'm thinking about it." Thinking of Senju Tobirama, Senju immediately frowned. But still hesitant, several other Jōnin of Senju also looked at him and Senju Huajian, waiting for their decision.

At this time, Hatake Sora, who was in the distance, stepped towards the opposite side. As he walked, the previously scattered Sakura petals and sharp blades floated up again, surrounding him.

And with the hundreds of millions of petal blades floating, some Senju Jōnin's eyes showed a trace of fear. Even if Hatake Sora is merciful, there are wounds all over the body, and even more explicit wounds on the limbs. This kind of pain is not what they want to experience.

And Hatake Sora took every step, but it was like a huge boulder fell on Senju's heart, every step a boulder weighed, making him unable to breathe!

I really don't want to give up, but what to fight?

"Ah!" When Hatake Sora took five steps, Senju immediately let out a long sigh, and then said loudly: "Principal Hatake, there is no need to wait ten minutes, our Senju clan voluntarily surrenders. From now until tomorrow, We won't be in the Hokage building, and we won't be running. You won."

After saying the last three words, he seemed to have aged in an instant, and his energy and energy seemed to have been taken away.



At this moment, he missed Senju Hashirama inexplicably. Although the two have disagreements, Senju Hashirama is kind in nature. He protects the clan and the village. When he is around, who dares to challenge the Senju clan alone? Even if the opponent wins, can he still beat Senju Hashirama?

One day with Senju Hashirama, their Senju is the most brilliant No. 1 family, and now Senju Tobirama? Maybe in the dark, but he didn't appear. Because he is the winner of this battle, how could he appear!

"That's right!" Hatake Sora said flatly: "Hurry up and save people! If you don't save people, some people may lose too much blood, so I won't pay for the medical expenses! By the way, I will give you a step down. "

As he spoke, he pointed to Senju Huajian: "If you are suspected. Then spread the news, you and I will learn from each other, and both of you will be injured. Some Jōnin were injured by the aftermath of our attack" and need to rest


After speaking, Hatake Sora's figure disappeared, and he cast Shunpo continuously. Then the torrent formed by Sakura's petal blade directly smashed a big hole in the big grimace cover above, and then swung away.

Seeing this scene, Senju Huajian was slightly relieved.

He said: "Fortunately, the nine of you didn't make a move, otherwise our Senju clan would really be wiped out today. To this extent, his secretary's attack power is still so powerful, and the attack is also too weird. He is useless at all. From today on, don't provoke this senior." (cfei)

"Just follow what he said! If anyone doubts, spread the news that the two of us fought and injured the other Jōnin. The injured Jōnin, don't leave the station until the injury recovers.



Continuous Shunpo, when leaving the Senju station, fifteen minutes is up, Hatake Sora's head rang a system voice: "Fifteen minutes is up, leave the ability at random: Senbonzakura (Shikai): Zanpakutō that can summon Senbonzakura, only Activate Shikai ability."

"Sparkling Flower: Shunpo has been improved. After casting it, it will show a curved figure, quickly appear behind others, and deliver a powerful killing blow."

And just when the ability disappeared, Hatake Sora suddenly felt dizzy, and he was about to faint.

Hundred Healings Mark Solution!

He had consumed two-thirds of it before, but this time he ignored the consumption, and the remaining one-third of Chakra quickly filled his body and began to repair his injured body. But this time the trauma was too severe, and he could only maintain it until he would not fall.

"Swoosh!" The figure flickered, and Senju Tobirama appeared beside Hatake Sora, intending to reach out to support Hatake Sora, worried: "Are you okay!"

"It's okay." Hatake Sora supported his body with a cane, and grinned: "It's okay. The Senju family will not participate tomorrow, but I originally planned to go to the Uchiha family, but I can't go this time. I'm really old and I can't fight." move!"

"You are already good at fighting." Senju Tobirama looked at Hatake Sora with strange emotions in his eyes.

Before Senju Hashirama passed away, he told him in private that trusting Hatake Sora would definitely bring him good luck. As an absolutely sane person, he doesn't believe this sentence.

But today, he believes that this good luck is not really good luck, but Hatake Sora, who is 100 years old, worked hard for him!

"I'll take you home!" This time, Senju Tobirama didn't care about Hatake Sora's objection, picked it up directly, and then ran quickly to Hatake Sora's house. While on Senju Tobirama's back

Hatake Sora couldn't hold it any longer and fainted!


the next day

At five o'clock, Senju Tobirama was already waiting on the roof of the Hokage building. At the same time, his six Elite Jōnins and twenty Jōnins also came. Uzumaki Mito didn't come, Hatake Sora was seriously injured last night, Senju Tobirama asked Uzumaki Mito to rush over for treatment.

Afterwards, the families arrived one by one. However, from five o'clock to seven o'clock, no one from the Hyuga family and the Senju family came from the beginning to the end, not only Jōnin, not even a single family member appeared here.

Also, Jōnin from the Aburame clan and the Inuzuka clan who had befriended Hyuga did not come. And none of the Kurama and Shimura clans who had made friends with Senju came.

The two battles last night lasted very short, and the news of the two clans was too tightly blocked. At the same time, the other four families who did not come did not know the reason, so naturally there was no news to spread.

Except for Senju Tobirama, many people in the Hokage building are full of doubts. But no one raised it. After all, one side is supporting Senju Tobirama, and the other side is the Uchiha family. If those six families do not come, Uchihayou will lose one opponent instead.

"At seven o'clock, according to the regulations, Jōnin who did not come will lose the eligibility for the election. Now, start the Second Generation election!"

Watching the time, Senju Tobirama announced aloud……….

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