People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 61 Capture Mystique! Aesir Zuo's Spring!

Lin's Manor, Special Affairs Management Department Building.

Lin Guodong in disguise listened to the piercing siren, a flash of apricot light flashed in his eyes, and he tried again with his hands on the energy characteristic verifier at the door of the 084 special equipment warehouse

"Beep! The energy characteristic verification has not passed, and the active defense strategy is activated. Please don't move around or kill it immediately!"

As soon as the voice in the speaker changed, it became sharp and sharp, and at the same time, there were more than a dozen holes in the ceiling and wall, and the black muzzle of the gun protruded.

The disguised Lin Guodong tried to take a step, and all the muzzles moved accordingly, and the warning sound sounded again.

"Active defense strategy has been activated, warning again, please do not move or kill immediately!"

Hearing the ear-piercing warning sound, the disguised Lin Guodong sighed, and ripples appeared on his body, accompanied by the flipping of fine scales, a woman with blue fine scale skin and strange patterns appeared in the corridor.

Mystique, Raven Darkholm!

Her mutant Ability is very special, it can simulate anyone's appearance and breath, and change the position of internal organs in critical moments to avoid fatal injuries.

This is because she failed to tap into the potential of her mutant Ability. If she can fully develop it to the limit, then the perfect Sentry based on Mystique's genes in the future will be the limit of her Ability.

"As expected of the Special Affairs Management Department of the Lin family, the defense measures are much stricter than military bases, but it is impossible to keep my Mystique!"

It took very little time for Raven to return to his original form, so fast that the active defense system had no time to react.

The blue scales on her body rippled again, and after a while, her image was completely new from head to toe.

This time, she transformed into Lin Feng's appearance. She raised her head and raised her middle finger at the ceiling monitor, and walked towards the elevator swaggeringly.

Now that the alarm has been triggered, with the response speed of the Lin Family Special Affairs Management Department, there is only 3 minutes to evacuate at most.

Raven has discovered that the technology of this building is very advanced since he cheated fingerprint and bone verification before.

There are many security measures and equipment that were unheard of before, but the existence of the security system that is responsible for managing this security system has a fatal flaw, that is, the mechanical dogma does not know how to adapt.

Obviously through the verification of energy characteristics, he found that he was a counterfeit, and he had to give a warning, but 703 didn't immediately disconnect the gun and shoot.

It can be seen that as long as she transforms into a person with a high enough status, it is very likely that the other party will not dare to shoot at all.

So Raven resolutely chose the image of Lin Feng from the newspaper, ignored the wailing siren, and walked to the elevator door lightly

Sure enough, as she expected, the gun muzzles on the ceiling and wall followed her figure, and did not shoot for a long time.

"Program error and logic disorder, requesting authorization from the supreme commander, the system needs to be restarted!"

"Program error and logic disorder, requesting authorization from the supreme commander, the system needs to be restarted!"

The electronic sound coming from the speaker confirmed Raven's idea.

In the monitoring room of the special affairs management department, Lin Guodong slammed his fist hard on the workbench. The force of several thousand kilograms only made the workbench slightly dented, and it returned to smoothness after a while.

"No wonder the master suddenly ordered the action to be suspended, waiting for him to deal with the intruder. It turns out that it is an Ability who can imitate and transform."

"If she transforms into someone else, the main control system won't crash. She dares to transform into the master. Not to mention the smart brain of the master control system, which is restricted by the master, we will be dazed even if we encounter it."

"Even if you are stunned for a second when a master is fighting, it is enough for the enemy to kill you several times. When the hateful blue-skinned monster catches her, I must peel off her skin with my own hands.'


Along with the black smoke, a red figure appeared in the monitoring room and asked him casually.

"Uncle Guodong, whose skin are you going to peel?"

Lin Guodong turned his head when he heard the voice, and said angrily.

"Aesir is you, what about the master, why didn't he come?"

After the black smoke dissipated, Aesir responded with a playful smile, wearing a floral shirt and showing off his firm chest muscles.

"Father, he was almost here, but Aunt Ilinas in the Fatty Palace got pregnant. "Father, he can only save my unborn brother or sister first!"

After saying hello, he looked up at the monitoring screen, his face immediately darkened.

