People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 59 The Longevity Family! Dance The World!

In Western mythology, there are many stories about mortals pursuing longevity, and there is such a sentence in them.

Immortality is both a blessing and a curse.

James Howlett said nothing at the funeral of his wife Rose O'Hara Howlett. He remembered many fairy tales he had read when he was a child, and also remembered what his adoptive father said at his wedding. He finally I understand this sentence in the story and what my adoptive father said, but the price is too heavy.

Without a heart strong enough to bear the pain of watching your loved ones and friends die in front of your eyes, but you have to live alone, then longevity is indeed a curse.

He is 80 years old this year. He started to learn to be an old man 30 years ago. Up to now, no matter his speech, behavior or appearance, he has not revealed his flaws under the careful dressing.

Perhaps the length of life really affects people's thinking and mentality, and performances are performances after all, and you can deceive outsiders but not deceive people who are good at it.

Even though he hunched over and controlled the slack and folds of the skin with fine-grained strength, concealed the sharp light in his eyes and made them look cloudy, and pretended to be forgetful from time to time, Rose still said before he died: James, you are still so young , I don't know how long I will wait for you in heaven, maybe forever is the best agreement.

Father Billy Bird held a microphone and recited the eulogy in a solemn and compassionate manner. The speakers on both sides amplified his voice so that everyone who came to the funeral could hear him very clearly. He no longer needed to raise his voice like his predecessors Sing the eulogy in bel canto.

Not far away, in the news interview vehicle parked by the side of the road, the reporters were eager to move. If they were not intimidated by the police officers from the Public Security Bureau standing around the funeral, they would have put the microphone into the mouth of the old patriarch Howlett and asked some explosive questions. It is a very good topic to get the praise of the boss, so as to get a promotion and a salary increase.

Suddenly, a team of Black and extended Lincolns drove to the road near the funeral under the police car. Using the microphone to urge the photographer to run to the parking position of the convoy, all the police cars clearing the way were forgotten at this moment.

God, Zongli Lin Anguo, who just took office in Ghana, actually came to the funeral of Howlett's old patriarch's wife. If he can successfully interview him [the newspaper office will reward them with at least 3,000 pounds.

Before they could get close, Lin Anguo came to the second car, opened the door, held the door with one hand, blocked the roof with the other hand, and waited for the people who got out of the car like a hotel doorman.

The reporters were startled. Could it be that Lin Feng, the founder of Ghana that is popular among the people, can make a head of state willing to serve as a servant?

Counting his age, he should be 100 years old. Even if he is still alive, he should lie on the bed and be served by servants for daily life. He should not have the energy to go to the funeral by car.

Before they could think of more possibilities, a large group of strong men in black suits and sunglasses came down from the back of the convoy. Body search.

These arrogant bodyguards ignored the press cards shown by the reporters, and even turned a deaf ear to the freedom of news interviews they kept saying that the law gave them. Special vehicle for RV.

The rest of the people in black gathered dozens of reporters together, and the leader took out a metal rod in the shape of a pen, and frowned at the messy reporters.

"Hey guys, look here!"

He yelled loudly, and the reporters looked over subconsciously.


A dazzling white light flashed, and the reporters fell silent instantly, staring straight ahead with dull eyes without black spots.

"Okay guys, forget about all the memories of seeing Master Lin An just now. Your equipment that was seized will be returned to you later, and your interview task is completed. Mr. James Howlett lost his beloved wife, Unconscious at the funeral and unable to be interviewed. Got it?"

The leading burly man in black followed the procedure and said that even ghosts would not believe it.

But the reporters repeated what he said, with bright smiles on their faces, but they couldn't hide their exhaustion, and their minds only wanted to go home and sleep.


The crisp applause woke up the stupefied crowd.

The reporters were at a loss for a while, and began to ask for their own equipment.

"Gentlemen, please give us back our things. It's big news that the old patriarch Howlett passed out at the funeral. You can't do this. This is an illegal act that violates the power of freedom of the press."

The leading burly man in black observed everyone's subtle expressions and found nothing abnormal. These reporters all accepted his fabricated memory.

Nodding imperceptibly, he pressed the headset and said a few words.

After a while, the man in black who took away the equipment before came back with the equipment, and returned the equipment in his hand to their owners accurately.

The reporters did not dare to make trouble when they took back their equipment. They knew very well that those who dared to do so were all powerful and powerful families in Ghana. Even the financial backers behind the newspaper office could not compete with such powerful families.

The leading burly man in black stared at all the reporters and got into the car. A dozen news vehicles gradually moved away, and then he walked into the line of seeing off relatives at the funeral, and said in the ear of a tall figure in hooded casual clothes .

