[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Golden Ten Thousand Taels, Yi Tendon Cleansing Pill, and Sub-class God-level Woodcarver! ] 】

[I Ching Cleansing Pill (1 product): After taking it, you can wash the essence of the I Ching, drive away acquired impurities in the body, obtain a congenital clean body, and make the user practice internal strength for a long time. 】

[Sub-class level division: low, intermediate, high, master, grandmaster, god level! ] 】

[Grade division of elixir: nine products to one product, one product is the highest. 】

[PS: All rewards obtained from the system will be temporarily stored in the system space, and the host can claim them at any time. 】

Ning Yi’s eyes lit up slightly.

There are three rewards in total, not to mention the latter ones.

First of all, ten thousand taels of gold are very good for him.

Because in addition to this inn, he has … To be honest, I’m really shy.

Now there is this golden tael.

He won’t be short of money for a long time.

And the second reward, the I Ching Cleansing Pill.

That’s a good thing!

You know, he does not choose to break into the rivers and lakes in this comprehensive martial arts world, in addition to laziness, the main reason is that he is 20 years old, and it is basically difficult to achieve anything in martial arts training at this age.

But with the I Ching Cleansing Pill, it is different, this thing can be cleansed by the I Ching, greatly accelerating the speed of his cultivation of internal strength, so that he can come later.

This also rekindled the idea of learning martial arts in his heart.

After all, what boy really doesn’t want to fly off the wall and fight the sword?

As for the third ….

“God-level wood carver? What’s the use of this? Making furniture? ”

Ning Yi muttered two words in his mouth, and then did not care anymore, it was better than nothing.

“System, take out the I Ching Cleansing Pill!”

He thought silently in his heart.

In the next second, his hand sank slightly, and a small box made of rosewood was held by him out of thin air.

Opening the box, he was greeted by a red pill the size of a copper coin.

“Is this the I Ching Cleansing Pill?”

Ning Yi took a look curiously, and then leaned in to sniff it, the rich medicinal fragrance made his whole person excited.

This medicinal effect is worthy of a pint pill!

He closed the box with a happy look on his face and walked towards his room.

According to the description, after taking this pill, all acquired impurities in the body will be eliminated, and it is estimated that at that time, like the novel he read in his previous life, his whole body will be dirty, so naturally he cannot take it on the spot.

Wait until you’re ready to get back in the room.

Only then did Ning Yi take out the pill and swallow it.

In an instant, the elixir turned into a warm current from top to bottom, and then spread throughout his body.

There is no pain, and the whole body is warm and very comfortable.


He saw some black impurities pouring out of his pores, and also emitted a strong foul smell.

As expected, he did not panic at all, and directly got into the barrel and began to clean.

A moment later.

The warm feeling in his body dissipated, and after cleaning the dirt, Ning Yi suddenly felt that his whole person was extremely relaxed, as if he had removed some heavy object.


He stretched out, looking pleasant.

After changing into a new set of clothes.

Ning Yi contacted the system: “System, bind the sub-class god-level wood carver!”

Next second.

A wisp of unfamiliar memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

This memory is purely about the techniques and techniques of various wood carvings.


He also noticed that his fingers had become extremely flexible, if the dexterity of his fingers and hand speed was 1 before, it is now estimated to be 100, which is completely the difference between a tractor and a sports car!

“Besides, isn’t it getting longer?” Speed, length, flexibility, it’s all alive! ”

Ning Yi spread out his hand and looked at the slender fingers that had become like white jade because of the I Ching Cleansing Pill, revealing a smile that a man could understand.

That’s right.

Since the dirt in the body has been removed, then….

Thinking so, he paced to the copper mirror and took a closer look at himself.


The appearance has not changed, but because the skin has become better and whiter, the already handsome appearance has risen several degrees.

There is quite a feeling of warmth like jade, rich and handsome.

After admiring myself a little.

Ning Yi left the room.

He was going to the market to buy a carving knife.

Since you have obtained the sub-profession of god-level wood carver, let’s have fun.


And at this time.

In a small alley in Huiji County.

