People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 21 The Target Of The Special Investigation Team! Telegram From Hawaii!

The senior officials of the Ghanaian Security Council have been busy in recent months, and even the business of the red light district and taverns has plummeted.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

There was a hasty knock on the door.

"Here comes the urgency again, enough fucking enough."

The newly appointed Chief of Security, Davor, covered his forehead and cursed in a low voice.

Since Governor Edmund was assassinated and killed, the dignitaries in the British mainland faced the call of the royal family and refused to take over the post of Governor of Ghana.

However, if the large group of dragons in Ghana are left without a leader, the British Empire is also afraid that Meilijian, a rebellious boy, will take the opportunity to annex this largest overseas colony.

So after repeated consultations between the royal family and the cabinet, a letter of accountability and a special investigation team arrived at the University of Ghana almost at the same time.

Davor, who was unfamiliar with the place of life, had to hold his nose and take the blame, and at the same time shoulder the heavy responsibility of assisting the special investigation team. After a few months, he was almost driven crazy.

Although he was very reluctant to meet the guy who was knocking on the door, he had to get up and open the door.

"Hi Lawrence, long time no see!"

"How is the case investigation going? I remember you went to Manitoba to investigate the former Lieutenant Governor Pierre. He was humiliated by Edmund, and he has a very good motive for committing the crime."

Lawrence held a stack of files in his hand and stared at him sharply.

"Dawall, you incompetent guy, the security committee's false intelligence misled the investigation team, and I will file a petition to the House of Lords to remove you from the post of Chief of Security."

Davor's forehead was covered with cold sweat, he knew in his heart that the bastard in front of him really had this ability.

"What you said, our Security Committee is not just for nothing. Those officials who were dismissed by Edmund have privately said many times that they want someone to kill him."

"You and Team Leader Michael also recognized it back then, don't put all the responsibility on me!"

Lawrence threw the file in his face and cursed angrily.

"In January 1855, the No. 3 order of the Governor's Office raised the tax index of Alberta by 1 million pounds; a month later, No. 4 document was issued, and checkpoints were added on the border between Ghana and Meijian to strictly check the transit caravan. These files Why didn't you find out?"

Darwall held back his anger, picked up the files that had fallen to the ground, and read page by page.

The more he looked at him, the paler his face became, and he said with trembling lips.

"No way, these merchants and farmers have such courage?"

"Deputy Leader Lawrence, could there be a mistake?"

Lawrence pointed to the files in his hand, nodded at two of them and said.

"These two documents are the top 10 businessmen in Alberta. They are the biggest group whose interests have been damaged after the issuance of the No. 3 Order. Next, the Security Committee will fully cooperate with the investigation team to find out their backgrounds one by one. Clearly!"

"If my reasoning is correct, the mouse that hides behind the scenes is hiding among them. Soon we will find him and avenge Governor Edmund."

He said that his face was grim at the end, as if every word was squeezed out between his teeth.


The Hawaiian Islands are a rare supply point in the Pacific Ocean. The increasingly prosperous Far East route has a lot of ships coming and going. After the Great Xia Kingdom is gradually opened by strong ships and guns, the huge emerging markets and new resource production areas have brought constant wealth.

The important strategic location attracted explorers and ocean-going businessmen from many European countries, and also attracted the attention of Meijian, who had just become independent.

After a long period of cultural and religious infiltration, it has become a political structure in which European and American countries and the King of Hawaii rule together.

The living space of the aborigine Polycians is shrinking day by day, and more and more resources are occupied by white missionaries, explorers, and ocean-going businessmen from Europe and America.

Various ships from Europe and the United States are docked at the port, including huge amounts of wooden sail ships, and steam ships with black smoke and big chimneys. Wooden sailing ship.

Lin Hao wore a local straw hat and a garland of flowers around his neck. He lay on the fence of the deck and watched the aboriginal people who looked like the Bactrians carrying supplies.

"Lin Hao, how long will it take for us to reach the University of Ghana you mentioned?"

Behind him stood a group of Daxia people looking around.

The person who spoke was an old man with white hair and childish face, with high and bulging temples. On his broad palms, two iron balls were circling in the palms of his hands. The speed was very fast but they did not collide with each other.

Lin Hao stretched his waist, turned his head and cursed impatiently.

"Old man Tang, you have asked this sentence dozens of times, and if you don't bother me, I will."

"If you regret it, get off the boat and find someone to take you back!"

Old man Tang's face was flushed red, and he firmly shook the hand that was playing with the iron ball.


After the crisp metal sound, the iron ball in the palm of the hand was squeezed into a discus.

Slowly exhaling foul air, old man Tang gritted his teeth and softened.

"This old man is too eager, I'm sorry, but brother Lin Hao please don't take it to heart!"

There was laughter from the crowd, and the old man's teeth were almost gritted.

When did the Tang Sect in the middle of Sichuan swallow their anger so much? Even the governor of the Sichuan Province of the Tartars would keep his head low in front of the Tang Sect.

But old man Tang endured this, and after apologizing, he took his children and slipped into the cabin in desperation.

There's no way he can't beat Lin Hao, even the poison at the bottom of the box, that guy can force it out with true energy.

"Hey! I am also a cheap mouth, and I have attracted you followers!"

