People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 37 Assassination At The Banquet! Strategic Partners!

"It was really a wonderful meeting. I am very grateful to the Lin family for their investment in Meilijian, which saves me from having a headache due to the tax plunge due to the turmoil."

Abraham Lin* said with a smile.

"Before the banquet officially starts, I don't know if I have the honor to give you a small gift."

After finishing speaking, he waved, and the maid standing in the distance came up, holding a beautiful wooden box in her hand.

Taking the box from the maid, Abraham Lin* opened the box, and there was a golden ring in it, and the box turned to Lin Feng.

"Dear Lin, I heard that you are very interested in the mythical Legendary. I specially asked for this ring from the Miller family. In Legendary, this is a gift from the dwarf clan to the god king Odin."

"People from the definitely Miller family have never seen its magic. But the implication is very beautiful, isn't it?"

"You have traveled across the ocean and established a huge family business, and even the people of Ghana call you the Shadow Emperor. This ring is obviously more suitable for a king like you, rather than being dusted in the treasure house of a corrupt nobleman!"


It is a bit unexpected that the Lin family sent to all over the world to secretly collect the items in the mythical Legendary, so quickly fell into the eyes of interested people.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised, with a polite smile on his face.

"Mr. President is really meticulous. You are very clear about my little hobbies. As the saying goes, do what you want, so I have the audacity to accept this gift."

Staring at Abraham Lin*, he didn't notice any strange expression. It seemed that he really didn't know that this little gift was so simple.

Lin Feng calmly took out the gold ring and put it on the middle finger of his left hand.

The rough shape has a Nordic style, but the carvings on the ring surface are very detailed.

The evil dragon roared and spewed out flames, trying to burn the roots of the world tree wrapped around its body. A large number of mysterious characters were engraved in it, not any known human characters.


What's interesting is that even though he couldn't read the words, Lin Feng naturally read out its real name when his spiritual power came into contact with the ring, as if the treasure had a soul and recognized its owner.

Clap clap!

"Dear Mr. Lin, you are indeed knowledgeable and talented, and you recognized this ring at a glance. Yes, it is the treasure of God King Odin in Legendary, but it is all a myth. Legendary does not need to care about it."

Abraham Lin* clapped his hands with sincere admiration.

He really admired him this time, which was completely different from the previous greetings.

"Mr. President, thank you very much, I like this gift very much!"

Lin Feng said solemnly.

Abraham Lin* smiled with satisfaction, and said that he must give what he wants first. After a good start, many things will go smoothly in the next formal negotiation.

"Mr. Lin, let's go to dinner!"

The dinner is held in the small banquet hall on the northwest corner of the second floor of the White Palace.

The Small Ballroom at the White Palace is the venue for important guests and is used for small welcome banquets.

Lin Feng, Abraham Lin*, and Mrs. Mary, the host and the guest sat down, and the maids brought delicious dishes, such as steak, lobster, caviar, tuna sashimi, etc., with the corresponding table wine.

"Try this tuna sashimi dish. It is picked up from the sea and delivered immediately. The whole process is kept fresh with ice cubes. The taste is absolutely top-notch!"

Mr. President pointed to the plate of tuna sashimi with great interest, and recommended it to the distinguished guests in front of him with emotion.

Several tall, thin, fair-faced maids brought the last few dishes and quickly approached the dining table.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and looked at the maid who was approaching.

Their aura is very similar to Jimmy's, but slightly different.

Before everyone could react, under the surprised gazes of Abraham Lin* and Madam Mary.

All of a sudden, several maids threw out their dinner plates and smashed them on the dining table with several plates of dishes.

Immediately, he took out a bloody dagger from the bottom of his skirt, and rushed towards the few people who were sitting at the dining table chatting gracefully.


"There's an Assassin!"

Mrs. Mary screamed, but Abraham Lin* was much calmer. He stretched out his hand to grab his wife and wanted to fall to the ground, while yelling a warning.

The maids attacked without any warning, their actions were extremely decisive, and their movements were extremely fast, far exceeding ordinary people.

But at this most critical moment, Lin Feng sighed and rushed forward several times faster than the maids.

The wooden floor was crushed with a click, and there was a bang in the air.

When the dagger in the tallest maid's hand was about to stab the president's neck, she was kicked heavily in the stomach, and several bones in her body were broken, and she collapsed on the ground unable to move.

The other two maids were stunned, and before they had time to react, Lin Feng grabbed their necks with both hands and slammed them on the ground. There were several clicks, and their necks twisted abnormally.

"Shet! What the hell is this?"

Abraham Lin*, who fell to the ground in a panic, yelled in horror, helped Mrs. Mary who was collapsed on the ground to get up, and only felt safe by hiding behind Lin Feng.

"Vampire! Strictly speaking, it is a blood slave who has not obtained the source blood of the first adopter, but the Constitution has become a vampire."

"Most of them are depraved and greedy humans, envious of vampires' immortality, scum who are willing to sell their bodies and souls!"

Lin Feng said lightly.


