Early the next morning, Lin Feng formally bid farewell to old Howlett after finishing the breakfast brought by his servant.

This old man who has always been shrewd and capable can hardly straighten his back, and his sharp eyes are lifeless and dull.

After being repeatedly reminded by the old housekeeper, he reacted slowly.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for what happened last night!"

"However, please keep that matter a secret. I will add another 5,000 acres of land, please!"

Old Howlett beckoned, and the old butler took out a transfer agreement from the bookcase.

The text of Ang Chang's agreement was glanced over. In a nutshell, the Howlett family voluntarily transferred 15,000 acres of land for free.

The assignor in the lower left corner has signed the old Howlett's name and stamped his seal.

The assignee's signature in the lower right corner is blank. As long as Lin Feng signs, this transfer agreement will take effect immediately.

Taking the pen from the butler, Lin Feng solemnly wrote his name on the assignee's signature.

"Mr. Howlett, in fact, you don't have to do this. I have always been responsive to my friends!"

Old Howlett's wrinkled old face twitched a few times, as if he felt sorry for the land he had given away.

"You don't have to be polite, in fact, I still have something to entrust to you!"

"After the incident last night, John has a grudge against Victor and James. If possible, please take these two boys back to help discipline them!"

Lin Feng didn't refuse this matter, and it was definitely a matter of using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

Definitely more importantly, James is the future Wolverine. His super Self-healing Ability makes him almost impossible to kill. This kind of powerful Mutant has been cultivated since childhood, and he will definitely be his right-hand man in the future.

Victor is actually not bad, Wolverine's half-brother also has a super Self-healing Ability, surpassing Wolverine in terms of physical strength, and will be the famous Sabretooth in the future.

With the handshake of one wolf and one tiger, the Lin family has taken the first step in the construction of Extraordinary forces.

Although the old Howlett knew that James was not his son's breed, he did not force him to change his surname. Instead, he reluctantly sent him off and prepared a carriage of daily necessities, toys and clothes.

John didn't show up to see him off, Lin Feng understood his feelings very well.

Any man, no matter which country he came from, would not like a bastard. It was his greatest kindness to be able to resist killing James and Elizabeth.

"Hey boy, can you drive a car?"

Patting Victor's generous shoulder, Lin Feng pointed to the fully loaded carriage.

Victor shrugged, boarded the carriage indifferently, tugged at the rein and flicked it lightly.


The poor horse pulling the cart obeyed the order, and did not run far, and heard him yell again, and the carriage stopped there like a finger.

Obviously, Victor is very skilled in this kind of work, and he is proficient in manipulating the carriage.

Lin Feng hugged James and rode on his own horse, waved at old Howlett and said.

"Goodbye, Mr. Howlett, I will take care of James."

"If you miss him, send someone to Lin's Manor, and I will send him back to visit you."

Old Howlitt nodded and did not speak, but his eyes turned red and moist.

"It's really awkward to be arrogant at a lot of age, isn't it James?"

Softly teasing the kid in his arms, Lin Feng didn't wait for him to reply, he twitched the whip lightly, and the big white horse on his crotch began to trot.

James pursed his lips tightly, his small face frowning with a bitter face, he didn't cry, but there was a sense of sadness and despair.

At such a young age, after experiencing earth-shaking family changes, he still tried his best to be strong.

His little maid, Rose O'Hara, sadly wanted to break free from her mother and catch up with her distant companion, but she was held back by her mother again within a few steps.

After returning to Lin's Manor, Lin Feng took James' little hand and led him around the manor.

Victor, led by the guards, unloaded the suitcase from the car, and then led the horse to the stables.

In the auditorium of Lin's Manor, many servants and guards who received the news stood in silence.

More than 300 musketeers were so murderous that the servants dared not make a sound.

Lin Feng put his hands on James' shoulders and scanned the crowd in front of him.

Every face at the head of the musketeer column is so familiar. These men who accompanied him across the ocean to build a foundation in Ghana are loyal and loyal, and they are life-and-death friends who can be entrusted with their lives.

"I want to announce some good news today. James will live in the manor as my adopted son in the future. You must love and care for him as much as you respect me!"

"Lin Youde come out!"

A burly man with a scarred face took two steps forward and replied loudly.

"Here! Ask the patriarch to give instructions!"

Lin Feng nodded and continued.

"From now on, you are James' personal bodyguard, responsible for protecting his safety and teaching him the family martial arts of the Lin family!"

Lin Youde thumped his chest heavily with his right hand, making a dull impact sound.

"Subordinates obey!"

After arranging the affairs of James, Lin Feng took out the land transfer agreement with Mr. Howlett, and unfolded the boundary map attached to the agreement.

"This is 15,000 acres of land obtained from Mr. Howlett, and it will belong to our Lin family from now on!"

When everyone heard that the family business had gained an additional 15,000 mu of land, they cheered loudly involuntarily.

"Oh my god, the patriarch is too powerful to get so much land from 'Bloodmane'!"

"Isn't it? I've only heard that the Howlett family robs other people's land. When will they give away the land to others?"

"The family is getting stronger and stronger, and the patriarch treats us with generosity and kindness. I really want to serve the Lin family for generations, but it's a pity that the patriarch has not yet married a wife and had children."

"Yeah, even though I have a adopted son, it's not from the blood of the patriarch after all. I don't want to be loyal to someone with a foreign surname!"


What I said earlier is quite normal, land is the most important wealth in this era, especially for Daxia people, land is their lifeblood.

The 15,000 mu of land was so white that they were all happy and crazy, but gradually the topic drifted away, and everything was inseparable from the issue of the patriarch Lin Feng's heirs.

The discussion became more and more heated, and hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to Lin Feng who was standing opposite.

"Ahem, it's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. It's me who is marrying a wife, not you!"

After laughing and cursing, everyone was still full of eager anticipation.

Lin Feng no longer kept his secrets, and frankly told the last piece of good news.

"It is impossible to get married, but I can take a concubine, my lord!"

When they heard the first half of the sentence, more than 20 gun captains almost rioted, and they didn't smile until the second half of the sentence reached their ears.

For these fighting men, they don't care whether Lin Feng marries a wife or not, as long as they find a woman to give birth to children, so that their offspring can continue to follow and serve.

Not understanding what concubinage meant, those foreign musketeers quietly asked their captain.

"What an idiot, taking a concubine is equivalent to what you call a lover."

"Different from marrying a wife, taking a concubine is fine as long as the woman is beautiful, you understand now!"

It was only then that the group of foreigners suddenly realized, and they each had some ideas in their hearts.

Many wealthy businessmen and down-and-out nobles brought their daughters to the banquet last night. If this news is released, the threshold of Lin's manor may be broken.

If they can match up and make a marriage, not to mention how much property the master will reward, those rich businessmen and down-and-out nobles will not treat them badly.

Lin Feng looked at his subordinates winking, and knew that these guys were playing tricks.

However, this is also the result he wants to see when he releases the news in public. In the environment where almost everyone in Ghana believes in Christianity, the patriarch of the dignified Lin family is likely to be targeted by the church for publicly looking for a lover.

But when the subordinates released the news, if those rich businessmen and down-and-out nobles took the bait, the church could only turn a blind eye and close their eyes.

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