People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 99 Red Skull's Birthday! Nemesis Peggy Carter!

Dr. Zola swallowed nervously, came to the side of the airtight metal cabin and said.

"Master Schmidt, this experiment will be more painful than the last one. After all, an infrasonic resonator has been added. Please be cautious..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was frightened by John Schmidt's ferocious eyes.

"I believe that with my loyalty to the Führer and my firm will of steel, I will be able to survive the pain of the test and become the first superintendent of our German Third Reich."

"The last time they injected 5 serums, I'm going to increase it to 10, do you understand?"

Dr. Zola was speechless, but he didn't dare to refute. He added 5 serums to the machine, and activated the syringe and infrasonic resonator at the same time.

More and more blood serum entered John Schmidt's body, and 12 infrasonic resonators surrounded his body, vibrating his internal organs and bones simultaneously with infrasound waves of different frequencies


John Schmidt, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly wailed. He really didn't expect the pain of the previous experimental subject to be so terrifying, but he himself acted like a hero and came to a super double.

Hearing John Schmidt's miserable howl in the sealed metal cabin, Zola ran to the metal cabin in a panic, observing his situation through the glass window.

In the metal cabin, the muscles of John Schmidt's limbs and torso swelled and contracted crazily, his skin was like red-hot iron, especially the skin on his face peeled off in large pieces, exposing blood-red muscles and blood-stained bones.

"Oh God, Mr. Schmidt, the experiments must be stopped now! Otherwise you may very well..."

The mustache snorted angrily with indifferent eyes, and the SS soldiers followed him and waved away Dr. Zola.

"Continue to experiment, I believe that Schmidt's iron will will never let me down!"

Dr. Zola looked at him in a daze, a little in disbelief that the head of state would do this.

Unexpectedly, John Schmidt in the metal cabin could still hear the voices outside even in extreme pain, and he roared loudly "960" to echo.

"Dr. Zola continues to experiment, I will not disappoint the head of state! I am the leader of HYDRA, how can HYDRA fail like this after cutting off one head and growing two heads!"

Mustache nodded in satisfaction, stared closely at Dr. Zola and said.

"Do what you should do now, and don't disappoint Schmidt's loyalty!"

Dr. Zola had no choice but to return to the console, pressed a few buttons, and the 10 super soldier serum injections were gradually completed.

John Schmidt's anguished wails doubled in the metal cabin, circuits feeding the ray lamps and infrasonic resonators were overloaded, and crackling sparks danced across the equipment.


With a dull bang, the ray lamp and infrasonic resonator exploded, and the electric lights in the laboratory were short-circuited at the same time.

After a few minutes, the emergency lights turned on automatically, and the dim lights kept flickering.

Dr. Zola came to the edge of the sealed metal cabin, and was about to pull the mechanical switch to open the metal cabin.


John Schmidt tore off the cowhide restraints effortlessly, twisted his neck and made a crackling bone sound, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Get out of the way, Dr. Zola, I can't wait to show the head of state, the super soldier's powerful strength!"

Dr. Zola backed away after hearing the words, but the SS soldiers stepped forward instead, aiming their guns at the metal airtight cabin.

bang bang bang!

Several fist marks protruded from the shell of the metal cabin, and one corner of the buckle was broken, followed by another huge amounts of impact sound, and the entire upper part of the cover flew out.

A tall, muscular and exaggerated figure stepped out of the metal cabin, opening his arms as if to take the world into his arms. His clothes were torn and tattered, and some indescribable places could not be covered.

Dr. Zola's eyes showed fear, and the appearance of John Schmidt in front of him was too terrifying, like a demon coming out of hell.

Mustache looked at his well-developed muscles and strong body, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes. This muscle mass was very powerful at first glance, and this was the perfect German in his mind.

John Smith looked down at his strong body and was very satisfied. He was excited to show his merits to the Führer, but there was burning pain on his face.

Subconsciously touched his face, it was as smooth as jade but felt nothing.

Picking up a fragment of the metal cabin, he looked at the reflection of the metal surface.

I saw that the person who appeared in front of his eyes was naked and bright red, without hair, skin or flesh and blood, just like a skull dyed red.

"No! Where's my face?"

Outside the secret base of HYDRA, in the Alps, a group of people are fully armed and wearing snow camouflage, approaching the location of the base as deep → shallow as a thousand feet.

In the crowd, Peggy Carter gritted her teeth tightly, her eyes revealing deep-seated hatred. As a girl, she rushed to the front, and Howard, who was behind, was dumbfounded.

This was the first secret operation of the Scientific Strategic Corps. Not only did he sponsor a new jet plane, he also insisted on joining the joint special operations team despite Phillips' objections.

"Phillips, what's wrong with this girl? She looks so murderous, it really hurts her heart, I want to comfort her hurt heart.

