People In Konoha: The Long-Lived Ancestors Of The Hatake Family

Chapter 95 This Minister Anbu Is A Bit Unreliable!

If you open your mouth, you will destroy the village!

Everyone was both surprised and surprised.

Because Hatake Sora said that this has nothing to do with them, so it is very likely to choose someone else, so it is not necessarily possible for these people to destroy a village outside, but it is also possible to destroy a certain force in the village.

"Immortal Village." Senju Tobirama explained in time, Hatake Sora is really daring to speak nonsense, it is hard to guarantee that some of these people may tell Sand Shinobi Village.

Maybe Hatake Sora's words directly lead to a war between the two villages, which is not what Senju Tobirama hoped. After all, even if he is not afraid of war, he doesn't want to take the initiative to provoke a war.

"Just kidding." Hatake Sora smiled and said: "Anbu has many functions. For example, if the contemporary Hokage does something wrong to the village, I can bring someone to detain him." Then we will choose a new one.

No need for others to do it, Senju Tobirama wants to do it now, what are you talking about, it is obviously protecting Hokage, but Hatake Sora said so, it has become a force to suppress Hokage

However, Hatake Sora's words also led others astray. Originally, the direct line of Hokage was said to be the supervisor of Hokage.

At present, everyone does not understand it, so there is no obvious opposition. When the major families really understand the true role of Anbu, then Anbu has already taken shape, and it will be difficult to destroy it.

At this time, Uzumaki Mito said: "To put it simply, it is to check and balance all of us. When Hashirama is here, he can suppress the major ninja villages, and even everyone in Konoha. Now that he leaves, if a certain force in the village falls into chaos , other forces shirk it, and they will be attacked by other villages at that time, and they will suffer heavy losses."

"So, Principal Hatake thought of this method, that is, he will form a unit. If this happens, he can stabilize the situation in time. At the same time, as the principal said, if there is a war, this unit can also carry out assassination missions , to kill important figures of the enemy."

"Yes, that's roughly what it means. Does anyone have an opinion?" Hatake Sora said.

Uchiha Youdao: "I have an opinion. If Principal Hatake has selfish intentions to avenge his personal revenge, he formed Anbu, and the people who brought Anbu, lied about false information, said that a certain person or a certain clan was rebellious, and assassinated in advance. What should we do? Anbu I agree with its establishment, but I don’t feel at ease if he takes control.”

"That's fine." Hatake Sora looked at Uchiha and said with a smile: "I will be the director of the Konoha Police Force, and you will be the director of Anbu. Regardless of whether I can recruit people, anyway, to manage ordinary people, I will find eight One hundred Chūnin Genin (cfee) can do it, you go assassinate!"

Uchiha hesitated a little, and said indifferently: "How can you talk nonsense about important job changes? Our Uchiha family has worked hard over the years and is fully qualified for the position of the Konoha Police Force, so I don't bother you to worry about it."

Hatake Sora said: "It's not right, what do you want? A child knows how to interrupt."

"You! Huh!" Uchiha snorted coldly, but didn't speak any more. You can’t really do it here, if you don’t do it and talk too much, you can’t talk about Hatake Sora, so it’s better not to talk.

"Now, no one has an opinion?" Hatake Sora asked again.

This time, no one answered. Hyuga and Senju were singled out by Hatake Sora a few days ago, and they don't want to be in bad luck at this time. It's hard to guarantee that the one who really wants to pull a few points before he dies will be really unlucky.

As for those other than the three major clans, they will not confront Hatake Sora tit for tat. The big clans have not spoken, and their talk is purely provocative.

Then, Senju Tobirama said: "Since this is the case, I will appoint Principal Hatake as the first minister of Anbu, and after recruiting people, I will hand it over to Principal Banner.

"Okay." Hatake Sora said.

It is impossible for him to recruit people, he is too lazy to go, as for people? Senju Tobirama has already recruited for him.

Afterwards, Senju Tobirama said again: "There is news from outside the village that the ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village frequently enter the Land of Fire, especially near our Konoha Village. There are also Iwagakure and Sand Shinobi Village, and some ninjas also enter the Land of Fire. The eldest brother just After five days away, these people can't bear it anymore, we need to teach them some lessons."

"Anbu hasn't fully formed yet, so I can't deploy manpower, so I divide the patrol area into four directions. Which family wants to take over? Obtaining useful information, and killing enemies that endanger the safety of the Fire Nation, have corresponding military merits and rewards. After that I will let people distribute the specific military rewards and punishments to each clan."

Uchiha You: "My Uchiha family is in charge of one direction. On the premise of dispatching some people, we can also ensure the safety of Konoha Village."

Senju Great Elder Senju immediately said: "My Senju family keeps one direction."

The head of the Hyuga clan said: "My Hyuga clan is in charge of one side."

Inuzuka patriarch said: "Our clan is good at searching, let's take care of one direction!"

"Okay, that's it, northeast of Senju, mainly for Cloud Shinobi Village. Northwest of Uchiha, mainly for Iwagakure, southwest of Hyuga, for Sand Shinobi Village. East of Inuzuka, for Kirigakure."


Anbu's headquarters is not on the ground, but in a huge secret room tens of meters below the Hokage building. There is a lot of space here, and Hatake Sora looks familiar, and it is somewhat similar to the root headquarters later.

In the largest meeting room of the Anbu secret room, there are twenty ninjas, six members of the elders including Ichiro Kusanagi, and 12 Senju Tobirama's confidant Jōnin.

At this time, Hatake Sora was sitting at the head of the oval conference table with a stack of documents in front of him, Senju Tobirama was beside him, and the others sat down on both sides.

Senju Tobirama said: "You will be Anbu's minister in the future. These are your specific materials. Please take a look at them when you have time."

Hatake Sora opened it to take a quick look at the name and general fighting style, and then threw it at Senju Tobirama: why it was destroyed.

"Um! Don't you take a closer look?" Senju Tobirama wondered.

Hatake Sora said indifferently: "It's enough to know the name and strength. Since I just took office, let me tell you some rules!"

Everyone looked at Hatake Sora seriously, although everyone knew that Senju Tobirama was the actual controller of Anbu, and they were all members of Senju Tobirama.

But they also know that Hatake Sora is also on Senju Tobirama's side, and that everyone from the Hyuga and Senju clans didn't come five days ago, neither did Hatake Sora. That may be what Hatake Sora did, and they all respect this very courageous old man.

"1. I set up six deputy ministers, Kusanagi Taro, Yuhi Yanhong, Haifeng Lanyun, Morinowu, Mitarashi Kuroko, and Uzumaki Mizune."

"It just so happens that Anbu currently has six departments. Mitarashi Kuroko manages the intelligence department, Kusanagi Ichiro manages the assassination department, Hayate Lanyun manages the shadow guard department, Morinoji is in charge of the punishment department, Yuhi Minghong is in charge of the training department, and Uzumaki Mizune is in charge of the logistics department.

"Whoever you want to be an assistant, just go down and discuss directly. Then, which department needs to be in charge, just make a decision yourself, don't tell me. Okay, get off work."


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