"After I go back, I still don't know how the master will punish me. Whether to beat me with 100 big sticks or go to a dark prison for confinement. If you didn't save me, I wouldn't bring you if I was beaten to death."

Some time ago in Daxia, Lin Hao suffered enough.

The descendants of the craftsmen who built the palace were the key surveillance objects of the imperial court in all dynasties. He didn't know the situation before, so he inquired about the news openly.

As a result, before the news was heard, the masters of the Qing court came to kill him.

The first few groups of people were alright, but the cultivation base of bright energy and dark energy is very strong among the Common people, but Lin Hao not only mastered boxing skills, but also practiced the Yi Jin Jing to the second level, with a single shake of his arms, he can have thousands of catties of strength, Not enough people came to warm him up.

However, the masters sent by the Qing court became stronger as time went on. There were 4 Huajin Grandmasters, and 2 of them practiced Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, and their physical strength was not inferior to Lin Hao.

After a hard fight, four Huajin masters were killed, and he was also seriously injured.

However, it was also this battle that attracted the attention of the major gangs and martial arts masters in the Jianghu. The Jianghu men who had long been dissatisfied with the Qing court most admired the heroes who dared to fight against the Qing court.

After observing secretly for a few times and confirming that it wasn't the Qing court's bitter scheme, Tang Sect was the first to contact Lin Hao, and it was old man Tang who went there at that time.

With the help of Tang Men and other gangsters, Lin Hao found a family of craftsmen known as the living Lu Ban, and finally completed the task after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

He was overjoyed and drunk for a while, and old man Tang and the others tricked him into revealing the reason for his innocence. Now the people who had helped out of righteous indignation completely relied on him.

Lin Hao wanted to refuse, but he couldn't open his mouth. He didn't mention the grace of saving his life. Just helping him find a family of craftsmen is also a great favor.

In desperation, he could only bite the bullet and agree to take all the heroes to Ghana University.

If the master refuses to accept them, he will pay them his life at worst.


Lin's Manor.

The housekeeper, Lin Shuhao, sorted out the latest news and the latest situation of various industries, and handed them over after the master finished his meal by pinching his watch.

A telegram from Hawaii, which he put on top.

As usual, after Lin Feng had a sumptuous breakfast, he came to the study to deal with family affairs.

When Lin Shuhao sent the documents, he had just finished processing the application for the expansion of the military factory.

"Master, good news! Lin Hao sent a telegram from Hawaii, but the situation is a bit complicated, please go and see for yourself!"

Lin Shuhao was a little worried, but his expression remained calm.

The old buddy Lin Hao really stumbled this time. Although the task was completed, he attracted a bunch of ghosts and monsters. I don't know if the master will be angry.

Lin Feng looked down at the secret report sent by the eyeliner in the governor's mansion, and said calmly without raising his head.

"It can make Shu Hao feel that the situation is complicated, and Lin Hao thinks that the incident is not trivial!"

Lin Shuhao didn't dare to plead for mercy, and handed over the telegram with both hands respectfully.

Taking the telegram from him, a large piece of text fell into Lin Feng's eyes.

"This old boy doesn't take money as money. He is really willing to give up a 568-character telegram."

The At the moment telegraph was invented not long ago, and the governments of European and American countries seldom use it. Only when the distance is too far will they send a telegram with a few words.

According to the current telegram fee of £1 per word, Lin Hao’s telegram cost £568, which can buy hundreds of acres of land in remote areas of Ghana.

Lin Feng read the telegram quickly, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Lin Hao is a prudent and smart person, that's why he sent the other party into Daxia, but now that the task is completed, what's the matter with bringing back a large number of seekers?

That's right, in the telegram, Lin Hao referred to those followers as seekers.

This is not wrong, after all, old man Tang and the others are here to pursue the true meaning of martial arts.

"Go down and prepare. They will come back in a few days. Send someone to wait at the port. The people Lin Hao brought are not easy-going. It's best to take all the old brothers."

Lin Feng was very thoughtful, the warrior was so courageous that his temper exploded, so he had to send someone to frighten him.

Let these gangsters understand that Ghana is Lin Feng's territory, and coming here is like a dragon or a tiger lying down!

Lin Shuhao happily agreed, the master's tone was very calm, and he probably didn't mean to blame Lin Hao.

He was just about to turn around and leave, to deliver orders to the old fellows.

"By the way, there is one more thing, I almost forgot to tell the master."

With a slap on the forehead, Lin Shuhao walked back to the study.

"My lord, there is one more thing I just forgot to say. You promised to take Richard's daughter as your concubine last Wednesday. Do you think you have set a date?"

Lin Feng froze for a moment, and quickly recalled the memories of last Wednesday.

He remembered that there was indeed a rich businessman named Richard. At the Alberta Agricultural Fair, he mentioned that he had an extremely beautiful daughter and wanted to marry him.

"Reply to Richard, I, Lin Feng, will take a concubine in three days!"

"The specifications are as usual, don't be too high-profile! Those bastards of the task force seem to be pointing the finger at Alberta. Your master and I must be on the list."

Lin Shuhao nodded.

The master has taken more than 20 concubines, and the Lin family is very skilled in business, and 3 days is enough to make preparations.

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