A little beggar wearing a torn hat and a dark face was staring at a girl in a cyan dress, about five or six years old, who looked extremely cute.

It stands to reason that the two are completely incompatible.

Because one of them is a beggar, and the other is the child of a large family.


“You said I was your mother-in-law?”

The little beggar crossed his hands at his waist, and his face showed a crying and laughing expression: “Little fellow, are you separated from your mother?” Remember where your home is? I’ll send you back. ”

“Mother, although I know it’s incredible, I’m really your daughter.”

The girl sighed like a little adult, and her words were full of helplessness: “How can I say that you believe my mother?” ”

“You little one…”

Although the little beggar didn’t know how the girl in front of him saw that she was dressed as a man.

But the other party is indeed very cute, very similar to her appearance when she was a child, so she can’t help but want to tease the other party, so the corners of her mouth raised: “Then you say, what is your mother’s name?” How old is this year? Where did it come from? Who is your grandfather? ”

“That’s it?”

The girl tilted her head and said almost without thinking: “Mother, your name is Huang Rong, looking at your appearance, you should have just run away from home, and you haven’t met your father yet, so you should be 15 years old this year.” ”

“You are from Peach Blossom Island, and my grandfather is the owner of Peach Blossom Island, named Huang Yaoshi, is there anything else to ask?”

From the moment the girl called out her name, Huang Rong’s eyes widened.

And as the girl answered all her questions one by one.

Her face was already full of incredulity.

All right!


The little beggar is Huang Rong.

“You… Could it be that you were sent by my father? ”

Huang Rong came back to her senses, immediately looked around with a vigilant look, and then pretended to be calm and tempted: “What about my father, why don’t you come out by yourself, but let this little guy come to amuse me?” ”

She didn’t believe that the girl in front of her was her future daughter.

She suspected that the girl was actually sent by her father to trick her.

“I wasn’t sent by my grandfather, he is looking for you all over the world now.”

“Speaking of grandfather, your mother is also true, isn’t it just a quarrel, how big a thing, you need to run away from home?”

The girl said as she spoke, as if she had thought of something, and frowned: “No, it is still necessary to run away from home, because if your mother does not run away from home, you will not meet your father, so there will be no me.” ”

“The more you say it, the more outrageous it gets!”

Huang Rong didn’t find Huang Yaoshi, but she didn’t believe the girl, so she shouted to the surroundings: “Dad, if you don’t come out, then I’ll leave!” ”

After that, prepare to grease the soles of your feet.

But the girl’s next words made her feet instantly fixed.

“Mother, your earlobe is the most sensitive place, just touch it a little… Woohoo!? ”

Before the girl’s words were finished, she was directly covered by Huang Rong, who was flushed.

Of course, Huang Rong’s face was dark at this time, so even if she was red, she couldn’t see it.

“This kind of thing! Where did you know that? ”

Huang Rong’s tone had a hint of shame in her tone.

Her own ears were a weakness, and no one would know about this intimate matter except herself, and she now believed that the girl was not sent by her father.


The girl danced her teeth in protest.

Seeing this, Huang Rong came back to her senses and quickly let go of her hand.

“Mother, are you going to suffocate me? And…”

The girl wrinkled her nose and sniffed, and complained with a look of disgust: “Daddy said that you used to like to steal roast chicken to eat when you pretended to be a beggar, so it’s true?” This greasy smell is unpleasant to die! ”


Do you even know about stealing chickens yourself?

Huang Rong felt as if she was being publicly executed.

She forcibly suppressed the shame in her heart, gritted her teeth and said, “Little ghost, tell me first where you know about my ears… Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind! ”

After speaking, he squeezed his fists, revealing a ‘fierce’ look.

“Where did you know that?”

The girl was not afraid at all, shrugged her shoulders, and said in a natural tone: “Of course, I know it from my father, he said, every time you are angry, he only needs to touch your earlobe, and your whole person is…”

“Okay, okay, don’t say any more!”

Before the girl finished speaking, Huang Rong couldn’t listen anymore, and hurriedly stopped it.

If you go any further, the book is estimated to be 404.

As for the other party, he said that he knew it from his ‘father’.

Ghosts believe it!


New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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