People In Konoha: The Long-Lived Ancestors Of The Hatake Family

Chapter 97: Prelude To The First Ninja World War!

"I said, I like white clothes." Hatake Sora said casually, and then looked at Uzumaki Kohaku seriously, and said, "Kumaku, what basic skills do you need to have to be a ninja?"

Being watched so seriously by Hatake Sora, Uzumaki felt that the teacher was going to test herself, and she didn't think about what Hatake Sora said just now. She shook her small lips and said: "The teacher said that if you can fight, you must be strong. Then ……”

Then, she felt aggrieved and said, "That's all you have to say."

"Ah! So few! So, I will teach you the second point today." Hatake Sora stretched out two fingers and said, "Pay attention to maintenance."

"Ah?" Uzumaki amber wondered: "Why do ninjas need maintenance?"

Hatake Sora said: "Look at me, why I am young again after living more than a hundred years old.

"Why?" Uzumaki Amber wondered.

Hatake Sora said: "Because it is well maintained! Think about it, if you are bare-legged and exposed to the sun every day, you will slowly become two little black legs. With stocking protection, this is not possible. So, I bought you a hundred pieces, and those kimonos, don’t wait for them to get moldy, change your clothes frequently, and know how to take care of them yourself.”

"That's right! What the teacher said makes sense." Uzumaki amber suddenly said: "I want to live like the teacher for a long time and stay with the teacher all the time."

"You can do it." Hatake Sora pinched Uzumaki's small face, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, you have to start with a lolita! When you grow up, you won't be obedient. For the beauty of this child, I too Fuck it."

At this time, Uzumaki Amber was still proud of herself, walking and talking to herself: "We must take care of it, we must live longer, then teacher [then why is Baisi?"

"Don't pay attention to these details." Hatake Sora waved his hand.

"What a wonderful life! How many more days?" Hatake Sora looked up at the clouds and said to himself, "Three months? Half a year?"

Cloud Shinobi Village

In the meeting room of Raikage's office.

Second Raikage looked at the crowd, and first said: "After a few days of investigation, it is 100% certain that Hokage Daime has passed away, and his younger brother Senju Tobirama will serve as Second Hokage. Senju Tobirama is known as "Ninja World's Number One Speed". , is good at assassination, and is very strong in single-player combat."

"However, in terms of combat power, he is far inferior to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and I am comparable to him. Now that those two have passed away, there are not many strong people that Konoha makes us afraid of. The pattern of this world should also be changed. "

A young man in his thirties, Jōnin, first said: "Master Raikage is right, our Cloud Shinobi Village is as strong as Konoha, and I feel that without those two, we even surpass Konoha. The country is in the most fertile place, so we have to be here? A good area should be taken by the strong."

"The words are a bit extreme, but we should take action. The country of fire is rich and rich in resources. Konoha is in the country of fire, has sufficient resources, and develops rapidly. If we don't look for opportunities now, we may be separated in the future ."

"Why don't we test it out first, and if we're sure they don't have any masters, then we'll make a move. At the same time, contact Iwagakure [Sand Shinobi Village]. After all, they also want to enter the Land of Fire, right?"



In the conference room.

Second Tsuchikage, wrapped in a white cloth all over his body, spoke first: "Uchiha Madara passed away a few years ago, and Senju Hashirama has also been confirmed to have passed away these days. Konoha's current master is only Senju Tobirama. It's time to make a move."

Onogi also said: "Yes, teacher, I want to meet the strongest Uchiha family of this generation."

Second Tsuchikage said: "At the same time, let's kill Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huanyue too! In this world, only one of us can live."


Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern said: "One generation of Hokage has passed away, peace will not last long, it is time to settle with Wu. At the same time, let them fight inland! I am only interested in killing Second Tsuchikage and Uzumaki. Start Send people to observe the movement of Rock Shinobi Village and the country of Uzumaki.”



Sand Shinobi Village

In the research room.

An old man said: "Master Kazekage, Uchiha Madara passed away a few years ago, and now it is confirmed that Hokage also passed away. Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village will definitely take action. Our Sand Shinobi Village has scarce resources. Do you want to take advantage of it?" This opportunity, send some too?"

Second Kazekage didn't raise his head, but used the Chakra thread to link some wood, and said, "Yes, but I'm developing a new secret technique recently. Once it succeeds, our Sand Shinobi Village's combat power will be greatly improved."

"You! Aren't you going to make a move? Without you, if the opponent steps out of the Kage-level powerhouse, we may be in danger." Another person said.

"I don't have time. I recently observed One Tail, and I have a new understanding. I'm 90% sure that it will create a powerful ability that is not inferior to Ice Escape Blood Successor. If war breaks out, the elders will command the battle!"

"Oh well!"


This time, Hatake Sora did not go to Uzushio Village first, but first went to the beach in the northeast of the small island where Uzumaki is located... Here he met two other Uzumaki ninja.

Hatake Sora has become old, and the two have never seen him, but as the honorary elder of Uzumaki Village, all the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan have seen his photos.

After chatting with the two of them, I got a general understanding of some recent trends, and then Hatake Sora took the Uzumaki Amber to the capital of the Uzumaki Kingdom.

While walking, Uzumaki Amber asked with some concern: "Teacher, will war really break out?"

The two ninjas and Hatake Sora just said that there have been ninjas passing by Linhai in Kirigakure recently, although they did not go ashore from here.

But they found people on the island who had come ashore from other places. However, the two forces have not yet broken their faces. As long as the other party does not do anything, they will just expel the outlying islands.

Once or twice is fine, but it's been twenty in just one year, especially every day lately. Even though Amber Uzumaki didn't understand much, she had a certain premonition.

"For a long time, we must unite for a long time." Hatake Sora smiled and said: "That's why you should practice hard and become a powerful ninja as soon as possible. It doesn't have to be to participate in the war, but you must be able to protect yourself under any circumstances."

"Enen, I will definitely work hard." Uzumaki clenched her fists and said firmly.

The reason why he entered the capital city of the Uzumaki Kingdom was not that Hatake Sora was too lazy to go to the Uzushio Village and wanted to sleep for a day first. Rather, he wanted to walk around the capital to feel the atmosphere.

He doesn't need to ask the Uzumaki clan, as long as he walks by, he can guess the degree of martial law that the ninjas of Uzumaki have imposed on the city, which is about 0.7.

At the same time, since he decided to do a favor, he also wanted to see how vigilant these people were, so as to decide the next plan.

In the afternoon, after 8 o'clock in the night, I walked through the whole city. Hatake Sora can confirm that Kirigakure has indeed increased its manpower. Because there are more ninjas in the city than last time. But compared to the level of vigilance of the Uchiha Madara clan in Konoha, this place is simply far worse.

It is not a matter of the number of masters, but a response to a sense of crisis.

Afterwards, he left the capital directly, cast dog demonization, and Hatake Sora ran to Uzumaki Village with Uzumaki amber on his back.

About an hour to Uzushio Village, Hatake Sora's room has been reserved for him since he became the Glory Elder. Then, let Uzumaki Kohaku go back to the courtyard.

Hatake Sora went directly to Uzumaki Kadobuchi's house in the middle of the village.

As soon as he walked to the door, before Hatake Sora opened the door, a voice came from inside: "Are you back?".

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