People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 15 Ten Years Of Wind And Cloud! Lin's House Expansion!

The wind rises from the end of Qingping, and the waves form between the waves.

Since the Lin family took the lead and united with Alberta industrial, commercial and agricultural industry giants to promote Mithburn as the head of the Taxation Department, Ghana's political circles were shaken.

Various preferential tax policies have promoted the rapid economic development of Alberta, and all the families involved in it are all rejoicing.

As an advocate, the Lin family has definitely picked the fattest fruit. Relying on strong financial resources, strong force, and official support, the Lin family has continuously expanded the scale of the industry, and has never stopped entering emerging industries.

Lin Feng's name is now more famous in Alberta than Earl Minto, Governor-General of Ghana, and it is even more famous in Edmond.

It can be said that in this largest city in Alberta, more than half of the industries are already surnamed Lin.

So much so that some people used Lin Bancheng to refer to the helm of the Lin family, and dared not call him by his first name, for fear of inadvertently offending the increasingly powerful Lin family.

In the past ten years, Edmond City has changed three municipal government teams. No matter who is elected, the first thing to do is to visit the dock at Lin's Manor.

A mayor who does not have the support of the Lin family will not even be able to pass on his orders to the city government, while a mayor who can get the support of the Lin family will soon be promoted due to his outstanding performance.

Once angry, the princes are afraid, and the world is quiet when they live in peace. The prestige of the Lin family has reached such a level.

Earl Minto has never given up the idea of ​​suppressing the Lin family in the past ten years, but under the increasing constraints within the Governor's Mansion, he has not been able to truly implement the Governor's will, so that now he is facing the huge Lin family. Family, he is at the end of his rope and powerless.

Too much energy was spent fighting against the Lin family. He has been in power for 10 years, and Ghana has not changed much.

On the other hand, the beauty of the country, which was only established in the next few decades, was surging. More and more supporters of abolitionism emerged from within the Democratic Party and the Whig Party. Turbulent, there is a tendency to sweep the beautiful country.

The Compromise occurred in 1850, and five bills related to the abolition of slavery were passed successively. The southern slave states tried to expand the territory of slavery, and the disputes between the North and the South around the geographical boundaries of slavery became increasingly fierce.

The Fugitive Slave Act sparked a broader struggle against slavery than the California, Texas, Utah, and Washington bills favored the abolitionist Liberals.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 intensified the conflict between the North and the South. This act abolished the act that restricted the expansion of slavery to the newly developed areas of the West, allowing slave owners to practice slavery in the West.

In the same year, in order to fight for the control of Kansas, a five-year civil war broke out between slavery advocates and anti-slavery advocates.

Most of the 200,000 acres of land purchased by the Lin family in Meijian are in free states and a small part are in slave states.

However, under the escort of the Holden family, neither the forces supporting the theory of slavery nor the forces opposing the theory of slavery have violated the interests of the Lin family.

Lin Feng's life in this turbulent era has not been turbulent. The huge network of relationships compiled by the Lin family over the years is very strong. Whether it is the targeting of the Governor of Ghana or the internal struggles of Meilijian, the Lin family cannot be shaken.

His main energy these years has been devoted to teaching those old buddies, learning new scientific and technological knowledge in his spare time, so as to ensure that Lin's development will not lag behind the tide of the times.

Lin Yuanfeng is responsible for the family's financial transactions, and Lin Shuhao is responsible for the transfer and placement of personnel within the industry. However, although he has been a hands-off shopkeeper, the Lin family's wealth is increasing day by day, and its power is slowly spreading to the entire Ghana. Great expansion.

The Dragon and Tiger Gate version of Yi Jin Jing was created by Bodhidharma, the founder of Shaolin.

After Bodhidharma created the golden bell jar of the twelve stages, he felt that it was too profound, and felt that no one in the future would be able to practice the top stage, so he simplified it and created the Yijin Jing.

When Lin Feng practiced the golden bell cover of the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises, he mistakenly stimulated the true energy of the Yijinjing at the same time. He did not expect that after the two practiced together, they would be like the wind to help the fire and the fire to borrow the power of the wind. The progress of the two complemented each other far exceeded the individual practice. one of them.

After repeated trials to confirm safety, he taught this practice method to the old guys and James.

More than 20 veterans have successfully completed the nine moves beyond the limits of the human body in the first layer of Yi Jin Jing after acquiring the new practice method. Since then, Lin Feng has not needed to use the healing ability to heal their injuries.

The ups and downs and tribulations they experienced in their previous cultivation, on the contrary, became further merits, which enabled them to understand the exercises more thoroughly, and they came from behind in the progress of the Yi Jin Jing cultivation.

After all, James has suffered from not knowing the culture of Daxia. No matter how cruel he is to destroy his body and force his potential, he will never be able to practice the Yi Jin Jing and the Thirteenth Taibao horizontal training golden bell at the same time.

In the next few years, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to open up the acupoints, but continued to repeat the practice of Yi Jin Jing and the Thirteenth Taibao horizontal practice golden bell cover every day, and insisted on using Ba Duan Jin Regulate the internal organs and bones of the body, make the internal organs flexible and strong, and focus on improving the overall strength of the body.

He wants to build an unprecedented solid foundation, one day without improving his body strength to the point where he can't make progress, one day without opening the acupoints to release the terrifyingly powerful energy within.

