People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 40 Invincible Fox Hunting! Soldiers Surround Richmond!

September 9, 1862.

The wheel of history has run over a boulder, bumping and turning in an unknown direction.

The Fox Hunting Corps, with 35,000 soldiers, was divided into 11 groups and attacked North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

Shenwuwei dispatched more than 320 people, with each company assigned one person, and then attacked the slave states in the south.

The slave owners in the beautiful south never dreamed that they were fighting against the Northern Federation. Suddenly, a large number of soldiers rushed into the empty base camp in the Ghana Conference.

At first, the high-ranking officials of the Confederate Union, who were terrified to death, felt relieved when they learned that the Foxhunting Corps was divided into 11 groups, each with only 3,000 people.

The president of the South, Jefferson Hamilton Davis, even boasted that the local garrison and militia could wipe out the overwhelmed invaders without the need for the regular army to return to the rescue.

But the harsh facts after the battle between the two armies proved that the local garrison and militia were vulnerable.

Facing the Fox Hunting Legion with better equipment, stronger physical fitness and higher combat literacy, the number of people does not affect their advancing efficiency. The local garrison and militia were defeated within half a day, and more than half of the soldiers were full of soldiers. Fear and despair raised flags of surrender.

The blood slaves and low-level vampires lurking in the southern army were also stunned. They were not afraid of the bullets fired by the Common guns, but after the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps discovered an abnormality, they would replace them with silver bullets in just a few seconds to use the vampires as their bullets. The powerful vitality of the human body could not break through the interception of firepower, and it was turned into flying ash after being sieved by silver bullets.

The death of a large number of blood slaves and low-level vampires aroused the anger of the vampire clans that supported the southern slave owners. A large number of baron and viscount vampire nobles tried to sneak into the barracks in the dark, but what they didn't know was that every fox hunting army The entire company has 1 Shenwuwei.

Under the sensitive five senses of the warriors, they did not hide the truth from the waiting Shenwuwei. The psychedelic magic of the vampires were powerless against the Common people, but the willpower of the warriors was strong enough not to be affected.

With little difference in physical fitness, Shenwuwei, who is proficient in Chinese martial arts and routines, and holds a silver-encrusted long knife, kills the self-proclaimed noble vampire nobles like cutting melons and vegetables.

There were less than one vampire baron and viscount who were able to escape from the barracks. The hard-headed guys had already died under the knives of Shenwuwei, and those who could escape were very cautious or very timid vampires.

These vampires who fled back exaggerated the horror of Shenwuwei at the vampire high-level meeting. The rotating elder Marcus decided to release all the blood slaves to entangle the fast-advancing fox hunting army. The high-level vampires packed up their belongings as soon as possible. Follow the road that came to the American continent back then, and return to the British Empire, the birthplace of vampires.

At the same time, the decision made at the vampire meeting, through the top leaders of the Southern Alliance controlled by them, ordered the recall of the elite who were fighting the Northern Army one after another, and returned to the base camp to buy more time for the vampires to evacuate.

For a moment, the eyes of both the North and the South were focused on the invincible Fox Hunting Legion on the battlefield, and the Shenwuwei who killed vampires like a chicken, but the moods of the North and the South were quite different.

Abraham Lin* was very complicated in his heart. He was delighted that the pressure of fighting the Northern Army was greatly reduced, and he felt sorry for the large amount of gold, jewelry and other valuables in the slave state captured by the Fox Hunting Army. manor.

And Jefferson Hamilton Davis was left with nothing but pain and despair.

The northern soldiers who originally had low combat ability have been on par with the southern soldiers after many battles, which made him very painful. What made him even more desperate was the massive wealth swept by the Fox Hunting Legion. Dozens of military factories in the south were destroyed, and the ability of the south to fight for a long time was almost completely destroyed.

Richmond, the southern capital, became the final target of the three-party struggle, and the final decisive battle came.

After gathering almost all the soldiers, 140,000 southern soldiers set up 10 tight lines of defense in Richmond, and countless landmines were laid on the periphery to slow down the fast-moving Fox Hunting Corps and Shenwuwei.

The minefields were the most effective means they could think of, and they did hinder the advance of the Foxhunters and the Shenwuwei. After all, whether they were Common soldiers or the warriors of the Shenwuwei, they were still flesh and blood in essence.

Relying on their strong bodies, the warriors of Shenwuwei can not be afraid of most firearms, even heavy machine guns cannot seriously injure them, but they can't carry landmines filled with high explosives, and even if they don't die, they will be severely injured.