"Master, it's all done, the photos have been put into the negatives of their cameras, the amnesiacs and fabrications are complete. Blue Bird will continue to follow them for a month, and there will be no accidents

Lin Feng nodded, he was very relieved of Shenwuwei's work.

If someone can recover his memory, then he will really encounter an accident and die unfortunately.

Even with the 30-year-old technology of the Lin family, it is still impossible to find out the method used by the Dan Jin warrior to kill without blood. The cause of death in the autopsy report can only be a heart attack and organ failure.

After the man in black finished his report, he watched quietly with him, and only after all the guests left did he come to James in the wheelchair.

"Father, Rose is gone, just like when grandpa left back then. Everything you said back then has come true, and I regret not listening to you. If I concentrate on practicing the new Wuji True Kungfu, I can assist Rose when I reach the third stage Once I practice Xuannv Yulong Jue, she won't leave me so early!"

Lin Feng looked awkwardly at the adopted son with a wrinkled face, and suddenly felt absurdly dislocated in time and space. He felt that he didn't want to pretend, and he probably hated the appearance of being old.

He hugged James tightly and whispered in his ear.

"Don't be sad, child, Rose left you, but we still have us. Arrange your funeral affairs, and return to Lin's Manor after your funeral. Your foster mothers and brothers and sisters miss you very much Oh, by the way, remember to bring Daken, Laura, and their children, our family has not been reunited for a long time!"

James was a little stunned, he didn't expect his adoptive father to urge him to 'die'.

Lin Feng patted his stooped back, told him the last word, then turned and left.

"Remember to make the coffin bigger, Aesir doesn't like small spaces!"

After returning to Lin's Manor, Lin Feng took off the hooded casual clothes, the Toad mirror and the mask that covered his face. His face was the same as 50 years ago, and the passage of time did not leave traces on him.

"Ahem! Master, I must remind you that the next time you go out, it is best to use bone shrinking and disguise surgery. The current technology is developing too fast, and there may be a method that can scan human bones to restore the appearance."

Butler Lin Shuhao cleared his throat, and reminded solemnly.

He is seven or eight years older than Lin Feng. Although his face is still the same as before, and he is tirelessly learning new scientific knowledge, his words, deeds and handling style are really like an old-school British butler in his seventies and eighties.

Glancing at the increasingly lax master, Howe coughed lightly.

"Okay, okay, Shu Hao, you are really different. Others are old-hearted, but you are young and old-hearted!"

"Look how good Angela is. She still maintains her mentality as a girl. She asked me for a Barbie doll yesterday, and she had a great time playing with her granddaughter Lin Xiangrong.

Lin Feng glared at him, not understanding that he still has more than 100 years to live, so he insisted on living with the mentality of an elderly person.

It's hard enough not being able to go out casually, and there's an old man in the house who pretends to be old, reminding you that it's 1913 and you're 100 years old.

In recent years, he has not easily appeared in front of the public and outsiders. The only people who can enter the Daming Palace to see him are Shenwuwei, who is also not old in the family, and some Ghanaian officials who have laid the stamp of thought.

In the eyes of outsiders, the helm of the super family, which is famous in more than 100 countries around the world, and the patriarch of the Lin family who controls Ghana and dominates many industries, has long been ill because of poor health. The search for rare treasures that can prolong life is intensified all over the world.

Definitely, in order to have a sufficient scientific explanation for reappearing in a young state in the future, the Lin family also vigorously supports emerging life science research.

Many famous biologists and cytologists gather in their own life science laboratories, and the laboratory is presided over by geneticist Johnson. He is the first to propose in the book "Principles of Precision Genetics" Scientist with gene concept.

Everyone in the world thinks that this is the last crazy struggle of a dying person who is attached to the prosperous world, trying to break free from birth, old age, sickness and death, the ultimate destination of mortals.

George V, the royal family of the British Empire, couldn't wait to hear the news that he was critically ill, so he published an article titled commemorative but actually mourning in the Times Evening News early.

The above records the impact of Lin Feng or the Lin family on the world for nearly a hundred years, secretly expressing many local conflicts among countries. Lin family.

Wealthy country is not an adjective in this article. The article has detailed statistics of all the industries of the Lin family on the surface, as well as the hidden industries spied on by the intelligence agencies of the British Empire. , It can be said that Sima Zhao's heart is well known.

After reading the article, Lin Feng couldn't help admiring George V's scheming. A single article stirred up the world.

This tactic of throwing stones and asking for directions is very familiar, and it even seduces the coveted Lin family in several countries with the most concentrated industries in the world. They seem to think that once the old and sick Lin Feng really dies, the wealth of the Lin family will be invincible. Like the fat on the chopping board, let them slaughter...

Gaul and Prussia became restless after getting the news, and began to find fault with the factories and enterprises run by the Lin family in their countries, either imposing huge fines for polluting the environment, or demanding closure of business for noise disturbance rectification.