As he spoke, he wanted to speed up his pace, but he was stopped by Phillips.

"Howard, I advise you not to make fun of yourself. Both her big brother and sister died under the German air strikes. She gave up the upcoming wedding and voluntarily applied to join the Allied Joint Special Operations Team."

"It is said that she and her fiancé fell out over this matter, so don't make trouble!"

Howard rubbed his chin, feeling that Peggy Carter was different from the women who had been playing tricks before, and he couldn't help but think of what his grandfather had said.

"Funny souls are one in a million, good-looking skins are the same, Howard, you have to remember, hormonal impulses are not love, true love is two funny souls attracted to each other

He still remembered that he was ignorant at the time, asked a question that made his father Philip and mother Jenny furious, and suffered the only mixed doubles fight in his life.

Peggy Carter took out crampons with sharp metal teeth from her backpack, stuck them on the bottom of her mountain boots, fastened her safety belt around her waist, and climbed up without a word.

The members of the special operations team followed closely behind and quickly moved towards the HYDRA base on the mountainside.

Soon they came to a slightly gentler mountain wall, Qu Yingji's keen eyes were looking for the gate into the cemetery.

Howard slowly took out the 3D laser scanner, and scanned the cobweb traces left by the people entering and leaving against the mountain wall, and soon discovered the excellent electronic combination lock in disguise.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the old-style combination lock, I don't bother to crack this thing after I'm 10 years old, I don't have any sense of accomplishment from the challenge!"

He took out another bottle of developer and sprayed it on the keypad of the combination lock, and Brown Black's fingerprints appeared clearly.

However, the person who set up this password lock is very scheming. The 18-digit password uses all the numbers from 0-9. If the average person is faced with a keyboard full of fingerprints, he will be at a loss what to do.

But Howard only thought for a while, and then pressed the keyboard with great confidence, so startled that the leader of the action team almost drew his gun and killed him.

Dare to enter before figuring out the order of the passwords. If the alarm is triggered, more than a dozen of them will die here.

Ka Ka Ka!

Amidst the sound of the mechanical structure turning, the door disguised as a rock slowly opened.


The special operation team quickly sneaked into the secret base of HYDRA, and went straight to the scientific laboratory on the second floor of the basement with a clear goal.

When everyone was not paying attention, Howard lightly pressed the signal transmitter with his hand in his pocket.

Inside Lin's Manor, Lin Feng said to Aesir Zuo and Raven after receiving the signal.

"Okay, you can act now. Aesir will assist you to bring Erkins back. Raven, you have to work hard to change into a doctor's appearance and leave while they are fighting HYDRA!"

"Mr. Ross Fu likes to play secret games, let him and Mustache fight each other!"

Aesir held Raven's hand, nodded and launched a teleportation, and disappeared in the thick black smoke.

Erskine lay on the bed tossing and turning, scratching his hair irritably. He regretted that he had developed the super soldier serum. He had an ominous premonition when Sebastian Shaw was sent away today.

Sure enough, not long after the friend left, the door of the laboratory was locked by several HYDRA soldiers, and lunch was handed in through the window.


A black smoke appeared in the laboratory out of thin air. Aesir and Raven glanced at the empty laboratory and walked towards the bedroom inside.


Dr. Erskine got up when he heard the movement, came to the door and asked carefully with a broom in his hand.

He understood that after Schmidt's experiment was successful, his situation would be very dangerous, and his vigilance was unprecedentedly high.

As soon as Aesir opened the door, a dirty broom came towards the door. He stretched out his hand to block it, glanced at Erskine, and said softly.

"Dr. Erskine don't be afraid, we are the Lin family to get you out, Klaus is our man. Time is running out" You will understand when you get to Ghana.

After speaking, he said to Raven.

"Honey, let's see yours next!"

Erskine was startled by Aesir Zuo's appearance first, and muttered to himself.

"Devil! Red's devil!"

Frightened, he took a few steps back and before he could stabilize his center of gravity, he saw something that frightened him even more.

The blond girl who appeared with the Red devil had Blue ripples on her skin, and seconds later another Dr. Niskin appeared in the room.

Seeing that Dr. Erskine picked Red Devil's chin with his fingers, he laughed like a silver bell and teased.

"Honey, you have a cool nickname, the Red Devil is so apt!"

Aesir whitened her helplessly, goosebumps all over his body.

"Please don't call me dear by the appearance of a man. I'm afraid it will leave a shadow in the future. Well, Dr. Erskine, let's go now, and you will understand when you see Dad!"

While speaking, he held Dr. Erskine's shoulders, and disappeared into the rising black smoke, and the sound of his instructions remained in the air.

"Honey, be careful! I'll wait for you to come back at home, let's have a baby after completing this task!"

Raven's eyes flushed.

She rubbed the corners of her eyes, lay on the bed with some disgust, messed up her hair, and made the image more in line with the departing Dr. Erkins.