Lin Guodong suddenly realized that it is not surprising that he would do such a thing according to the importance the master places on his heirs.

Anyway, the building of the Special Affairs Management Department has been completely sealed off. All the passages, elevators and exits have been sealed by special alloy steel plates.

"Since the master has made a move, Mrs. Illinas will be safe for mother and child, but your son will go to Howlett Manor to meet James. Is the matter over?"

Aesir Zuo stared fixedly at the figure on the monitor screen, turning a deaf ear to Lin Guo's question.

"How dare you pretend to be Dad, I will kill him!"

After speaking, black smoke rose from his body, and his figure disappeared from the monitoring room in a flash.

Lin Guodong reached out to stop him but was a step too late, and sighed helplessly.

"The brat ran too fast and didn't say anything about the master's new order. The young man is too impulsive!"

The team member next to him shrugged and said with a light smile.

"Captain, don't worry about it. Aesir can teleport, even if he can't beat him, nothing will happen. Besides, his martial arts cultivation has reached the peak. That intruder may not be Aesir's opponent!"

Lin Guodong didn't speak, he was looking at the screen in the monitoring room.

Aesir flashed to the elevator on the 8th floor, appeared behind 'Lin Feng', strangled the opponent's neck with his slender arms, pierced the opponent's forehead with tearing air sounds, and hovered over the That.

"Don't move! Show your original shape, or I will kill you immediately!"

The advantage of space teleportation is vividly reflected, even though Raven heard the bang, just as he was about to turn around and kick to attack the enemy behind him, his neck was already tightly strangled.

Aesir Zuo Jian restrained her, curled up her tail instead of her arms, tightly strangled her neck, and slowly turned her body in front of her.

Raven slowly raised his hands, with shock and surprise in his eyes.

Blue's scales flipped and returned to their original form.

The skin of her whole body is indigo-blue fine scales, and there are strange bumpy lines from the face to the torso and limbs, with some yellowish-brown spots and stripes mixed in, her eyes are apricot yellow and the pupils are constricted into vertical needles, and her hair is the same color as her hair. Very unique dark red.

Ignoring the strange skin color and texture, the facial features are beautiful and handsome, and the cheeks are slightly baby fat.

"Would you please put your tail away? Look at your skin and shape, it's completely different from humans. We are the same kind and not the enemy."

"I don't know if you were controlled, or bewitched, to work under that man, and to respect him like a god and not allow anyone to offend you in the slightest.


Aesir Zuo's tail slightly contracted with the force of thousands of catties, and he could feel the captive's bones were about to burst.

"Shut up, if I didn't see that you are a Mutant, I would strangle your neck right now."

"Dad is in my heart, not only a father but also a god of faith, who rescued me from hell and lived a dignified and upright life.

Raven didn't give up, chuckled and mocked.

"It turned out to be a loyal dog domesticated by humans, no wonder I became anxious when I became your master!"


Raven let out a groan, struggling to breathe.

The cartilage of her throat cracked under the pressure of the huge force, and blood dripped from the corner of her mouth onto the ground.


An electric bell rang and the elevator doors opened behind them.

Lin Feng put his hands in his pockets and came to Raven.

He has no interest in Mystique. There is a saying that there are all kinds of good-looking skins, and interesting souls are one in a million.

Lin Feng has already passed the stage of purely pursuing the sensual stimulation of appearance. The beauties in the palace are all beautiful and rich in poses. If you want to have a good appearance and a good figure, why bother to find a woman who can only change her appearance.

"Mystique Raven, born in Manchester, British Empire in 1835, was rejected by his parents because of his Awakening Ability, and was sent to the local church to be executed at the stake. On the way, he encountered a gang conflict, and unfortunately your parents died. You relied on your transformation ability to sneak into the gang , met Handa ninja Takeda Hanzo." 1

"Afterwards, you followed him to learn ninja fighting skills, became a peripheral member of the Hand, received tasks from Takeda Hanzo, used the mutant ability to sneak into the target and kill them, or steal important information in exchange for generous rewards!"

Raven's face is indigo blue, and nothing has changed, but her eyes are full of consternation.

