As is customary, the first exam is a written test.

The seats were assigned, and all the examiners came to their seats.

Hearing the rules introduced by Mori Noisuke, many people had a look in their eyes that was really like this.

However, when the paper was handed out, the atmosphere in the examination room instantly froze.

What's going on?

Looking at the full four pages of the exam papers, the expression on Hongdou's face became a little dazed.

After reading the above questions, I swore in my heart that I would perform well, and the red bean who helped the empty entrance examination to the middle ninja was already desperate.

Why are there so many questions?

Coincidentally, the candidates in the entire examination room had such a thought in their hearts.

Da da da ......

Just when the vast majority of people were uncertain, the sound of the pen tip falling on the table and writing sounded.

Many of the candidates looked stunned, looking calm, and they had begun to write on the papers.

For some reason, the sound of the tip of the pen falling on the table was unusually clear, and it poked everyone's hearts one by one.

Finally, some anxious candidates couldn't help but start answering the papers, and the sound of writing in the examination room began to intensify.

However, more people are still hesitating, no matter how you look at it, the test paper in front of you, even if it is even a guess, it will take three or four hours to complete.

Suddenly, some experienced candidates seemed to think of something, and their eyes turned into clear.

The first exam tested everyone's cheating, that is, to test everyone's intelligence-gathering ability, and this is not the first time.

It seems that this white-haired and red-eyed guy is the target of everyone's information this time.

"You guys, don't think about cheating. "

It seemed to penetrate their mental activity, Mori Noisuke suddenly said lightly.

"This is not the place for you to play tricks. "

At this moment, even the old fritters in the Zhongnin exam became agitated.

In fact, if you really start answering the questions, you will find that they can still answer this test paper.

It's just that the knowledge involved in the test paper is varied, and the difficulty is just stuck at the limit of the Zhongnin exam.

The sound of pen writing in the ears washed over everyone's ears like a waterfall.

Even the mind of no longer cutting became anxious.

As for him, who was born in the blood mist, he undoubtedly crushed the many shinobi present in actual combat.

However, in the face of the questions on the exam paper, he felt powerless.


At this moment, Sora stood up from his position, came to the front of Mori Noisuke, and handed over the exam papers.

It was like a windswept meadow, and everyone looked at him in unison.

"Submit your papers early, that's good, now you can leave the exam room. "

Looking at the empty red eyes, Mori Noisuke moved slightly in his heart.

This is the disciple of the Orochimaru Vault.

Sure enough, as Hokage-sama expected, this boy was the first to hand in the papers.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


No matter how he squinted his eyes, he watched Sora walk out of the classroom step by step, his eyes almost with murderous intent.

At this time, he had just completed two questions involving assassination.

Konoha guys, they can't be cheating, right?

"Don't look like that, stinking little ghost. "

Mori Nosuke turned his head and smiled dangerously at Zaibu.

"You can't cheat, you can't cheat, that's the first iron rule of the first exam. "

He didn't snort coldly, didn't resist the examiner, looked at the papers, and thought frantically about the solution in his mind.

Suddenly, he looked at the pen in his hand.

This nib, this tabletop, and the structure of this room are all custom-made.

As long as you tap the table, the sound of the pen will echo throughout the examination room.

It seems that the examiner deliberately used this noisy environment to make them agitated.

The first iron rule?

If he didn't squint his eyes, he didn't believe that the written test of a ninja would be so simple.

There must be something hidden under these arrangements.

Thinking of Mori Noisuke's words, he suppressed the irritable killing intent in his heart and simply stopped writing the test paper

Not only him, but the Iwakuin ninja on the side was also waiting for the development of events and put down the pen in his hand.

Because, with a special task, they are actually ninja for a long time, and they don't have the ability to complete this test paper alone in a short time.

Without him, there are so many things involved in this test paper, and even the obscure knowledge of psychoanalysis has a question.

Hmph, are you collecting the knowledge level of the ninjas in each ninja village?

Using this small means to make everyone anxious and expose their true abilities, Konoha is really a group of guys who can only play conspiracy.

Seeing through the truth of the first exam at a glance, the Iwakure ninja waited quietly.

As the organizer, although Konoha can find out in this way, he must also let the exam continue.

Finally, after about half an hour, Mori Noisuke stood on the stage, looking at the faces below that were looking at him with unkind faces, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

"Now, let me announce the second rule. "

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