People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 323 Loki’S Plot Lauf Is In The Urn! Thor Thor Making A Fool Of Himself!

Asgard, Asgard.

Queen Frigga looked at her youngest son walking out of the palace, sighed deeply, and prayed secretly.

"Loki, my son, I hope you will not do anything to disappoint your father!"

She has ordered the guards in the treasure room to keep it secret, and the news that God King Odin has fallen into sleep must not be leaked, "otherwise, Jiuquan and the forces coveting Asgard in the universe are likely to attack.

When Loki walked out of the palace, he transformed into the God King Odin with the blessing of magic.

He looked at the Eternal Spear in his hand, with a proud smile on his lips.

"My good brother, have you seen it?"

"The throne of Asgard can only belong to me, Loki, son of God King Odin!"

The guards who saw him along the way saluted solemnly and watched the divine king in their eyes walk towards the meeting hall.

While sitting on the golden throne that he had waited for for more than a thousand years, Loki couldn't help but touch the cold throne, imagining the gods kneeling down and saluting him.

He liked conquest and the feeling of holding power. He glanced at the empty hall and felt extremely happy in his heart.

"I don't know how long my father will sleep. When he wakes up, won't I be knocked back to my original form?"

"Maybe I should let him sleep a little longer, so that I can deal with that brother

Loki rolled his eyes, leaving behind a magic duplication, maintaining the appearance of God King Odin.

He himself left the palace after becoming invisible, and crossed the endless space to Jotonheim through a secret passage known only to himself, deliberately releasing his own aura.

Not long after, a group of Giants of Jotunheim rushed over and surrounded him. The ice blades and ice guns in their hands were almost pressed against his neck.

"Don't be impulsive. I want to see Lauf. I have something big to do and I need to cooperate with him!"

"If you hurt me, you'll never get the Ice Box back, you dirty, stupid big men!"

Although most of the Giants of Jotunheim have no brains and are red-eyed when they see Asgardians, the middle-level officers still have a certain amount of wisdom.

An officer who was half taller than the other Giants of Jotunheim heard that there was a possibility of getting the Ice Box back, and immediately waved his hand to stop the excited Giants of Jotunheim.

"You are the god of lies, I don't believe your words!"

"Unless you are captured without mercy, wait for me to cut off your head and take it to my king for disposal! Jotonheim has many ways to make Deadman talk, and I don't think you want to experience it!"

Loki shrugged, holding out his hands to urge.

"Okay, okay, you can do this, as long as you can let me see Lauf!"

He is not afraid of the Giants of Jotunheim harming him at all. No Giant of Jotunheim dares to ignore the Ice Box. As for the guys who offended him, Lauf will give an explanation.

Several Giants of Jotunheim took out cold shackles, tied Loki's hands and feet, and lifted him up.

Led by the officer, the group quickly arrived at the palace of Giants of Jotunheim.

This is a building of huge amounts of ice and snow, without any rock or steel buildings. It is made up of crystal clear ice bricks everywhere, but its strength is not inferior to Asgard.

Lauf, who was sitting on the Ice Throne, looked at the second prince of Asgard in front of him with interest.

"You said you had something big to do with me, Loki, do you know what will happen if you cheat on me?"

"I will cut off your head with my own hands and make it into a wine vessel to hold fine wine. I will also publicize your secret meeting with me throughout the nine realms, so that everyone can appreciate the good show of Odin's son betraying Asgard! "

After his stern words fell, the surrounding Giants of Jotunheim showed mocking smiles.

Loki calmly raised his hand and shook the shackles on his wrists.

"Lauf, I come here with sincerity, but you don't think you have any intentions!"

"If you still want to cooperate, then take off my shackles and drive away these brainless idiots! This matter can only be known to you and me. If a third person knows, the secret may be leaked!"

Lauf snorted and waved his hand, shooting out a cold light.

The chains on Loki's hands and feet disappeared. He moved his hands and feet but remained silent.

"Loki, don't push yourself too hard, my patience has its limit!"

Seeing his attitude of refusing to let go of the hawk, Lauf gritted his teeth helplessly and ordered all the Giants of Jotunheim to withdraw from the palace.

"Can we talk now?"

Loki heard the murderous intent in the words, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

His face remained calm, and he lowered his voice and spoke softly.

"Definitely, Odin fell into a deep sleep, I guess that's good news, right?"

"I can provide you with a secret passage that bypasses Asgard's tight defenses and allows you to easily enter Asgard and chop off Odin's head!"

"If you can do it, I will return the Ice Box to you as a reward."

Lauf's pupils shrank, and his scarlet eyes suddenly stared into the sky.

He doubted his ears and the identity of the person in front of him. He stood up and walked down from the throne unconsciously, looking down from above.

"You want me to kill Odin, why?"