"Impossible, how could you know? Could it be that there is a blue bird in the Hand Association, the fucking Takeda Hanzo is too incompetent" to let people sneak into the stronghold of the Fenghe Association without knowing it.

The task target has revealed all his old stories in front of his face, is there anything more absurd than this?

Especially what happened when she was young, she only told Takeda Hanzo.

Apparently the man didn't keep his promise, but leaked it to others in the Hand, most likely the head of the stronghold, Nobunaga Miyamoto.

Aesir Zuo grinned, and slowly let go of the arms that strangled her.

"You still want to keep a secret in front of Dad. You really think too much. You'd better be honest in front of him, otherwise you will be offended."

Raven rubbed his neck lightly, the tissue near the split throat bone swelled up, if it were Common human beings At the moment, they would already have difficulty breathing and go into shock.

she asked in confidence.

"You mean he's also a Mutant? How could those humans be willing to be ruled by a Mutant?"

Aesir Zuo shrugged, and retreated behind Lin Feng.

"Let me tell you the facts, lest you still think about it!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said that the Mind Control Ability invaded her brain and controlled the motor nerve center, but did not interfere with other areas.

"Let's dance, Mystique, how about ballet?"

As soon as the words fell, Raven found that her legs and feet couldn't move.

I couldn't help standing on tiptoe and dancing the ballet, and the movements were still very skillful.

"No, don't! Stop, stop!"

She wanted to cover her face in embarrassment, but her hands were still waving in the air, and her dancing posture became more and more graceful.

Aesir Zuo was watching vigorously, and secretly winked at the old man.

It was the first time he saw a girl who was so similar to himself, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart, and his tail flicked back and forth.

"Father, let her go. There is an old saying in Daxia that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. I have learned it well!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at him, and this kid is more intelligent than usual when it comes to picking up girls and fighting.

"For the sake of Aesir's pleading for you, let you go for a while, and make the most important choice in your life now!"

"Be a hero and die stubbornly, or surrender to me in exchange for a chance to live?"


He snapped his fingers, stopped manipulating Raven's limbs, and waited for her answer.

Aesir Zuo came to her side, poked Indigo Blue's arm with his fingers, and said softly.

"Hey Blue girl, I advise you to know the current affairs as a gentleman, don't refuse this rare opportunity.

If I hadn't begged for mercy, you'd be a Deadman by now!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, the guy who forgot his father dared to slander him.

Is he such a bloodthirsty person?

Men always save face in front of the girl they like, let this brat be proud for a while, and then deal with him well later, lest he can't tell the file size king.

Raven was also speechless, and felt that Aesir was so silly and cute.

By winking under his own eyelids, is he treating her as blind?

"I choose to surrender, but there is one condition, I hope you agree!"

"Can you stop controlling me and do something shameful!

She grew up in gangsters, and later lived in the Hand. She is the person who knows how to use all favorable conditions to achieve her goals. When making requests, she deliberately pretends to be weak and pitiful

The eyes still look expectantly at Aesir from time to time.


As expected, Aesir Zuo, who had a spring heart, couldn't wait to wink his eyebrows.

Lin Feng frowned, and wrote down another note in his small notebook.

However, it is the first time for a child to have true feelings for a girl, so it is still necessary to save him some face.

He still remembers that Mystique Raven and Aesir Zuo had a child in the comics. The appearance is the same as Aesir Zuo, but the skin inherits Mystique's Blue, which is the night walker in X-Men

by Kurt Wagner.

No wonder Aesir's heart flutters when he sees Raven, maybe this is the fate.

"This request is not too much, I agreed, just this one time, do you understand?"

Although Lin Feng promised not to manipulate her brain anymore, but the thought seal must be planted. This woman often jumps back and forth between Magneto and Professor X, so I have to guard against her


Silently, the mind-controlling ability sneaked into her brain, engraving deep in her mind the imprint of being forever loyal to herself.

Unconsciously, Raven nodded again and again. She was powerless to resist the man in front of her who could easily control her brain, so it would be better to take refuge with him.

There is a saying in the British Empire, if you can't beat him, join him.

The smile on Aesir's face faded.

He understood that this sentence was not only for Raven, but also for his father to warn himself not to try to interfere with his will again. .

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