Not long after he lay down, he heard a few muffled grunts from HYDRA soldiers outside, a dull explosion from the door, and a few light footsteps rushed into the bedroom very quickly.

"Dr. Erskine, Dr. Erskine!"

Peggy Carter called softly, came to the bed and looked at the target of this mission.

Raven slowly got up on the wooden bed, with bloodshot eyes still in his eyes, coupled with messy hair, he looked very anxious and decadent.

"I'm Peggy Carter, member of the British Empire Special Operations Squad, here to rescue you."

She introduced herself, and without waiting for Raven to speak, she installed a remote-controlled time bomb in the laboratory and signaled Raven to go out with her

At the moment, there were gunshots like fried beans on the upper floor of the laboratory, and there were occasional loud bangs of grenade explosions, and Peggy Carter's face darkened.

Raven stared at her sharply and asked.

"It looks like your actions have been discovered, how are you going to take me away now?"

Peggy Carter turned her head and said firmly.

"I believe my teammates will be able to support us until we go out, don't stop the hesitation now, don't you still want to live in this place, don't you know when it will be used up by HYDRA?"

"After our investigation, your family has already died in Auschwitz a month ago. HYDRA is an inhuman executioner!"

Her eyes were full of hatred, and the fingers holding the pistol turned white with force.

At this moment, she is like a goddess of revenge, only thinking about revenge for her family.

"You can avenge your family only if you come with us. Come with me now. There are planes waiting outside the base. Everything is ready, please don't worry!"

Peggy Carter wanted to pull Raven, but she dodged it calmly, and followed the agent's footsteps and ran out of the base.

Taking advantage of the chaos created by other members of the Special Operations Team, they avoided the HYDRA soldiers rushing to the upper level for support along the way, came to the ventilation fan passage, and escaped from the base through this pipe leading to the outside.

"Target has been rescued, repeat, target has been rescued!"

After reporting over the intercom, Peggy Carter pressed the remote hard.



The laboratory on the second floor of the basement in the mountainside was instantly blown into ruins. Under the shockwave and vibration, the dome on the first floor of the HYDRA base kept shaking and falling countless rubble.

The members of the special operations team took advantage of the shock of the HYDRA soldiers and ran outside while beating them. Just as they were about to run out of the door, Howard turned around and threw a few round black metal balls.

"Guys, run as hard as you can, these expansion and coagulation agents will fill the entire passage, if you get caught in it, there is absolutely no way out!"

As he spoke, his steps became faster and faster, surpassing a member of the special operations team.

Jonathan, the person in charge of the British Empire, glanced at Phillips with a complex expression, and asked in disbelief.

"Isn't he your scientific advisor? It doesn't matter if he can run faster than us special elites, and he was able to shoot his head in the battle just now [Are all your Meijian scientists so strong?"

Phillips shrugged, this question is hard to answer!

Can you tell Jonathan that Howard can punch through a 5cm steel plate with one punch, and it takes less than 5 seconds to 100 meters?


At this time, the metal ball in the channel exploded, and several compressed solutions with different components spewed out, and after mixing, they swelled up extremely fast, faster than the Common people running at full strength.

Some HYDRA soldiers chasing behind the special operations team had no time to react, and were swallowed by the black-gray swelling without a sound.

The terrified HYDRA soldiers turned around and ran away, but still could not escape the fate of being swallowed until it filled the entire passage. These strange substances seemed to have consumed all the catalysts and stopped at the end of the passage. The surface of the fluid dried and solidified quickly. .

When John Schmidt's inquiry arrived, hundreds of HYDRA soldiers were going crazy, attacking the black-gray expansion coagulant with guns and grenades.

Bullets from pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles hit the ground, leaving only a little trace of White, and the explosion of the grenade only shook off a few fragments.

Under the protection of the SS, the mustache came to the passage with a livid face, and shouted angrily.

"John Schmidt!"

Heinrich had a schadenfreude smile on his face. Those who are familiar with the Führer know that he usually uses nicknames for his confidants, and only when he is very angry will he call them by name.

"This is your so-called secret base. You don't even know it's been taken to your hometown? If you don't give me an explanation for this incident, I can only give you an explanation!"

After throwing this sentence, Mustache walked away and occupied John Schmidt's bedroom to rest, while Heinrich and the SS guarded outside.

John Schmidt clenched his fists very hard, and his joints creaked and rubbed together.

"Dr. Zola entrusts you with this item, analyze its components, and find a way to open the passage as quickly as possible. The head of state cannot stay away for a long time." The German Empire cannot do without the head of state!

Dr. Zola sighed helplessly, went to the entrance of the passage, picked up a few fragments, plunged into the laboratory to analyze the composition of the expansion coagulant, and racked his brains to prepare the dissolving agent. .

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