Loki smiled brightly and raised his head to look directly at the other person.

"Compared with Thor and me, who do you think has a greater chance of ascending to the throne of Asgard?"

"Odin has always favored Thor. When he wakes up, he will definitely recall Thor from exile in Midgard. There will be no way that throne will be passed to me!"

"Now you should understand why I cooperate with you!"

Lauf nodded doubtfully, rubbing his chin with his big hand in thought.

As the king of Giants of Jotunheim, he naturally knows that power is more attractive to ambitious people than beauty, and there is a precedent for patricide in Asgard.

"Hahaha, as his son, you actually want to kill him. Odin really failed!"

"Draw the map of the secret passage, and I agree to this deal!"

Loki took out a parchment from his arms and threw it casually.

He had already prepared it when he came to Jotonheim.

"I will adjust Asgard's defenses in these two days and remove all the guards near the secret passage. After three days, you must enter the palace and kill Odin!"

"Lauf, seize the opportunity and don't let me down!"

After the words fell, Loki's figure slowly disappeared.

As early as the moment the shackles were removed, he easily deceived all the Giants of Jotunheim, and his true form quietly ran out of the palace, leaving only the magic incarnation.

Lauf frowned slightly, sighing secretly in his heart.

The opponent's magical attainments are very strong, not inferior to the Queen Frigga who has retreated into the background. Fortunately, Giants of Jotunheim's magic resistance is not weak, otherwise it will be a headache for him to kill Odin and ascend to the throne.

Not to mention how the Giants of Jotunheim mobilized their troops, Loki quietly returned to Asgard through the secret passage after negotiating the deal with Lauf.

The real body and the incarnation are integrated, and he is the god-king Odin in the eyes of outsiders, holding the supreme kingship of Asgard in life and death.

"The fish has taken the bait, my father, I will show you that only I can rule Asgard!"

"Jotonheim has not been completely conquered for tens of thousands of years, and I will end it all and achieve unprecedented feats!"

"As for Thor, let him spend his life as a mortal in Midgard."

He didn't want to kill his brother at the moment. Now that he was in great power and about to make great achievements, Thor, who had just lost his divine power, no longer paid attention to him.

Texas City, State Hospital.

Thor woke up from the hospital room and finally accepted the reality.

Now that he has lost his divine power, relying only on Asgard's Fighting technique, it is really difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists.

After honestly undergoing various examinations, the doctor finally determined that he was in excellent health and there was no need to continue to stay in the hospital and waste medical resources.

After receiving the call, Jane Foster drove to the hospital with her best friend Daisy Louise.

After getting in the car, Thor looked at the various equipment in the car and touched here and there curiously. Unfortunately, he had never learned any scientific knowledge and felt bored after tinkering with it for a while.

"Hi, I'm Daisy Louise and she's Jane Foster."

"Are you an opera singer?"

Seeing her best friend's gloomy face, Daisy Louise quickly found a topic to make the atmosphere less awkward.

Thor has learned to communicate in English after more than a day of hearing and seeing.

He immediately shook his head and spoke proudly.

"Mortal, I am Thor Thor, son of the God-King Odin!"

"If you were so rude in ancient times, you would have your head chopped off. Mortals must learn to respect the gods!"

"But since you took me out of that nasty cell, I won't hold you accountable. Do you know how to get me back to Asgard?"

Before the stunned Daisy could speak, Jane Foster, who was driving, exploded.

"Shut up, you psycho!"

"There is no God in this world. Put away your magic tricks. We are astrophysicists, not stupid farmers in the countryside!"

Thor was stunned for a long time after being scolded. He swallowed and curled his lips.

"You are such a rude woman. Even the valkyrie of Asgard would not speak such obscene words like you. What happened to Odin in Midgard?"

While he was talking, his stomach growled.

Daisy Louise interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"Jane, he seems to be hungry, and I'm a little hungry too. Let's find a place to eat."

“I know a very good store that’s cheap, affordable and delicious. It’s just two blocks away in Chinatown. 17

Not long after, the car stopped in front of a restaurant, and the three of them got out of the car and came to the store.

Daisy Louise took Jane Foster to order food, while Thor found a seat and sat down on his own, waiting for the food to be served.

The service in the fast food restaurant was very fast. The waiter brought a large plate of egg tarts, desserts and drinks first, and then a plate of barbecue.

Thor has eaten a lot of barbecue and is more interested in egg tarts.

He picked up the egg tarts, looked at them, and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

The sweet taste bloomed on the tip of his tongue, and the novel texture made him want to stop. He grabbed a few egg tarts with both hands and ate quickly before falling asleep.

"Don't eat so fast. It's easy to choke if you eat too much of this stuff. You might as well drink something!"