Unless they can cultivate to the perfection of the Twelve True Forms, they might be able to wade through the minefields at the cost of minor injuries and kill those despicable and cowardly southern troops.

However, they joined the war to gain wealth and make money from the war. It was not the Fox Hunters and Shenwuwei who were eager to defeat the Confederates.

As the capital of the South, Richmond has gathered most of the dignitaries, so one can imagine how much wealth there will be, which is probably not much less than the sum of the other slave states.

The Foxhunting Legion and Shenwuwei will not let this piece of fat go!

Twenty kilometers away from Richmond, ditches and barbed wire are already covered. The last 140,000 elite soldiers of the Southern Army are distributed in the fortifications of 10 lines of defense.

Pan Tuosi took the oilcloth and wiped the Stirling 2-B rifle in his hand carefully. The tail of the oak stock was engraved with a fancy letter L, and there were several slightly smaller characters SKT2-B on the side. He didn't know which letter L stood for. What, after all, he was just a servant on a farm before joining the war.

They just arrived near Richmond early this morning. They walked 30 kilometers overnight, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to repair halfway. The commander said that they marched in such a hurry to catch up with a mysterious and powerful army.

It's a pity that when they arrived at the destination, a huge amounts of military camp had already stood here. The soldiers patrolling the gate of the military camp were very energetic, and the guns in their hands seemed to be more advanced than theirs.

Pentos swore he heard the commanding officer scolding, and they camped shortly afterwards.

The sky had already dimmed, and he became more and more bored, so he could only continue to maintain his guns to relieve the anxiety in his heart.

"Do those people next to you know?"

The guy named Jackler next to him came over and whispered mysteriously to the people in the barracks.

Pan Tuosi raised his ears. Although he didn't like this gossip boy, he had to say that he could always find out information that others didn't know.

"Jackler, don't be a fool. I also heard that our president has found allies. They seem to be from Ghana. They are brave and sharp in combat. The Southern Army, which is as fierce as a tiger in front of us, is no better than a dog in their hands. How many!"

A strange tone of words came from the other people nearby, who seemed a little bit aggrieved, but also a little bit admiring.

Pan Tuos recognized that it was Patov's voice, he always liked to interrupt when others were talking.

"Isn't it right to be stronger than us? Look at our battles on the east and west fronts, how many times we lost when we fought more than we did!"

After these words were spoken, there was a moment of silence in the barracks.

Jackler looked around, trying to find the speaker, but most of them were improvised, and they couldn't recognize who said it at all.

He straightened his neck and looked at the door before lowering his voice.

"We lost the battle not because we were not brave, but because there were monsters in the Confederate Army that couldn't be killed! Those guys next to me heard that there was a way to kill monsters, and they had to use silver bullets. Let's make it, or we can defeat the Confederates!"

The people around them became short of breath. Using silver to make bullets was beyond their imagination. At least tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of bullets would be fired in a battle. Who sent these people so rich!

After a while someone laughed.

"Don't be kidding, a bullet weighs 13 grams, and it weighs about 10 grams without the primer. Using silver bullets to fight wars costs too much money, God probably wouldn't dare to do that!"

Jackler got a little anxious, and took out a flattened bullet from his close-fitting trouser pocket, which was shining white with a metallic luster.

"You don't believe me, what is this?"

"There was a small battle where we camped. This is what I found when I camped on level ground. If you don't believe it, see for yourself!"

He held the shapeshifting bullet with two fingers and showed it to everyone in the barracks.

Everyone's eyes were shining, and their eyes were fixed on the bright white bullet.

Judging by the color and texture, it's really a fucking silver bullet.

Seeing the surprise and greed flashing in everyone's eyes, Jackle immediately put away the bullets and said with a triumphant smile.

"Then you've all seen it, I'm not lying about the silver bullets! If you want me to say that those monsters that can't be killed must be vampires recorded in the Bible, only these monsters are afraid of silver bullets!"

He got carried away and his voice was a little louder, which attracted the patrolling officers.

"What are you shouting for? Take a good rest before the battle. If you can't sleep like him, take good care of your firearms. These new firearms are precious!"

The officer scolded a few words and praised Pan Tuosi who was cleaning his gun.

Pan Tuosi immediately stood at attention, and gave a non-standard military salute to the officer, which aroused laughter from everyone, and even the corner of the officer's mouth turned up.

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