Take a look at the supreme foundation formed by the Yi Jin Jing, supplemented by the soul of the martial arts master who has perfected the martial arts in the previous life, and practice the boxing in this life to the highest level of breaking the void and seeing the gods. What a wonderful thing will happen.

Not only is the strength and power of the Lin family thriving, but the number of Lin Feng's wives and heirs is also growing rapidly.

In the past 10 years, there were 20 new concubines, and almost every concubine gave birth to at least one child, and some favored concubines even gave birth to two or three.

Most of the system's rewards are attributes such as appearance and Constitution. Only when the 10th and 20th children were born, two variants of Ability were rewarded.

The 10th reward is fire control, and the 20th reward is underwater breathing.

Right now, the number of Lin Feng's offspring has reached 28, and the offspring with the mutant Ability is only 13. The remaining 15 are no different from Common children except that they are physically strong and smart.

Through continuous concubinage marriages, the Lin family's in-laws are now spread across 13 provinces and regions in Ghana, and it can be said that there are mothers-in-law and father-in-law everywhere.

Now the oldest children are all studying in the middle school run by the Lin family, and the other younger children are either studying in the affiliated primary school or in the Lin's kindergarten.

Under Lin Feng's insistence, these schools adopt bilingual teaching. They not only need to learn English, the official language of the University of Ghana, but also learn the national language of Xiaguo, of which Chinese and Chinese studies take up more than half of the courses.

Lin Feng hated bananas the most in his previous life, so naturally he would not let his children become that kind of disgusting creature who looks like a Daxia on the outside and a British inside.

One day, Lin Feng had just finished practicing Yi Jin Jing, and Lin Shuhao, who had wrinkles around his eyes, came to the practice room.

"Master, our house is a bit small, and it may not be enough in a few years!"

He couldn't directly say the reason, but how could Lin Feng not understand.

The old guys and their families live in the front courtyard with one or two entrances, the middle courtyard houses maids, gardeners and other handymen, and the backyard with four or five entrances is Lin Feng's concubines and heirs.

The Lin family has developed too fast in recent years, and the three-story mansion with five entrances has more than one hundred rooms, and now it is almost full.

It's time to expand the house, otherwise it will be too late to expand when the remaining rooms are used up, and the new concubine's room can't be crowded with other concubines' room.

The Lin family now has a lot of wealth, and the industries invested and built include dozens of industries in the fields of food, clothing, housing, transportation, industry, commerce and manufacturing.

So, Lin Feng of At the moment, decided to do it once and for all.

It takes huge amounts of money to build an ideal house that can be used for the next hundred years. In terms of scale, it is not much worse than the Ming Palace in the Great Xia Kingdom.

All expansion materials, including doors, windows, courtyard walls, wood, bricks, and stones, must be selected from the best.

The design drawing uses the drawing of the Ming Palace, and the construction craftsmen invite the descendants of the Daxia Zhuansi to build the palace. The expanded house or every link of the palace must be refined, not only to have the magnificence of the palace, but also to conform to the development of the times tall and novel.

After Lin Feng said this, the housekeeper Lin Shuhao thought to himself, how much will it cost!

"Actually, the master doesn't need to make it so big. The Ming Palace is 2.5 kilometers long from north to south, and 2 kilometers wide from east to west. There are dozens of halls and more than a thousand rooms in the main hall. There must be tens of thousands of people living here."

He felt that the master was overkill. To build such a big palace is a bit too high-profile and eye-catching.

The Baijin Han Palace of the British royal family, the suzerain of Ghana, looks very unstyled compared to the master's idea. If people know about it, they will not be envious or jealous.

"Shu Hao, people have to have a long-term perspective, not just see what is in front of them."

"It's only been 10 years, and the house that seemed empty before is now full of people."

"Master, I am in the prime of life now, and I will continue to take concubines and have children in the future. I don't want to worry about expansion when the new house is full in 10 or 20 years."

Lin Feng patted his shoulder and said softly with emotion.

The Lin family has no shortage of money. At present, the expansion of industry, commerce and agriculture has reached its limit. It does not mean that there are no industries worth investing in, but that there are too few truly loyal and reliable people to support the continued expansion of the Lin family.

It is not a good idea to have too much money and cannot continue to invest it. It is not a good idea to keep depreciating in the bank. It is also the source of disaster when there is chaos. Even though the Lin family is not afraid of any power, it is very annoying to have some right and wrong.

It is better to use the money to build a house that can be used for the development of the family for a thousand years, which can be passed on to future generations and is also the best symbol of wealth.

Lin Shuhao also agreed with the master's statement, and took over the matter of expanding the house.

Assigned 20 people under the leadership of Lin Hao to return to Daxia to hire the descendants of the craftsmen who built the palace.

Lin Hao has an ordinary appearance, and no one would recognize him in a crowd. He is just right to work in Daxia under the rule of the Qing court.

Another 50 people were allocated to purchase building materials and went to various places in Dahemeijian, Ghana to purchase sufficient quantities of wood, stone, cement and steel.

The vigorous expansion of the house was carried out intensively under Lin Shuhao's strategizing. After the huge construction plan was spread, the wealthy businessmen and nobles who brought their daughters to Lin's Manor were like crucian carp crossing the river.

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