Naturally, Lin Feng will not get used to their stinky problems. On the night they found fault, all the people who went to provoke the Lin family factories and enterprises all died of heart attacks at home. No useful clues were left at the scene, fingerprints, footprints and hair No wait.

Overnight, 136 lives in 21 cities in Gaul and Prussia were turned into a pot of icy cold water and poured on the hot-headed high-level officials of the two countries, helping them regain their sanity.

But the sequelae are that these politicians are frightened at night, even when they are dealing with women,

There must be bodyguards on guard.

Thinking about the changes in the world's political situation in the past few decades, Lin Feng casually leaned on the sofa and asked leisurely with his feet on the coffee table.

"Where is Aesir Sato, have you run out again?"

Butler Lin Shuhao curled his lips and said with a helpless sigh.

"Except for you, master, who else can control him! It's okay that he wasn't very capable when he was young, but he listened to our old fellows, but he is not as obedient as he was when he was young. His heart has changed when he is very capable.

Wild, running around outside all day and don’t know what you’re doing?”

He rambled on and on, like a teacher making small reports, pouring out his troubles to his parents.

Lin Feng blinked unnaturally a few times, he didn't expect to receive so many complaints when mentioning Aesir.

"Okay, I will discipline him, don't leave yourself so clean! This kid is so out of tune now, it's not brought out by you old guys.

While talking, a few wisps of black smoke came out from the study, and a tall and thin red figure suddenly appeared.


The figure falling in mid-air adjusted its posture, closed its eyes and fell on the sofa, paralyzed by Ge You.

"Hu Ke is exhausting me, I won't compare speed with An Yao next time. That guy's space teleportation magic is more natural than breathing, and the mirror space was actually changed into a space maze by him.

Almost got stuck inside and couldn't get out. "

Aesir murmured and complained to himself, completely oblivious to the adoptive father beside him and the housekeeper not far away.

"You kid still know to come back?"

There was anger in Lin Feng's low voice, he was complained by the old man just now that he was not good at attacking, and now this kid came to his door by himself, if he didn't give him a good reprimand, he would almost go to heaven.

Aesir was startled, and teleported from the sofa to the crystal lamp, carefully peeking at the face of the adoptive father.

"Father, you, why are you here? What can I do for you?"

His tail was wagging from side to side uneasily, his eyes were erratic, and he asked in an anxious tone.

Lin Feng beckoned and shouted impatiently.

"Come here! Sit down properly, don't stand or sit or sit, you are not a street hooligan, but the adopted son of the glorious and great head of the Lin family!"

Aesir Zuo jumped down from the crystal lamp obediently, and landed on the floor soundlessly and without any surprise, revealing his profound martial arts cultivation.

He is tall and tall now, 1.9 meters tall, wearing a colorful plaid shirt, with a few buttons on his chest unbuttoned, exposing his well-developed chest muscles. 1.9

However, he has grown taller, but he has no flesh on his body, and is still so thin, but now he is no longer a big-headed son, and his big head looks much more coordinated under his tall body.

Lin Feng saw that he was standing upright, his eyeballs were still looking around, so he snorted coldly.

Aesir shuddered all over, and suddenly didn't dare to look around, keeping his eyes level.

Lin Feng stared at him and said in a bad tone.

"Look at what you look like now, you are so flirtatious, you are handsome with long bangs that can cover your eyes? Do you know how to call a young man like you in Daxia? No, Gudao

Boy, you're a low-level person who's mixed up in three religions and nine streams!"

Aesir Zuo seemed to be frightened, he had never seen his adoptive father get so angry that he was speechless.

Seeing that he was so frightened, Lin Feng stopped speaking harshly, and spoke in a more serious tone in a calmer tone.

"You go to James and discuss with him the time of burial. After the coffin is buried, bring James back from the coffin, understand?"

Aesir nodded again and again, he could do whatever his adoptive father asked him to do, just stop scolding him, otherwise he would be scared to death.

"Go, remember to avoid the crowd, your will bending is not just for picking up girls, if someone sees it, remember to erase his memory."

Just as Lin Feng finished speaking, a large cloud of black smoke rose, and Aesir's figure disappeared without a trace.

"Brat, you run so fast, you don't know how to say goodbye politely!"

After scolding Aesir, he looked out the window and muttered to himself.

"Hiding now is for the sake of magnanimity in the future, and it is not so far away from the time when our Changsheng family will appear in front of the world with integrity.

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Lin Feng was waiting for the guy who smashed the first glass of the new house to appear.

Once the broken window effect appears, people will gradually get used to it. At that time, no one will think that the longevity of the Lin family, Mutant, is a monster. .

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