Daisy Louise had no choice but to pour him a drink. She didn't want this guy to choke to death in front of her eyes.

Thor picked up the large drink and drank it.

"This wine is good, I like it!"

Jane Foster rolled her eyes at him, and was immediately startled by his next action.

Thor suddenly raised the glass and dropped it heavily to the ground. The glass immediately shattered into pieces.

The people around were also startled and looked at them one after another.

"Have another drink, this is delicious, I will continue to drink it!"

The restaurant owner thought there was trouble and rushed over with a double-barreled shotgun. Jane Foster had no choice but to explain herself for a long time and promised to compensate for the damage.

After the waiter finished cleaning the debris on the floor, Jane Foster asked angrily.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Thor stared at the cow in confusion

Eyes, he hasn't noticed anything wrong with his actions just now.

"It's nothing. I'd like to have another drink. This thing is quite delicious."

"That's how it is in Asgard. If you smash the glass if you think the drink is delicious, the boss will be very happy to give you another glass. This is the highest recognition of fine wine etiquette!"

Daisy Louise covered her forehead and muttered weakly.

"Please just say it, there's no need to smash the cup!"

Thor raised his head confidently and shouted in a rough voice.

"I told you, I don't want a drink!"

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, because everyone around him was whispering. It seemed that the behavior of throwing cups was different in Midgard, and no one recognized his words.

"I don't mean to be rude in any way. You Midgardians were like this in Norway 1,000 years ago!"

Jane Foster gritted her teeth and lowered her voice helplessly.

"This is not Norway, nor was it a thousand years ago. Stop smashing things!"

Thor nodded, picked up the barbecue and started showing off.

He felt that the barbecue in this store was delicious, better than the ones made by the chef of the Asgard Palace. It seemed that more seasonings were sprinkled on it to make the flavor of the barbecue more layered.

Just when the three of them were not interested in talking and were eating with their heads down, the conversation between two rednecks not far away became louder and louder.

"You heard, something strange happened in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A crater appeared there, and inside it was a magical hammer that no one could lift.


"Ray Allen from Mozambique tried it, and he couldn't even shake it even if he farted. Many people came to join in the fun."

"I definitely heard about it. I heard that the mayor of that place is planning to hold a competition. The person who can pull out Mjolnir and lift it up will be rewarded with 100,000 Galaxy Coins!"

The conversation between the two reached Thor's ears, and he put down the barbecue in his hand and was very excited.

"That's Mjolnir, it must be, hahaha, my sweet baby is waiting for me!"

He stood up and walked towards the two people. After asking about the specific location of the hammer, he returned to his seat and asked.

"Can you take me to Albuquerque?"

"I can pay you. When I get Mmjolnir, I can restore my divine power and return to Asgard. No matter how precious the treasure is, I can give it to you!"

Jane Foster became impatient and refused loudly.

"We are scientists and we will not accompany you to pretend to be mysterious!"

"If you want to go, just think of a way on your own. We bumped into (Wang's Hao) but we also sent you to the hospital. After dinner, you and I have nothing to do with each other anymore!"

The corners of Thor's mouth twitched a few times, then he picked up a piece of barbecue, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

"Okay, thank you for your hospitality, I'm leaving!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the restaurant and looked around on the street for a place selling horses.

I have asked just now. Mmjolnir is hundreds of kilometers away from here. It would take ten days and a half to walk on his legs. Thor doesn't want to wait that long.

After walking a few hundred meters, he finally saw several animals painted on the signboard of a store. He felt happy and strode in, shouting boldly.

"Bring me one of your best horses!"

The clerk was stunned and said something in astonishment.

"Sorry sir, we don't sell horses, only pets like cats, dogs, birds, and fish! If you want to buy a horse, I'm afraid you have to go to the racecourse. There will be good horses you want to buy there."

Thor shook his head, not wanting to wait any longer.

"If you don't have a horse, just give me something that I can ride on, including a bear, a tiger, or a rhinoceros!"

The clerk looked at him dumbfounded, as if he saw an alien.

He had never heard such an outrageous request. He couldn't help but reach for the pistol in the drawer and scolded him coldly.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Hillbilly, I advise you to get out of here, I'm not someone to be trifled with!"

Thor clenched his sandbag-sized fists, frowned and looked at the clerk, about to get angry.

"As expected, you will cause trouble wherever you go. Come on, Prince of Asgard, you seem to need help.

A very familiar voice sounded at the door of the store, preventing a violent case from happening.

Thor turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Jane Foster's figure came into view, and the golden sunshine fell on her body, adding a bit of bright charm.

"Hey, if you don't say anything, I'll leave!"

"I don't think you can buy any rideable animals here because the animal rights groups will put any store that sells you an animal out of business.

Thor didn't hear the last sentence at all, glared at the clerk and turned away. .

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