The door of the banquet hall was violently kicked open, and the guards who arrived pointed their guns at Assassin in their eyes.

"Stop! Hands up, or we have the right to shoot immediately!"

Seeing them pointing their guns at their savior, Mr. President cursed in anger and fear.

"Idiot! Mr. Lin just saved me and Mary, how could he be an Assassin?"

"Arrest those maids and interrogate who sent them!"

Perhaps because he felt that the danger had been lifted, he stepped out from behind Lin Feng, not wanting his subordinates to see his timid appearance, which would be very detrimental to his political life.


"Get down!"

Just as Abraham Lin stepped over the maid on the ground and walked in front of the guards, he saw the guards' expressions changed drastically, and their eyes were full of horror.

The maid behind him actually stood up again, and the bloody dagger in her hand pierced Mr. President's vest.

In a blink of an eye, a black shadow inserted between the two, grabbed the dagger with his hands, and swung it backwards to stab the maid's head.

With a gentle smile on Lin Feng's face, he stretched out his hand and lightly pushed the corpse-defrauding maid to fall straight, her limbs were twitching, but she was not completely dead.

With the lesson learned from this maid, he went to the other two maids and shattered their cervical vertebrae and spine, so that even the vampire Constitution did not recover so quickly.

After dealing with potential hidden dangers, Lin Feng mentioned the maid with a dagger stuck in her head. He was very curious as to why the one who was obviously the most injured could recover faster than the other two maids.

Trying to use the gravitational electromagnetism ability to penetrate into the maid's body, he actually felt an ability similar to that of James, but it was several times weaker.

"Fast Self-healing Ability? A dignified Mutant, who actually mixes up to be a vampire's dog, what a pity to die!"

Stretching out his hand to press under the maid's heart, he spewed vigorously into the blood core and shattered it. The maid's hands and feet stopped twitching and became completely silent.

Abraham Lin* narrowly escaped death again, and he couldn't help but let out a foul breath with some fear.

"Mr. Lin, thank you again for saving me! From the looks of you, you know these monsters very well, maybe we should have a good talk!"


Lin Feng followed Abraham Lin* to the President's Office, and after taking their seats, the President lit a cigar and threw one to him at the same time.

"Mr. Lin, are the vampires you just mentioned the kind recorded in the Bible?"

Following the example of Mr. President, Lin Feng tried to take a sip.

Compared with the taste of tobacco, it has a more mellow feeling.

The two men swallowed their clouds and smoke, and the office was filled with smoke after a while.

"Actually, I don't know much, but if you follow the method recorded in the Bible to deal with vampires, you will probably suffer a lot."

"Wooden thorns are of no use to vampires, and garlic is more or less an aversion to them."

"Sunshine is fatal to blood slaves, but real vampires hate sunlight because the sun will weaken the power of vampires. Definitely prolonged exposure to sunlight can kill low-level vampires, and they will find ways to cover them. As for high-level vampires The effect of sunlight is minimal."

Lin Feng exhaled a smoke ring and continued to add.

"The only thing that is accurate in the Bible is that silver weapons are very restrained against vampires, and they cannot recover quickly from the damage caused. Weapons made of other materials have no such effect. Oh yes, burning them to death with fire is also a good way!"

Abraham Lin* flicked the cigarette ash and asked with gloomy eyes.

"Mr. Lin, can my guards deal with this monster?"

"After all they're bound to come back, I need to make sure of that!"

Lin Feng got up and took the ashtray, flicked the ashtray and said leisurely.

"It's okay during the day, the sun will weaken their strength, and the guards are equipped with silver bullets, which can resist blood slaves and low-level vampires."

"By the way, they have a wonderful ability that can slightly affect human vision, making people subconsciously ignore their existence. This is why your maids didn't find that there were strangers among them."

"It is conceivable that this kind of ability is hard to guard against in the dark, and they are faster than horses and stronger than bulls. It is almost impossible for Common humans to match."

Mr. President showed embarrassment, the silver bullet alone was a problem.

Congress won't approve funding for sterling silver bullets to use against vampires in Legendary.

Those fat-headed guys might laugh at themselves for being crazy before seeing the horror of vampires with their own eyes.

"In addition to silver weapons, can cutting off the head kill them?"

Lin Feng looked at him appreciatively, he was worthy of being the president, and quickly thought of the key point.

"You're right to cut off their heads, they will die too. It's just that common humans are very difficult to do, maybe 100 elite soldiers, it is also difficult to cut off the head of a vampire."

After he finished speaking, he admired Mr. President's bitter face with great interest, and he spoke seriously and solemnly after a while.

"If these guys give you a hard time, I'm happy to help you as a friend!"

"You only need to agree to a few conditions, and I will send men who can kill vampires to protect your personal safety!"

A document full of standard clauses was pushed in front of Abraham Lin*.

Lin Feng showed a sly smile, stood up and nodded slightly in salute.

"You signed this agreement, and you are the strategic partner of the Lin family. No matter who tries to harm you, the Lin family will crush them!"

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